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EA Access subscription service on Xbox One points towards the future

Dealspwn: "An exciting initiative, then, but one with plenty of questions still to be answered. How often will the Vault roster change? Will we see annual subscriptions roll out beyond the US? Just how long is the "limited time" period upcoming games can be played for ahead of release? As we've seen with the spluttering Games With Gold, balance will be key."

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Community3710d ago
fonger083710d ago

This looks like a direct blow to Gamestop honestly. Not that Gamestop will lose a lot from EA offering only a hand full of titles, but with PS Now on the horizon, and possibly with Ubisoft, Activison, or Squarenix taking cue from EA with a subscription service, it's definitely going to hit hard at Gamestop.

NeoGamer2323710d ago

This will probably be a blow to the PSN+ and GwG services as well.

I would assume that EA will probably stop offering their titles through these services. And if others follow the cue, then GwG and PSN+ will become a channel for first party games and Indie games only.

fonger083710d ago

I didn't really think about that, but I'm sure Sony gives EA along with all the other publishers compensation for hosting their games on the PS+ service. So if there's money to be made by having games up on both services, I'm a money hungry company like EA will take full advantage.

jnemesh3710d ago

They are most definitely going after GameStop here...but it's very shortsighted of them. EA execs (and MS, for that matter) can't get over the fact that players to buy used games also buy new ones. They keep thinking of used game sales as "lost revenue" instead of an opportunity to engage the players who often spend the MOST money on games! Fools!

Oh, and if "EA Access" is the "future of gaming", I am gonna dust off my 3DO and PS2 and go back to just playing old, offline games! I will NEVER give EA ONE RED CENT of my money after the crap they have been pulling lately!

andydalum3710d ago

What have they been pulling that you are referring to just curious.

SniperControl3710d ago


"What have they been pulling that you are referring to just curious"

Releasing broken games, BF4 was a total farce, SimCity was a joke. Half the games they release have some sort of major issue, yet they constantly pump out DLC for these games without fixing the issue until further into the games life.

Bigpappy3710d ago

Sony said that PS fans don't see value in the service. They seem to be correct on that sentiment with some of the users on N4G, but I would advise them to ask PS user-base before making such claims.

If you are a gamer who intends to buy your games digitally, paying $30/yr to get them all at 10% discount could be very attractive. I can see this as a first move towards offering gamers even greater bargains as UBi and Activision decide to offer competing services. If that happens, PS+ will not be able to offer games from these 3rd party at a discount. Sony will have to allow other services to run on PS.

Clogmaster3710d ago

Yeah, they shouldn't generalize the consumer base

DeadRabbits3710d ago

Think Netflix run by Gordon Gekko!!! Thats your future right there!

SniperControl3710d ago (Edited 3710d ago )

I still dont understand why people want to pay to play demos and old games? Also once you cancel your sub, you lose access to those old games.

EAA,PSN,XBL, Origin are just rip off services, many of you on here are talking about the 10% discount on new games, what you dont think about is the rip of prices these services are charging for each game in the first place. Games are at least £15 more expensive on these services than buying a hardcopy from a retailer or online store. Your 10% discount still wont match buying the hardcopy game.

JeffGUNZ3710d ago

This is very important. Depending on how this goes, many companies could follow EA's move if it is successful.

stuna13710d ago (Edited 3710d ago )

And we would all be back to square one on that faithful day the Xbox1 was unveiled! Digital distribution, no trade in value, Microsoft selecting who they would designate as as distributers/trade-in waypoints, blocking game sharing, because physical media is now digital media, more games becoming Internet extensive etc.

The subtlety is almost unnoticable, but quick quick question! Wasn't it these same two companies jostling around in the same bed that they are now in? And they haven't even given the juices time to dry up!


With PS+ have a total of 5 accounts across 2 PS3's, a PS4, a PS Vita and, yes a PSP, but to clarify 1 of those PS3's belongs to my youngest son, and the PSP belongs to my older son. All in all that's still 5 different outlets for gaming and they're not strictly confined to me.

Volkama3710d ago

But this time the value proposition is front and centre. Good value is all it takes for people to go along with DRM. How often do you see people complain about Playstation Plus?

WeAreLegion3710d ago

1) That's not DRM.

2) Go to the article about this month's PS Plus lineup. Most of them are complaining.

MasterCornholio3710d ago


PlayStation plus does have DRM but its not a system that forces you to connect to the internet once every 24 hours. I'm on vacation and the router here is so badly configured that I can't connect my Vita to the internet. Even without an internet connection on my Vita I can still play all the games that I got with PlayStation plus. With a check in system I wouldn't be able to play games like Dragons Crown for example. Its a fun RPG and I highly recommend it.

IrishSt0ner3710d ago (Edited 3710d ago )

Yea I somewhat agree, I'm not fully on board yet... waiting to see first. I do like the idea though, you'll get to play games you'd never purchase, which in turn you may actually enjoy. 10% off and early access is also nice.

BG115793710d ago

People tend to forget this is EA that they are talking about.
At the beginning it will be all "huuuu... Haaaaa... Amazing...". But with time they will understand that the games will be all about Dlc and pay to win.
We see this with almost all free-to-play.

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EA Access on Steam Will Lack Premiere Option

Electronic Arts has unveiled how EA Access will be arriving on Steam and 'coming soon'.

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The Crysis Trilogy Joins EA Access Vault

Featuring the complete nanosuit experience, The Crysis Trilogy has now joined the EA Access vault as a title that's free for those that subscribe to the EA service on Xbox One consoles.

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Games1st1538d ago (Edited 1538d ago )

Just in time for those that got the month trial.

DrDeath1538d ago

Wait? There is more than one? lol


EA Access Coming To Steam, Along With Plenty Of EA Games

It's been revealed that EA Access will be coming to Steam in the near future, as various EA games have been added to the storefront.

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