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GameStop the Hate

By Cyrus Martin

Ok, so first let me address the obvious. I have written a couple of editorials that have been criticized and viewed as controversial because I took a stance that was interpreted to be “negative”. Some fans of some things just have a really thin skin and can’t abide any opinion that differs from their own. I expect to see somewhat of a similar reaction to this piece but not because I am going to go negative here… I am actually going to go hard core positive. Normally saying good things about a topic would not be very controversial at all but this is different. Today, I dare to offer praise to the most popular target for hatred in the gaming community. Yes, I’m talking about Gamestop.

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Community3699d ago
equal_youth3699d ago

i hate gamestop as much as i hate digital buys :/
local privat retailers are ur friends but maybe its just in my country that way cause germany u know..

guitarded773699d ago

I like my local GameStop employees... but I hate GameStop. The only thing I buy from them is launch consoles because I can get it at midnight. For games I can wait on UPS since they get it to the door launch day.

Prime1573699d ago (Edited 3699d ago )

I used to work at one, hate it as well.

But I can't tell you how many people yelled at me when I told them the trade value of their "new(ish) game."

I hate GameStop because the uppers push the clerks (incentivising without having an incentive) to SELL to (usually ignorant) customers rather than help them to find a game.

Not to mention other stupid decisions like putting live product (systems) by the front door then yelling at manager on duty who had no one else working at the time ...because they don't give stores enough hours to keep staffed with 2 people at given time.... that someone ran out with 3 systems.

I have more qualms, but back on topic...

The customer often is the reason that the same customer leaves unhappy.... I truly believe that... I've had one bad restaurant experience that i can recall, and even less retail... yet some people have many PER week/month/ect.. basically, you create good or bad (shopping) experiences around you. Live and learn.

ScottyHoss3699d ago

Yeah idiot I used to work with was bragging about grabbing some PS3s that were on sale a few years back with his buddies -_- douche move but they put them there, but they're just boxes now... Right?

BattleN3699d ago

Instead of us hating each other on the basis of what console we prefer let us hate gamestop!

derrickgott0073700d ago

The opened game sold as new ENRAGES me! I bought Skate 3 as "New" and the DLC codes for directors mode were missing. Gamestop refused to give me the codes or refund my money.

DaleCooper3700d ago

I can't stand that either. I refuse to take those copies when they try to sell me that.

BattleN3699d ago

I'd rather give away my games instead of trading them into gamestop

Concertoine3700d ago

I worked for gamestop for about two months, very unpleasant first job. I did get dibs on the pounds of stuff they destroyed or threw out on a weekly basis though.

Xbot3603700d ago

I bet this guy is a PS4 fanboy sony pony.

cyrusmartin3700d ago

We all have our own unique experiences with Gamestop. I have had bad ones too. I've had more positive then bad though. I hear people slamming them all day long every day and saying that they hope Gamestop goes out of business and in fact all brick and mortars go out of business. That may eventually happen but I do not look forward to it. I'd much rather have a store like Gamestop available to me then be at the mercy of direct download only or online ordering. Department stores stock some games and accessories but not nearly as many and the selection offered at Best Buy can't really compare. Of course, people want them to go out of business too. I think people are just whiners. The great American pass time is to complain. If we didn't have Gamestop then we would all complain about whatever the remaining options were. If you don't like this store then don't shop there. Quit making everyone else listen to you carry on and on about it. Some of us are getting some good deals. It's not for everyone. Nothing is. They are in no way perfect though and as I said in the article, I agree that they have some really annoying policies and employees. Every store does.

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GameStop Retro: Too Little, Too Late? | 1-up Geeks

GameStop is one of the last remaining relics from a bygone era where stores like Blockbuster, Game Crazy, Hollywood Video, and many others were found on every corner. If you…

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Community17d ago
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deanomac9817d ago

GameStop Retro could work if it's inspired by the UK's CeX

Don't laugh at GameStop Retro. If it turns into anything like the United Kingdom's CeX, it might be onto something.

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Community18d ago
OtterX18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Eh, I have a love/hate relationship with CeX. We have several dozen of them here in Portugal.

I've found some really good deals sometimes, especially like PSP games. But at the same time, it's absolutely insane that they charge full price for a number of used consoles. I've read the reasoning is, they're made for people who are trading in stuff and can turn around and use their credit towards them. As a Walk-In though, it's absolutely crazy. I went in a bit over a week ago to look at the Playstation Portals. They had them priced at €220 used! I walked away and found them brand new on a Sale for €175 at FNAC, so I finally picked one up.

Gamestop Retro could do good by looking at stores like CeX, learning what they do well, but also acknowledging where they lack, and try to improve upon it. It's funny, I was working at Gamestop in the States back in 2005 when we were removing all the Retro product from the store, and we were even ordered to field destroy a ton of low value games, such as old PS1 sports games. (They actually had us snip the discs, then throw them in the dumpster) my, how we've come full circle now with Gamestop Retro!

Gamingsince198118d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Here in Australia they sell used ps5s for pretty much brand new retail price, they are crazy, they give good money for stuff though but their prices are way too high on alot of stuff. My local cex is selling used gpus for more than retail lol

andy8518d ago

Honestly don't know how CEX are still in business. Half the shop window you can go out and buy the same things new for cheaper most of the time 😂

Inverno18d ago

I don't think it can work at all in any way tbh. They are mostly just trying whatever they could to get people into their stores and retro gaming is a bit of a enthusiast hobby. Anyone who wants anything related to retro gaming won't consider going into a GameStop.


GameStop pivots to retro gaming at select locations

GameStop is pivoting to retro games at select locations. As the industry moves to digital media — and the retailer struggles to adapt to the shifting landscape — the company is betting on the old school.

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Community24d ago
cammers199523d ago

They better do something. The stores near me only sell mostly collectables and a very small amount of games.

FinalFantasyFanatic23d ago

Compared to say 2 years ago, I barely see any games in my town's either, there's barely one wall of games (almost half of it is taken up by controllers and other stuff anyway). I don't even walk into there to see what the new releases are anymore.

23d ago Replies(1)
Inverno23d ago

Used to be you walked into their stores and see GB/GBA/N64 games behind the glass despite the PS2 being the newest console out at the time. Now it's PS4/Xbone in the far right corner of the store with a tiny current gen section up front and the rest of the walls covered in ugly Funko pops and a whole lotta collectible figurines. Lame as hell dood, their stores are depressing. Same with Hot Topic, it's like games and goth/alt stuff have been completely replaced with this weeb stuff.

SonyStyled23d ago

Looking through those glass cases at Funcoland with your GameBoy to try each one was childhood bliss

FinalFantasyFanatic23d ago

Is it really weeb stuff when it's all Funko pops, T-shirts, Minecraft, controllers, mice and keyboards? Or at least, that's all I see in my local store.

I also thought Funko Pops were falling out of popularity, but I'm still seeing them everywhere.

Profchaos23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

I love this move with more games going digital there clearly more shelf space and going retro via a chain gives us more choice for how and where we buy retro games and more regulated pricing which since covid retro game pricing has gone batsh"t insane.

I hope they take this international as EB games in Australia these days is like 20 percent games and 80 percent junk items like Pokemon Ramen Bowles and geeky clotheslines and just clearly dumb items. And we do have retro stores but they are few and far between here your basically forced to ship items around which is another expense

ZoboomafooFan23d ago

I for one would love this change. I miss wandering in and walking out with a used retro console and a few games

JEECE23d ago

Seriously. I'm never going to buy modern games in there but I absolutely would go in if they had a decent N64 selection.

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