
Is Sony Teasing an Until Dawn Project Morpheus Reveal for Gamescom?

It appears that Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) might be teasing a the return of a long-lost PlayStation exclusive videogame for Gamescom next week. The company recently released a teaser trailer and image of a snowflake (seen below), linking it to the event, where it will hold a press conference on 12th August 2014. It could well be that this snowflake relates to Until Dawn, first revealed a few years back for the PlayStation 3 and now rumoured to be heading to PlayStation 4 with support for the Project Morpheus virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD). Could this be the long-awaited return of the title? Let's look at the facts.

MegaSceptile3701d ago

ohh baby mega sceptile likee likee

aerisbueller3701d ago

I can't wait for VR to arrive in full-force. I plan on getting a Morpheus and an Oculus.

funkybudda3701d ago

I will be passing on Oculus, I dont trust facebook when it comes to gaming...

Check out this funny youtube:

aerisbueller3701d ago (Edited 3701d ago )

Ehh. I've heard that a thousand times. Oculus isn't even a platform exactly. It's a peripheral, like a monitor or a pair of shutter goggles. And they are still legally obligated (regardless of 2billion) to deliver on the Kickstarter promises. A boatload of devs already have the SDKs and are mid-development. Also, regardless of how nightmarishly orwellian facebook is or becomes, the Oculus can't really be ruined by facebook anymore. If they even tried there would be plenty of volunteers (with Valve first in line) to fill that space.

And say what you want about Zuckerberg, he's young enough that I think this was as much about him trying on the goggles and feeling giddy excitement as it was about business.

Lastly, I'm assuming that Morpheus graphics will look like high end ps3 games (no knock on PS4, but it's twice as many polys to render), whereas Oculus games will look like high end PC games.

EDIT: just watched the vid. pretty funny :)

fOrlOnhOpe573701d ago

Wouldn't a Morpheus game reveal be putting the cart before the horse?

djplonker3701d ago

That would be like revealing a console without any games to go with it I imagine if you go back and watch the kinect/move reveal it will be full of games demostrating why people would want one.... I think XD

r213701d ago

Its a likely candidate and would make sense why UD hasnt been shown since some years ago. Gonna be an interesting GC this year.

equal_youth3701d ago

make it playable at gamescom!! the puplic needs to get their hands on project morpheus :D

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Until Dawn PC features and specs revealed, out October 4

Experience the horror of Blackwood Mountain for the first time on PC.

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TheNamelessOne10d ago

Loved the game. Will definitely double dip for this, as long as they didn't botch the remake. Be waiting for a bit of a sale though.


Until Dawn, rebuilt and enhanced for PS5 and PC, launches October 4

Discover the enhancements in graphics, gameplay, story elements, and more.

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TheNamelessOne38d ago

I'll wait for a price drop on PC, but I'll buy this a second time.


Until Dawn PS5, PC Remake Is Still on Its Way as Age Rating Surfaces

Set to scare all over again this year

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