
New Halo 2: Anniversary Images Showcases Updated Visuals

Fresh off the San Diego Comic Con floor, new cinematic images have been released from Halo 2: Anniversary, showing off the wonderfully remastered visuals of the game.

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XiSasukeUchiha3707d ago

Damn those CGI look so real life:)

Charybdis3707d ago

screenshots also look good wouldn't say real life but still very good.

Perjoss3707d ago

Well the cinematics are being done by Blur Studio, they make some of the very best video game CGI cutscenes and trailers around.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3707d ago
JustInTlME3707d ago

Damn. Those cut scenes are gonna be sexy! haha

Niv3707d ago

Don't care bout gameplay after seeing that CGI!

MSBAUSTX3706d ago

The CGI is pretty, that's a given. However, to throw away playability would be irresponsible and ignorant my friend. As we have seen time and time again, A good looking game can still suck hard. Be careful and cautious with the new Halo games. I have preordered already, but I am will be disappointed if the game doesn't play the same if not better, regardless of how pretty it looks.

linkenski3707d ago

I hate when cutscenes are not in-game. Preorder cancelled. This feels like a downgrade to me.

Ihatetrolls763707d ago

You never had intentions on buying this game to begin with nice trolling though

Gamer7773707d ago

He needs some ice for that burn.

4Sh0w3707d ago (Edited 3707d ago )

If the gameitself is awesome, does it matter?, whether they are ingame or cgi cutscenes you are not playing either, just watching like a movie.

linkenski3703d ago (Edited 3703d ago )

Completely true that I never preordered it in the first place, but I was actually interested in seeing what they did with the cutscenes until I learned they were CG now. I just hate it when games don't use the in-game assets for cutscenes. It creates an unnecessary gap between gameplay and story segments IMO.

I think it makes a game more immersive if it renders the cutscenes using the game-engine directly and not through a "press play" video file.

christocolus3707d ago

Preorder cancelled cos the cutscenes aint ingame?

Cgi cutscenes were very popular during the ps1, ps2 days and till this day some companies would rather go cgi instead of ingame. With cgi its actually alot easier for the artists to present an exact atmosphere unlike what can be done inengine. The animation and effects can also be taken to a whole new level with cgi..but since you'd rather cancel your preorder i'm guessing during the days of the ps2 and xbx you never played final fantasy, onimusha, resident evil 2 and 3, ninja gaiden...etc Yeah right.

Ihatetrolls763707d ago

Man those where are some great games I loved onimusha and I still play ninja gaiden 1&2

MSBAUSTX3706d ago

But they have already shown screen shots of the gameplay and it is 100 times better looking and more real than the originals. What does it matter if the CGI cutscenes aren't in engine? They have already shown that the in engine gameplay is beautiful. Now they are just showing off their CGI talents. They are completely unrelated topics and to cancel a preorder based on this argument is shallow and petty.

LogicStomper3707d ago

In other words, you hate it when there are good visuals?

linkenski3703d ago

Indeed, if the visuals are not rendered directly by the console it's not impressive. It's kinda like how I hate watching CG trailers. I know this is different, but the original Halo 2 had some great in-engine cutscenes, so I would've prefered if the same went for H2 Anniversary, like with H:CE Anniversary.

And especially if in-game is 60fps and cutscenes are 30fps. That bugged the shit out of me when I played Mass Effect 3 on PC.

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Halo 2: Anniversary PC review - legendary mode | Metro

An excellent port of the Xbox game but the original is now so old it’s becoming difficult to enjoy even for veteran fans.


Halo 2 Original vs Anniversary Remaster 4K Comparison Screenshots

DSOGaming writes: "Halo 2 Anniversary Remaster is now available on the PC and below you can find some 4K comparison screenshots between the vanilla and the remaster versions."

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masterfox1591d ago (Edited 1591d ago )

Would it be awesome to see a facelift like Capcom did with Resident Evil 2 or Sony and its devs did with the Shadow of Colossus, all this time passed and MS did to Halo 2 this upgrade? , seriously a little more respect or little more love MS to your own franchise would it be nice, I mean this franchise was the franchise who literally put the xbox as a recognizable gaming brand.

Fishy Fingers1591d ago

Be nice sure, but 5 games for less than the cost of RE2 or SoC, not really comparable.

Just a nice lead up to Halo Infinite for PC players.

Sciurus_vulgaris1590d ago

Halo 2 anniversary is almost 6 years old and unlike Resident Evil 2(2019), it’s not a remake.

Spurg1590d ago

It already had a facelift and updated soundtrack . Which keeps true to the game without altering it.
Halo's artstyle can't change dramatically because Halo fans won't like it...change the sound and look of a sniper. The whole community goes crazy.


Here are some 4K screenshots from the PC version of Halo 2 Anniversary Remaster

DSOGaming writes: "Microsoft and 343 Industries have invited us to the latest beta phase of the Halo 2 Anniversary Remaster. As such, we've decided to capture some 4K screenshots and share them with you. Thus, these screenshots will give you an idea of what you can expect from this game."

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lellkay1613d ago

I do love me some Halo 2.

1613d ago Replies(1)