
First Teaser Trailer of Media Molecule's PS4 Game, Shows "Trippy Sequence of Colourful Nonsense"

Its a well know secret that Media Molecule is working on a brand new title for Playstation 4 and today, the studio has shared the first teaser trailer of the project. About the footage, Media Molecule says: A rendering error on our new PS4 project caused this trippy sequence of colourful nonsense that begged to be shared. Consider it an exclusive peek at our new game if you like, it's not particularly revealing, but it is fun, that much we guarantee... mostly.

Abash3658d ago

Definitely, we will at least get an announcement there. Media Molecule have been working on their PS4 game for a while now

Prime1573658d ago

Maybe they spent all that time working on that teaser trailer...

That will make me a sad Panda.

forcefullpower3658d ago

Hope someone slows the vid down see if there are any hidden images or maybe combine the images. Wanna see what MM have waiting for us. After tear away which was awesome.

ZodTheRipper3658d ago

Judging by the video description it's just a bunch of visual glitches. I don't think there's anything to be found there but Gamescom is just around the corner ;)

DoomeDx3658d ago

Snoop Dogg simulator is incoming!

ZodTheRipper3658d ago

Eh that's not how weed... or Hip Hop works.

MrSec843658d ago

Seems like they're setting the stage for some kind of reveal.
Gamescom being the next big actual Video Games Software Show & Sony has an actual conference, so it's safe to assume Media Molecule could actually reveal their game.

They may even reveal it before the conference, so they can spend more time giving details about the game during the conference.

Hopefully we get similar teasers from Guerrilla Games & Quantic Dream in the run up to the event, as they're both also prolific European developers, that have been developing a new IP each for PS4 for over 2 years.

Sony has so many talented 1st party & second party developers that have been quiet for a while, they probably have loads more games to announce.

The PS4 reveal teaser that Media Molecule showed made it look like this new IP they're working on is the next step on from the creative style of game they're famous for.
I'm really intrigued to see what they're going to do with this style of game & the kind of universe they can create on a platform like PS4.

It's a really exciting time for gamers IMO!! :D

PrinceOfAllSaiyans3658d ago

They already confirmed they will have something for Gamescom a while ago.

OT- Looks really really interesting. Wonder what's it gonna be like ?

Destrania3658d ago

They reported a while ago that the clay molding tech they demoed at the PS4 reveal last year plays some sort of role in their new game. So stoked to see it fully revealed, I know it'll be awesome.

MrSec843658d ago


Media Molecule didn't specifically state that they would have anything for Gamescom, they said they have a lot of things to share, the comments from them came a short while before E3, saying they wouldn't be at E3, but that it wouldn't be long after E3 that gamers would get to see something from them.

It's possible they could be at Gamescom, it's also equally possible that they could unveil their game at another time of their choosing.

Too Destrania:
Yeah I read that the stuff shown at the PS4 reveal in Feb last year was the game they're making for PS4.
Obviously it wasn't really a formal, specific description or showing of exactly what people will be playing, but it was something relevant to their project for PS4.

It looked very much like a more 3D, clay based evolution of what they did with Little Big Planet IMO.
It's also looking very much like players will have the ability to create set pieces, maybe even mold the environment how you like.
If that's the case then this could be a truly awesome game.

For me Media Molecule are one of those very few developers that have the ability to make me feel the wonder in games, that is sorely missing in many modern video games.

I can't wait to see exactly what the game is, what characters they have, whether it has a story (hopefully there is their usual good direction).

If they've made an open world canvas for people to be able to freely create levels that would be awesome.
With the improved physics capabilities of PS4, a 3D stage of pure creation on a level beyond LBP is going to be something absolutely amazing.

Jaqen_Hghar3658d ago

how long does it take to show the title lol a man thinks it's a lot more epic to reveal and show details during the conference

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3658d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3658d ago
imt5583658d ago (Edited 3658d ago )

Looks scary. That purple face.

ziggurcat3658d ago (Edited 3658d ago )

kind of looks like Andross from starfox:


edit: also it looks the animation is like they're doing a barrel roll...

Prime1573658d ago

Yeah, if I was trippin I'd have jumped through my window.

Legendary-Status3658d ago

something about that purple face hmmm O_o that this game will be completely diff. from LBP but it will stay innovative

XiSasukeUchiha3658d ago (Edited 3658d ago )

This game will be funky!

MrSec843658d ago

I don't know why you've gotten that many disagrees, but I agree.

Media Molecule have a history of making "funky" games.
Assuming you mean funny & cool, not strange smelling experiences. ;)

I would class LBP & Tearaway as funky games, because they're funny & cool titles, I suspect whatever this new game turns out to be will have that same kind of quirkiness to it.

I can't wait to find out what this game ends up becoming.

our_games_are_art3658d ago (Edited 3658d ago )

Bc he usually doesn't read the articles and just goes after the first comment or an easy comment to get agrees no contributing to a discussion. We try ignoring him till he goes away.
On topic: sure hope those British gents have something awesome up their sleeve!

DoomeDx3658d ago

^ 'We try to ignore him until he goes away'

You have already failed at this haha!

LightDiego3658d ago (Edited 3658d ago )

Sasuke should never go away, the haters should go away.
Can't wait for the new game from them, looks like Beakman's World.

guyman3658d ago

Whatever mm makes is bound to be exceptional, and I'm convinced that they will follow this teaser up with a full reveal at gamescom

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Media Molecule’s Next Game is Going to be a New IP

A job listing published by the UK studio reveals that its next project will be another entirely new IP.

Read Full Story >>
Inverno91d ago

The only PlayStation dev I care about tbh.

Inverno90d ago

Dayum did I hit a nerve. Sorry for not liking most of this gens games coming from PS, not really doe.

Cacabunga91d ago

Hopefully doesn’t take them a complete gen to release it

TheColbertinator91d ago

Good. Something not boring, not one of those "make your own game" crap and also on Steam would be nice.

Stopac90d ago

I too like to look for things in the wrong places.


Dreams Dev Media Molecule Says Layoffs Impact Planned Community and Curation Support

IGN writes: "Media Molecule has said the layoffs at the Sony-owned studio have affected plans for ongoing community and curation support in Dreams."

Inverno125d ago

How self sustained can DREAM be when it's basically stuck on PS4? I don't think it's even gotten a PS5 upgrade. Ending support for what is essentially a game making engine is basically death. SONY did DREAMS dirty.


PlayStation layoffs hit Dreams developer Media Molecule

Staff at UK developer Media Molecule have today been told to expect job losses, with around 20 staff expected to be laid off. That's around 15-20 percent of the overall studio.

Read Full Story >>
crazyCoconuts276d ago

This sucks. Dreams was so amazing I was sure it was going to be integrated into PS5 in a meaningful way with the intention of fostering creativity in gamers. So disappointing to continue to hear news of that failure. Hope those impacted land on their feet and the studio finds passion in their new project...

Cacabunga276d ago (Edited 276d ago )

It will also hit Naughty Dog if they dont wake the hell up from their bubble.. this is inevitable . That comfortable pillow they have been laying on since ps1 isn’t there anymore.

Mm had a whole gen to release a game.. the over confidence they got from PS3 and Vita with LBP blinded them.

crazyCoconuts276d ago

I have no reason to believe to was over confidence.
They poured a lot of blood sweat and tears into Dreams, and it showed. It was exceptional by all accounts, and they tried to make it work.
For whatever reason, i have no idea why, their dream didn't come true. Maybe Sony gave them too long a leash, I don't know. But it wasn't for lack of trying. They made a fantastic creative masterpiece that...er...not enough people wanted.

Cacabunga276d ago


They for sure did.. but new experiences and simulators we all know are a make or break.. the risk was big and this just confirms it. They seemed so sure that game would be a success and guarantee their survival but things turned out to be very different.. they to give the fame a second breath with free VR support ..

RaiderNation276d ago (Edited 276d ago )

Christ, what an idiotic post. Media Molecule's siruation is not even remotely similar to Naughty Dog's. ND released a commercially and critically game of the year award winner in 2020. That was just 3 years ago. How long do you think these games take to make?? They released The Last of Us Remake in 2022 which also sold very well. Dreams was a flop. It sold terribly. Mm's previous game was Tearaway on Vita. It also flopped. Prior to that, their last game was LBP 2 on PS3! They're lucky Sony doesn't shut them down completely.

Cacabunga276d ago


Nothing more idiotic than your post.. there is true love and respect towards Mm for what they delivered all their games included.. every single one was a swan song! On PS4 they took a big risk and they got hurt by it and dreams was even announced at PS4 reveal!!!
In case of ND, we’ve seen nothing for 3 years, not even a Tease.. if they keep quiet longer they will miss this gen completely and end up in same situation as Mm because there is no cash flow..

1Victor275d ago

@lighting/orchard:” It will also hit Naughty Dog if they dont wake the hell up from their bubble.. this is inevitable .”
Dude you’re so transparent that even with a new accounts you can’t hide your fanboyism and hatred of everything Sony
Media molecule been hit with layoffs is unfortunately and sad to happen to any company regardless of industry and I don’t wish it on any company as it’s always the hard working people that get to pay while bosses getaway scotch free and a bonus at the end of the year

anast275d ago

ND will be fine. They aren't content creators for YouTube where they've got to post a video every second.

jwillj2k4275d ago

If layoffs hit naughty dog there has been a massive misappropriation of funds. No one should be getting laid off at naughty dog this generation.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 275d ago
porkChop276d ago

Dreams should have been relaunched on PS5 and PC. It made no sense to launch the game on PS4 with next to no marketing when a new generation was about to start. The game had so much potential.

Jin_Sakai276d ago

Not really surprised. While Media Molecule makes decent games they’re niche and take forever to come out. Sony has actually been very generous if you ask me.

Obscure_Observer275d ago

"Sony has actually been very generous if you ask me.'


In the current generation, Sony has shut down multiple first party studios, canceled multiple AAA games, and fired lots of people.

All of that while boasting their chest about incredible sales for the PS5.

This nothing but facts

outsider1624275d ago

I don't know about dreams as that game isn't meant for most people. I mean the casuals dont know how to make games and is it fun for them? There's a lot of potential in Dreams but it just didnt click with many i suppose.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 275d ago
Neonridr276d ago

shame, hope they all find jobs within Sony possibly in other studios.

-Foxtrot276d ago

Shame, Dreams was a cool concept and well done but it just wasn’t…how do you put it, a traditional game, if that makes sense. Spending so long on this game when in the end it felt more aimed at creators, which is fine obviously but I’d like to see something more traditional from them while another team works on the experimental stuff

I just can’t believe of all the PC ports Sony did Dreams was never one of them, the PC community might have had fun with it.

goldwyncq276d ago

Not porting Dreams — a game creation tool — to PC was a profoundly stupid decision.

itBourne276d ago

The problem with Dreams was the barrier to entry... had it been on PC, like I said with LBP so long ago, it would of soared like crazy.

My biggest complaint was the lack of support to create with friends. To my knowledge you still cannot not even create together, let alone play a game together online. How do you not support that on launch... which also leads into the barrier of entry, none of my friends even knew what the heck it was, and it was so hard to show them or get them into it.

Petebloodyonion276d ago

Always suck to hear this kind of news.
Hope everything turn for the best for these affected.

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