
PS4 Exclusive Tomorrow Children Uses New Ray Tracing Tech with Real Reflections; More Info Shared

Today at Gamescom in a presentation Q-Games President Dylan Cuthbert shared more details about the lovely PS4 exclusive The Tomorrow Children, which was introduced yesterday with an impressive trailer.

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Omran3602d ago

Impressive Info

thanks Abriael

user14394143602d ago

Sony are amazing :) I cant wait to see some of this new tech :)


I knew it from the look of it that it uses a ray tracing, very obvious from the most advanced lighting

elazz3602d ago

That game looked so special. I liked it. Hope it releases soon

ThunderSpark3602d ago (Edited 3602d ago )

That is how you know that you won Gamescon. When your games are constantly being talked about positively, you won. Sony brought a plethora of high quality games across different genres and it was an amazing day for them. Two Wii-u only friends of mine are getting the Ps4 now because of Rime. Ps4 is the new Ps2.

@Below: And not for good reasons either. That is not what I would call positive press. Ps4 games are all receiving positive press right now.

360ICE3602d ago

Then again, Lara Croft's exclusivity deal with MS is taking up the nr 1, 2 and 4 spot on N4G's top news list riht now.

amiga-man3602d ago (Edited 3602d ago )

Unfortunately for all the wrong reasons, it was the only real announcement MS made other than that there was nothing new or surprising.

The fact that a timed exclusive (probably) made their whole show only highlights how weak their performance was.

Jdoki3602d ago


That may be so, but as amiga-man stated, it's not for good reasons it's 1, 2 or 4.

It's lucky there's so much noise about it, as otherwise Microsoft would be getting no press at all.

As much as I'm looking forward to playing the big XB1 games, they really lost Gamescom hard when compared to the interesting line-up Sony showed.

Almost every reveal was exciting... Whereas MS just re-ran / expanded on their E3 line up for the most part.

Notramagama3602d ago

Opinions opinions opinions.. Sony was good. Ms was too. They just had the tr megaton

Jdoki3602d ago (Edited 3602d ago )


It's a sad day for gamers when a megaton is classed as a game we knew about a few months ago went from multi-plat to exclusive.

I prefer my megatons to be about new and exciting announcements in the industry.

360ICE3602d ago (Edited 3602d ago )

I agree it's for the wrong reasons, but judging by N4G, it seems to be what most people are talking about, so I'd say that runs contrary to how ThunderSpark suggests you know you won E3.

That was all.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3602d ago
morganfell3602d ago


This was just one of the games that shocked me. But out of everything Wild just blew my mind. Completely out of left field and 100% amazing.

Jdoki3602d ago

Yeah it was stunning. It kinda reminded me of the old Xbox game that got cancelled.. Called, BC I think. Don't know why - just suddenly triggered a memory.

Wild definitely captured my imagination. it'll be interesting to see what type of game they wrap around the concept.

The only slight negative is that it makes me wonder if Beyond Good and Evil 2 will really ever see the light of day - as this game seems so ambitious and time consuming for Wild Sheep - how much time can Ancel be dedicating to BGaE2 back at Ubisoft.

Evilsnuggle3602d ago


That is exactly what was was thinking about when I was Wild the cancelled Peter Molyneux game B.C . I was crushed by the cancelation of B.C . But now we can play Wild instead . I'm really excited about Wild , Rime and The tomorrow children. All these Sony executives look fresh , new and creative . Games like these are why I prefer SONY over Xbox. Microsoft executives are always the same shooters , racing and action games . Microsoft never take risks like Sony . Microsoft makes games just for one demographic 13-25 male gamers.

Brugal3602d ago


That is true. However, the general sentiment on those posts are not in a positive light, but from people being surprised and upset at the fact that the game will be exclusive to one console.

Fishy Fingers3602d ago

Visually one of the best looking games I saw at Gamescom. Doesn't have to wow factor of The Order or Quantum Break but the textures and surfaces almost looked real.

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Throughout the history of video games, there have been titles that permanently shifted the industry. These games are generally not hard to spot, as their influence quickly earned them a place in our pop culture. Tetris, Super Mario 64, Halo, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, or The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, each of these games caused massive shifts in their respective genres and gaming as a whole. But for each of these, there are also games whose influence, though significant, is largely forgotten.

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The Tomorrow Children Ditches Free-To-Play Feature on Relaunch

The Tomorrow Children is going to be a one-time purchase game now after the decision of Q-Games goes through.

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Elda865d ago

No one is buying that tired game again.

Loktai864d ago

I'm glad to see it back. I was actually sad when it shut down

Eizhale864d ago (Edited 864d ago )

I enjoyed this game and was sad to see it go. It’s strange and satisfying all at once. I look forward to playing it again.


A second chance for The Tomorrow Children

From GI.biz: "Towards the tail end of 2021, Q-Games accomplished something very rare in this industry: it had reclaimed its intellectual property, specifically for PS4 exclusive The Tomorrow Children.

In the announcement tweet, the Japan-based company described it as "a historical move by Sony Interactive Entertainment" and it's hard to argue with that. The game was originally published as a second-party title, funded by PlayStation, and it's typical for the platform holder to retain the IP rights in such a partnership."

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