
Why Won’t Activision Give Naughty Dog The Rights To Make Another Crash Bandicoot Game

After reading up on how Naughty Dog wants to do another Crash Bandicoot game and even letting Activision in on the project, here is some of playtationgang reasons why Activision declined ND to the rights.

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XiSasukeUchiha3655d ago (Edited 3655d ago )

Activision please give Sony/ND their creation back you heartless monster!

Abash3655d ago

They don't even have to give Crash back, just form a partnership with Sony for the Crash Bandicoot reboot.

nirwanda3654d ago

I bet it would be cheaper to licence taz mania from warner bros let's be honest he's just as recognisable as crash and crash was just a copy of him in the first place.

SonyPS43654d ago

Activision would rather make their own Crash games, adding regenerative health and checkpoints, and hope it would succeed only for them to find out that kind of game wasn't what Crash fans wanted.

UltraNova3654d ago

@Sony ps4

Actually, Activision would rather release Crash on anything and everything with a controller...no deal from just Sony would ever be enough for them...they're in the milking business for a reason.

nirwanda3654d ago

Just to show everyone what I ment with the tax reference here is tax mania on the snez from 1993 3 years before crash limited with the tech of the day and mode 7 graphics.
You can still see where naughty dog got the idea adding much more platforming to it.

souga_houjou_jin3653d ago

that would mean exclusive to sony
do u really excpect noobs like activi$sion to allow that ?

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XiNarutoUzumaki3655d ago

They should give Crash back. He deserves better. I want Crash to go back to his roots.

Off topic: or, we can just burn their HQ with your Amateratsu

bmf73643654d ago

Activision is a joint-company with Blizzard. We will have to selectively demolish the half that has to do with keeping Crash from the world and that approves of the retexture and rehashing of Call of Duty and Skylanders.

Deadpoolio3654d ago

Naughty Dog NEVER owned Crash Bandicoot to begin with, Sony didn't ever own it either...It was property and owned solely by Universal Interactive along with Spyro, until it was sold to Activision....You can't "give back" something someone NEVER owned

LightDiego3654d ago

True Sasuke.
Just sell it Activision, you are not capable to make a true Crash game.

lelo3654d ago

Activision would probably let Naughty Dog make a new Crash Bandicoot Game if it was multiplatform. It would make no sense to Activision if it was a Sony exclusive.

ifistbrowni3654d ago (Edited 3654d ago )

"it would make no sense"

How about money? Wouldn't it make them money?

What makes no sense is: having a franchise like Crash and doing nothing with it. I know if I wasn't using something, and someone said, "hey, i'll make that thing worth a lot of money if you partner with me," I would jump on the offer in seconds. After all, I was doing NOTHING with it.

Darkstares3654d ago

Lots of ip's sit idle. Sony owns Heavenly Sword, why don't they give it back to Ninja Theory? Naughty Dog works for Sony, Activision is a third party publisher. Maybe in the future they can work together but it would be only on Sony devices because Sony would not allow Naughty Dog to make games on anything else.

Who knows, with the PS4 doing so well it might make sense to do it but i'd rather Naughty Dog focus on other games.

lelo3654d ago (Edited 3654d ago )

Some people have no business sense. Tell me something. Who do you think should finance this supposed Sony exclusive or do you expect Naughty Dog to work for free?

Let's take a look at some scenarios:

- Activision pays 100% development costs and Naughty Dog makes the game exclusive to PS4. Very very very unlikely.

- Activision and Sony divide the costs and Naughty Dog makes the game exclusive to PS4?. Unlikely. Activision is not going to pay half the costs simply to keep the game exclusive to the PS4. They would loose a crap load of money in lost sales from the WiiU, X1 and PC. Activision have money to spare to pay for 100% development and keep 100% of profits.

- Sony pays 100% development, but have to divide the profits with Activision because they own the IP. Unlikely. Sony own a crap load of IP's, why would they invest 100% in developing a IP that's not theirs and take a cut in the profits?

- Sony buys the IP from Activision and Naughty Dog makes the game. Possible but does Sony have money to spare ?

- Activision pays for 100% development, a internal (or external) studio makes the game, and they receive 100% profits from sales on PS4, WiiU, X1 and PC.

- Activision realises the IP is not worth developing at this moment and let's it rest for a few more years.

Witch of these scenarios is more likely to happen ?

Chrischi19883654d ago

Exactly. As ifistbrowni said, it is about the money, but not the way he said it. Making a game exclusive is not the best thing to do for a third party dev. Crash could sell on any plattform, even Wii U, for the kind of game it is. It would mean losing money. Or they let them make a game and it is only half hearted...

Sony would need to step in and pay almost full for it, just like Nintendo did with Bayonetta or their Sega exclusive deal.

Then there is also the question, how did Crash end up in Activisions hands in the first place?

ShAkKa3654d ago

Would make more sense than letting the IP rot like it is now.

ShinMaster3654d ago

It would make even less sense for ND to make a multiplatform game.
Sony/Activision deal could work. This wouldn't be the first third-party exclusive deal.

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Lightning Mr Bubbles3654d ago

I would love another crash game but I never heard that Naughty Dog wants to make it, it will probably be someone else.

OrangePowerz3654d ago

All I'm seeing in the article is a lot of Activision sucks without even having researched really. Activision only made one Crash game and that was for mobile.

wheresmymonkey3654d ago

Crash was never sony's nieher was Spyro. Thy were both poperty of universal and then Sierra and then activision.

Godmars2903654d ago

Activision would likely either want it multi, take a larger than fair royalty cut, or ask too much to sell off the IP outright.

Visiblemarc3654d ago

They are just holding out till Sony's offer is big enough (read: till they overpay.)

Is why I think they've been denying one-off rights too (Like for Allstars). Afraid it will devalue the brand by proving that demand is more cult than anything.

Don't get me wrong, I hope Sony gets it back, but paying through the nose is excessive.

ITPython3654d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if MS was behind this one, last thing they need is for Sony to have yet another extremely well known blockbuster game series under their belt for this generation.

Ihatetrolls763654d ago

Why doesn't sony give insomniac there games back?

souga_houjou_jin3653d ago

no just no
so the ycna bring them to the xbox ?
hell no

beside insomniac games belongs to sony

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3653d ago
dpatrick3655d ago

Apparently, Naughty Dog held a contest where fans could draw their favorite characters from past Naughty Dog games. Naughty Dog asked Activision if they could use Crash just for the contest but they wouldn't give them the rights to use Crash Bandicoot for their contest.

johndoe112113655d ago

Because like EA, they're a bunch of greedy, selfish, money hoarding, grease-my-palm gaming industry parasites. They're just waiting, thinking about ways to milk that franchise for as much money as possible.

They're probably thinking that if they give it to naughty dog then it would limit the sales to ps systems alone. I bet right now they are trying to figure out how to bring it to all systems without pissing sony off.

dotwithshoes3655d ago

I know, Imagine that.. a company wanting to make as much money as possible. Activision is terrible for that.

johndoe112113655d ago

You obviously missed the point of my comment. seeing that as far as you are concerned it's ok for for a company to make money however they see fit, I guess you're one of those people who have no issues with pre-order dlc, online passes, microtransactions and exclusive dlc. ok then.

zeuanimals3654d ago

"A company wanting to make as much money as possible"

Can't make money on a license if you're not making anything that has to do with said license. If they actually had something in the pipeline that was related to Crash, then sure, I can see where your point is valid but right now, it's just them being stubborn with a license.

IcicleTrepan3654d ago

They've probably quoted Sony a price/deal in the past that Sony didn't like, and they're holding out for that.

ocelot073654d ago

I sort of agree. But am sure Activision is making little to no money right now just letting the IP rot right? Well would it not be better to make a a bit more money by letting Naughty Dog make a new game for PS4 rather than continuing letting it rot.

mediate-this3654d ago

Everything takes time, sony has alot of I.P's and so does alot of other companies, modernizing thrm is the hard part, fitting them in.

Sony should a legand of dragoons prequel

xx4xx3654d ago

Yes. They should give away the rights to another company so they can make money off of it instead. Makes perfect sense.

Golden_Mud3655d ago

Well Activision is stupid on those terms , ND knows Crash cause they created it , why would anybody else wanna create content for something they never created in the first place.

Activision and a lot of other companies need to realize when you get developers or games out of their originality , you'll never find the same success you found before.
Not only Activision but Bioware being purchased by EA destroyed Bioware's vision , actually some Bioware developers went on and created or joined other studios like Black Tusk Studios , or SledgeHammer Games.

BigBosss3655d ago

Here is the petition to bring back Crash!


Let our voices be heard! #BringBackCrash

DoctorJones3654d ago

The petition won't work, Activision won't care about it. It's their ip, a few people on the internet aren't going to force them to do anything.


OUROSMAG3654d ago

Just like the petition sent to Massive to develop a PC version of The Division didn't work, or the petition to bring GTA V to PC didn't work?


Fishy Fingers3654d ago

Both of those games would have already come to PC. It won't of been down to a petition.

abc12333654d ago

Lol, you think they were ported to PC because of a petition...

Zichu3654d ago

Judging by how many people have signed the petition and the amount of days that have passed, doesn't seem like people care too much about it...

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1996 Voted as ‘Best Year in Gaming’ by UK Public

Have you ever wondered what the best year in gaming was? Well wonder no more! The British public have had their say, and voted for 1996.

Limitedtimestruggle680d ago

I have some many fond memories as a 10 year old gamer from back then! The best of times!

Dfooster680d ago

Yeah that is a good choice. Great times

Snakeeater25680d ago

Lol Nintendo 64 … talk about a shitty year for gaming

Old McGroin680d ago

The N64 was amazing at the time, how old are you, 12?

CobraKai680d ago

Mario 64, Mario Kart, WaveRace. They’re prolly too young to appreciate em. My kids love the N64.

Terry_B680d ago

No..1996 was not a good start for the N64. The system had a lousy start in comparison to the SNES, Playstation and probably even the Sega Saturn.

CobraKai680d ago

So…. Nevermind the first time Resident Evil or Tomb Raider was released, a damn near arcade perfect port of Tekken 2, Quake, Wipeout, Crash Bandicoot, Super Mario RPG, Nights, Panzer Dragoon Zwei? It’s shitty cuz the old N64 is it?

BrainSyphoned680d ago (Edited 680d ago )

More of a 97 person myself.
FF7, Symphony of the Night, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, Dynasty Warriors, Diablo, Fallout, Tomb Raider 2, Mega Man Legends, GoldenEye, Turok, Wing Commander Prophecy, Star Fox 64, Einhander, Tobal 2, Bushido Blade, Colony Wars, Ultima Online. Was a great year to start working at Funcoland.

680d ago Replies(1)
After10Ben680d ago

You beat me to it. I loved both years, but 97 was one of my favorite years ever.

Marcello680d ago

2013 was a good year too. Dead Space 3, The Last of Us, GTA5, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Tomb Raider reboot, Bioshock Infinite, Batman: Arkham Origins, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Grid 2 & more.

Limitedtimestruggle679d ago

Dead Space 3? That game only deserves to be on rock-bottom lists. In my honest opinion.

Marcello679d ago

Its is very Marmite that game but to me it was only that love story nonsense that was bad, really bad.

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