
Xbox One Exclusive Phantom Dust Gets Lovely Concept Pictures by Former Uncharted Artist's Studio

The GC trailer introducing the remake of Yukio Futasugi’s Phantom Dust was lovely and today you get to see the concept artwork for the urban level showcased in the trailer, created by One Pixel Brush, the studio led by former Naughty Dog Senior Concept Artist Shaddy Safadi, who worked on the Uncharted series and on The Last of Us as well.

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AngelicIceDiamond3713d ago

This legendary Xbox game is shaping up nicely.

Soon I'll be coming back home to Phantom Dust.

Ballsack3713d ago

Former Naughty dog artist.... Then You know this xbox exclusive will look sick

youndamie3713d ago

Lol I laughed so hard when I read your user name and saw your picture. OT: Looks interesting, like to see more.

user74029313713d ago

yup naughty dog are the best developers in the world.

Ihatetrolls763713d ago

Mater of opinion and taste they are very talented but to call them the best is just ignorant

MadLad3713d ago

Perhaps. Depends on who you ask.
I give that to CD Projekt Red. I like less linear, more choice-focused games, personally.

I do like Naughty Dog quite a bit, however. Their fans can be annoying at times though.

truefan13713d ago

Wow that's awesome, such a unigue experience. Hopefully at TGS they show some gameplay. XB1 has some nice diversity.

WeAreLegion3713d ago

I'm excited to see it in action, but what do you mean by "unique experience"? These are concept pictures.

MeliMel3713d ago

Could be a unique experience if you've never play it. And concept art gives us a lil glimpse of what direction their going in.

And why you trying to ruin dude excitement. TrueFan comment was good all around and True...lol

OpieWinston3713d ago

If you played Phantom Dust back in the day you'd know what he's talking about.

It was refreshing take on Magic/Elemental Combat.

Trust me when they start showing off gameplay it'll be pretty sick. It is one of my favorite Action JRPGs.

WeAreLegion3713d ago

1) I have played Phantom Dust. That's why I said I'm excited to see it in action.

2) I'm not trying to ruin his excitement. I'm trying to understand his statement. It makes absolutely no sense to say this is a unique experience when we haven't seen a single thing from the game.

Lawboy23713d ago

Yo im really looking forward to hearing more about this game...also crackdown and quantum break

True_Samurai3713d ago

So is this a reboot? Or a remake of the old game in HD like Halo 2 anniversary?

MeliMel3713d ago

I think its a reboot. New art style everything.

I was watching some Infamous video and couldnt help but think what Phantom Dust would look like if Sucker Punch had it. The power effects are insane. I still dont know why I havent bought it....

OpieWinston3713d ago

It's a reboot...More like Killer Instinct.

Being brought back from the dead and being worked o with a different story as well as more combat.

The game will have elements from the older game but will have a lot more balancing in mind.

AngelicIceDiamond3713d ago

I heard they were keeping the same eerie story from the original.

I personally hope they do.

The eerie, goth, mysterious, head scratching story is what made the universe of PD.

This game was truly one of a kind.

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Top 20 Xbox Games (20-11)

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "Microsoft’s first console holds a very special in the hearts of many gamers. The ‘beast’ as it was called in some circles absolutely trounced its competitors when it came to raw power allowing near-PC level games to be playable on your TV for the first time ever. But beyond processing power the system is also to thank for pushing the standardization of online gameplay, something which today is a must have, no matter how you decide to play games. So in honor of Microsoft’s big, green tank and to maybe remind Microsoft of which games need to end up on the Xbox One store (wink, wink) we’re counting down the Top 20 Best Xbox Games."

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Aceman182496d ago

Splinter cell was awesome, I played beyond G&E on gamecube, and burnout 3 on PS2


Some games are better left in the past, and Phantom Dust appears to be one of them

Gamesradar: "Sometimes there’s nothing better than revisiting an Xbox old game you love. Sure, they rarely quite live up to modern standards, but they can be like a comforting digital hug thanks to the familiar surroundings and sense of nostalgia. Other times it’s just nice to treat yourself to a bit of a history lesson for a classic that you’ve missed.

After all, there are so many that deserve a second chance, perhaps all gussied up with an HD touch-up and some extra little treats. So with that in mind I recently decided to pick up Phantom Dust, since a fair few people had raved about the original and how ‘unique’ it is. I figured I’d discover something new by playing it and maybe learn a thing or two about games from that era. But all I did was leave disappointed."

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Godmars2902574d ago

The game was never more than a cult classic, gained some name recognition because of that, MS wanted to play up on that hoping for a "new" online IP while failing to invest into it creatively. That's why the remake died in development and why the remaster died soon after re-release: The original game was never "All That".

2574d ago
goken2574d ago

alas such is the state of Xbox first party ips... limited being a generous term here. kinda makes their treatment of fable and alan wake more baffling. it's not like they are spoilt with choices

2574d ago
PhoenixUp2574d ago

I'd rather Microsoft rerelease Kung Fu Chaos

Summons752574d ago

NInja Theory's only good game to date. Loved that game.

Sunny_D2574d ago

They released Senua's Sacrifice which is great.

mocaak2574d ago (Edited 2574d ago )

Their worst scoring game (the only one with mediocre score on metacritic), is their only good game? Interesting.

Gameseeker_Frampt2573d ago (Edited 2573d ago )

They released Enslaved: Odyssey to the West which is great.

Yohshida2574d ago

A lot of people played the OG Xbox version when it was free. Sure the games is wired and outdated, but a reboot could be a great game.

Yohshida2574d ago

They werent happy with the studio that worked on it before and said the project will continue. But we might never see it.

Goldby2574d ago

More like MS wanted to add more (single player campaign) without adding addition funds to the project.

They also got another company to make the E3 video for it which was completely different than what the phantom dust remake was going to look and play like.

But ya, blame it on the studio

Liqu1d2574d ago

Yes. The developers had a budget of $5 million to make a multiplayer only reboot, then MS later said they wanted a single player mode and other things but wouldn't increase the budget or timeframe. The developers tried to convince MS they needed at least $7-8 million to make the game. MS refused and 1 week later they cancelled the project. It ruined the developers. Kotaku did a good article on what happened.


They had the chance to revive Perfect Dark, they wanted to do Battletoads but MS said no.

Godmars2902574d ago

So MS just doesn't want to put the money into games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2574d ago
jreeves822574d ago

The article says what about remastering the original Fable! It was already! They should know this if they are SUPPOSED to be professional writers.

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