
Halo 2: Anniversary Screenshots Show off Zanzibar

Moments after new Halo 2: Anniversary screenshots were unveiled to the world, the multiplayer-loving world was given a H2:A treat in the form of a new batch of screenshots showcasing the beloved Zanzibar map’s updated new visuals.

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Axios23610d ago

Looks terrific, can't wait

3-4-53610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

Instant Nostalgia. Game looks good.

BigBosss3610d ago

Those graphics! impressive! :O

HAMM3RofBUDDHA3610d ago

Going to be one of the best values in gaming in 2014.

marlinfan103610d ago

not just 2014. one of the best values ever. really can't wait for this.

Lawboy23610d ago

Yes I totally agree..I feel 2014 has been packed with games to play a lot of new ip and a lot of great values

BallsEye3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

My most anticipated game in 2014! Can't wait to do some team doubles and try to keep up the good rank (only modern game you drop rank when you lose matches!The Tension!) Played Destiny and while it is a really good game (still getting it day one!), it is nowhere near Halo (for those who compare). The lore, the guns, the everything...and the package we get for 60 is just mindblowing. 3 CAMPAIGNS ! 100+ MAPS! CO-OP and doubles here I comeeeeee!

My only complaint is...they should've remove option to switch to old graphics and give more power to current looks. I mean, how many of you really care about how it looked 10 years ago?

Ps4marksthespotnotX3610d ago

Oh come on Balls eye, we all know this is your fanboy colors talking, Halo better than destiny. Mabye it is but coming from you what credibility does your statement have when your the biggest fanboy on ms side and as for all ms exclusives this year really is this it Halo remastered, sunset and fozra BIG DEAL!

creatchee3610d ago


Every so often, perhaps once in a month of Sundays, a comment comes along that is so eloquent and concise that we must question why its author only has one bubble to spread his or her genius and balanced reasoning around for all to experience and cherish.

Yours was not one of those comments.

marlinfan103610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

i can't even imagine how much time I'm gonna put into this game. its gonna bring back so many great memories. ive put thousands of hours into the different halos so yeah, I'm a little excited about this one.

The Meerkat3610d ago

And all at 60fps!

Will there be a MCE XB1 bundle?

iistuii3610d ago

I hope so cause that's just the bundle to get me to add the X1 to my Ps4..

Volkama3610d ago

Like, literally? Are you going to wield them together to form one ultra-console?

iistuii3610d ago

Ha yeah now an ultra console would be great. One that plays everything..

Vegamyster3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

One of my favorite MP maps, wonder if they'll keep the super jumps/bounces in the game.

bcrazy183610d ago

They already announced that the special jumps in the original game with be included ☺

Squeaky_door3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

What they've "announced", is that the remastered maps feature rerendered geometry. This means that superbounces may, or may not, work as you remember.

However all button combo exploits such as sword/rocket lunging and BXR will work.

Source( 19:08) https://m.youtube.com/watch...

bcrazy183610d ago

Yes you're right but I also believe they said they should work but then said may or may not. Something like that. It's not just the remastered maps though. I thought all of the maps will include the special jumps, etc? Or may or may not have them.

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Halo 2: Anniversary PC review - legendary mode | Metro

An excellent port of the Xbox game but the original is now so old it’s becoming difficult to enjoy even for veteran fans.


Halo 2 Original vs Anniversary Remaster 4K Comparison Screenshots

DSOGaming writes: "Halo 2 Anniversary Remaster is now available on the PC and below you can find some 4K comparison screenshots between the vanilla and the remaster versions."

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masterfox1494d ago (Edited 1494d ago )

Would it be awesome to see a facelift like Capcom did with Resident Evil 2 or Sony and its devs did with the Shadow of Colossus, all this time passed and MS did to Halo 2 this upgrade? , seriously a little more respect or little more love MS to your own franchise would it be nice, I mean this franchise was the franchise who literally put the xbox as a recognizable gaming brand.

Fishy Fingers1494d ago

Be nice sure, but 5 games for less than the cost of RE2 or SoC, not really comparable.

Just a nice lead up to Halo Infinite for PC players.

Sciurus_vulgaris1493d ago

Halo 2 anniversary is almost 6 years old and unlike Resident Evil 2(2019), it’s not a remake.

Spurg1493d ago

It already had a facelift and updated soundtrack . Which keeps true to the game without altering it.
Halo's artstyle can't change dramatically because Halo fans won't like it...change the sound and look of a sniper. The whole community goes crazy.


Here are some 4K screenshots from the PC version of Halo 2 Anniversary Remaster

DSOGaming writes: "Microsoft and 343 Industries have invited us to the latest beta phase of the Halo 2 Anniversary Remaster. As such, we've decided to capture some 4K screenshots and share them with you. Thus, these screenshots will give you an idea of what you can expect from this game."

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lellkay1516d ago

I do love me some Halo 2.

1516d ago Replies(1)