
Wii U Surge Due to Disappointment Over PS4 and Xbox One?

The author wonders if the upswing in Wii U sales is due more to a general "meh" attitude concerning the competition.

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iamnsuperman3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

Or more likely the difference occurred because June 2014 saw a Nintendo game being released. While in June 2013 did not. I can't find the Wii U numbers for May but it saw a boost as well due to Mario Kart. It is still unknown if Mario Kart bump is merely a bump or legs( July and August figures will tell you that)

greenlantern28143627d ago

Agreed. I personally love my ps4 and my wiiu. Also how can he say the ps4 is disappointing it is the fastest selling console.

TheDevKit3627d ago

Because it's been hyped to be the best answer to those who buy consoles.

AWBrawler3627d ago

what good are sales if the majority of the library i can play on my ps3? its all hype right now and people bought into it and are still awaiting greatness

Letthewookiewin3627d ago

Ya the title is confusing. Nothing against Nintendo.

Concertoine3627d ago

Something that's popular can be the MOST disappointing. Like GTA V was.

That said i can't say whether or not the ps4 is disappointing seeing as i don't own one. I usually wait a year to buy a new console.

stripe8143627d ago

Not because it is fast selling does mean it is the best console to play on right now..

dont get me wrong i have a wiiU and the drought of games for PS4/XB1 right now makes me leaning towards wiiU for a while, mario kart, shovel knight makes me busy for a month now.

Moncole3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

Just because something is popular doesn't mean its good. Look at Hiter, he is pretty popular. The best console to play on now is one that has a bunch of games like the PS3, Wii or any other console not released last last year.

badz1493627d ago

seriously?? anything to make the Wii U looks good, ha?

no offense against the Wii U but it finally have games and long running ones like Mario and Mario Kart at that. of course sales will rise. the real issue is, can they sustain the momentum? as you can see, even with MK8, it's still in 3rd place as far as June's NPD is concerned and that's not looking very good.

SilentNegotiator3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

Wii U just released what will no doubt be one of their top 5 best selling games of its lifetime a month ago. The idea that increased sales is an indication of people being disappointed with the other systems is completely idiotic logic, especially in lieu of Wii U still getting outsold by both Ps4 and Xbone by quite a wide margin (if NPD is any indication).

You fanboys claiming that Ps4 is only selling based on hype sound incredibly desperate to convince yourselves that Wii U is better than the Ps4. If that were the case, where's the "hype sales" for Wii u? Why isn't Wii U getting hype if it's sooooo great?

mediate-this3627d ago

I got ps4 day one and xb1 and wii u, i play my wii more and my 360 non stop. My new systems are dust collectors atm.

DarkKaine3627d ago

The Wii was also a fast selling console.
It still ended up collecting dust in most people's homes.

GordonKnight3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

Because the mainstream sheep follow what the media labels as cool.

All three consoles are great and bring something to the table.

awi59513627d ago (Edited 3626d ago )

Also last gen went on way too long. People wanted to upgrade so bad. Pc was making console look bad fore awhile there.

BattleAxe3626d ago (Edited 3626d ago )

As a PS3 owner since launch and as a former PS2 owner from 2002, I am disappointed with the PS4. I currently have no plans to buy a WiiU, but if I were to have the urge in the next 6 months to buy a console, it would most certainly be the WiiU.

PS4 sales are coming from former Xbox 360 owners, young people who are 14-20 years of age, some of the hardest of core Sony fans and possibly some former Wii owners. My prediction is that sales will drop off significantly after this Christmas. Most existing PS3 owners will be able to recognize that these new generation consoles have no value, with the exception being the WiiU. The main thing holding the WiiU back is the lack of 3rd party content, which is a major blow to that console. I'm hopeful that Nintendo can recover, but I'm also skeptical.

The hype is mainly coming from the young fans who have no perspective and haven't been around gaming for very long, and really don't understand what gaming was like in the past. It's coming from people who can't imagine a world without Facebook, iPads, iPhones, Twitter and Instagram.

greenlantern28143626d ago

You guys are hilarious.
1) because you don't like something it is disappointing to everybody.
2) you don't see a reason to buy something there isn't a reason besides hype
3) anybody that doesn't agree with my opinion is a sheep

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3626d ago
Retroman3626d ago

@ iamsuperman

or!!! surged happen simply because gamer fed up with FPS open world games . looking for something NEW, fresh to play . open world games only last for so long before becoming boring .
like i was after COD2 and realized every developer using same format , became clones of C.O.D i don't blame gamers switching over to wii-U .

PurpleDragon963626d ago

I think a lot of people will be thinking along same lines as me. The Wii U is an ideal secondary console now that it has enough really good exclusives to make it worth it.

Oh, and theres only so long you can go without a good dose of Zelda in your life :)

showtimefolks3626d ago (Edited 3626d ago )

i am glad wiiu is doing better. Its an awesome console which is hated by many for not legit reason. I think a wiiu is worth the price just to play nintendo's 1st party games in HD

People blame ps4/xbox one yet overlook the fact that wiiu wasn't supported at all after launch for a year

also people who bought ps4/xbox one got games early and often but they expect the biggest blockbusters from day one. I guess its their first console they bought, because if you been gaming for 20 plus years, you know when you buy consoles at launch the support won't be there

but both ms and sony did good job of supporting them early and i believe ps4/xbox one are the first consoles to ever get this much support within first year, here is the list of games that came out and some which are gonna come out this fall:

killzone shadow fall
dead rising
infamous second son
watch dogs
NBA 2k14
Need for speed rivals
super time force
planet vs zombies garden warfare
rayman legends
Tomb Raider
Don't starve
towerfall ascension

Games which are yet to come out:

Halo collection
Farcry 4
The crew
Drive Club
Forza Horizon
Project cars
Sunset overdrive
NBA 2k
oddworld new'n'tasty
rogue legacy
diablo 3 ultimate evil edition
metro redux
infamous first light
Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate
guilty gear XRD sign
Shadow Warrior
alien isolation
middle earth
Skylanders Trap Team
lego batman 3
the evil within
samurai warrior 4

so please do show me one console in last 20 years which got this much sup[port within first 12 months of launch. People are saying 2015 is the real start of next gen, i get where they are coming from. But to say 2014 doesn't have game is just being ignorant

there are more than enough games coming and a diverse collection at that.

BattleAxe3626d ago (Edited 3626d ago )

I just want to take your list and point out why this generation fails in every way so far:

killzone Shadow Fall
Dead Rising 3
Infamous Second Son
Titanfall -----> Available on Xbox 360
Watch Dogs -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
wolfenstein -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
AC:blackflag -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
NBA 2k14 -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Madden -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Strider -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Need for Speed Rivals -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Super Time Force -----> Available on Xbox 360
Planet vs Zombies Garden Warfare -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Rayman Legends
Tomb Raider ---------> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
FF XIV -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Don't Starve
Towerfall Ascension

Games which are yet to come out:

TLOU HD -----> Available on PS3
Halo Collection -----> Available on Xbox 360
GTA HD -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Farcry 4 -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
The Crew
Drive Club
Forza Horizon -----> Available on Xbox 360
Project Cars
Destiny -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Sunset Overdrive
NBA 2k -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Madden -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
WWE -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
LBP3 -----> Available on PS3
Oddworld New'n'Tasty -----> Available on PS3
Rogue Legacy -----> Available on PS3
Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Metro Redux -----> Available on PS3(Last Light Only)/Xbox 360
Infamous First Light
Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Guilty Gear XRD Sign -----> Available on PS3
Shadow Warrior
Alien Isolation -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Skylanders Trap Team -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Lego Batman 3 -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
The Evil Within -----> Available on PS3/Xbox 360
Samurai Warrior 4 -----> Available on PS3

People hyping the next gen consoles really are trying their hardest to justify their purchases. But, when you look at the list above, it becomes pretty hard to justify, especially when you're paying a subscription to play online on PS4, while it isn't necessary on PS3. If I were to point out all of the games above that are also available on PC, it would further diminish both next generation consoles.

Lets compile the proper PS4/Xbox One list now:

Games That Are Out:

killzone Shadow Fall
Dead Rising 3
Infamous Second Son
Rayman Legends (WiiU)
Don't Starve
Towerfall Ascension

Games Yet To Come Out:

The Crew
Drive Club
Project Cars
Sunset Overdrive
Infamous First Light
Shadow Warrior

Welp, it doesn't look too impressive when you look at things from the perspective of reality.

showtimefolks3626d ago


that really doesn't matter, because for gamers like me who only own next gen consoles we have games to play. Who the heck cares if those are cross gen or not

my point is still right that people complain about games yet there are more games for ps4/xbox one in first year than any consoles first year history

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3626d ago
randomass1713627d ago

I don't think there's disappointment among fans. I think less casuals are buying game consoles. People don't talk about it, but casuals actually did buy a lot of 360s, PS3s and especially Wiis. I think there is a little less of that this generation. And that's okay because this is a generation for core gamers IMO.

iamnsuperman3627d ago

I think evidence points to more people buying consoles than even before. Both the One and PS4 have seen record numbers in short space of time which indicates more people are buying consoles than they did in 06. It depends where you draw the line if they are casual or not

Theyellowflash303627d ago

Xbox One is seeing "record numbers"

Gotta love that media spin!

iamnsuperman3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )


Currently the One is selling only slightly less than the 360 (in the same time frame) but the point still stands. The 360 was up against nothing and had the advantage of first HD console to grace the market (which, if I remember correctly, brought a huge amount of excitement and buzz). The One is up against stiff competition and only slightly fell short of that number

Theyellowflash303627d ago

The Xbox 360 and PS3 had large amounts of casuals and kids buy the system. More so the Xbox 360 due to Kinect.

The Xbox One doesn't have that base anymore. No more Kinect....more expensive than the Xbox 360.

On top of that, many people bought new Xbox 360 because of the RROD. Those Xbox 360 numbers are super inflated.

Microsoft will be lucky to sell 50-60 million by the end of generation, and they sure aren't selling over 80 million like the Xbox 360 did.

McScroggz3627d ago

In regards to the Xbox One, the whole record pace/selling faster than the Xbox 360 is a misnomer. The Xbox 360 was severely supply constrained at launch, and didn't have nearly the immediate sales as the Xbox One (Xbox brand was still being established). Plus, if you look at the last six months I think every month the Xbox One has sold less than the Xbox 360 did in it's initial months.

So basically the Xbox One had a lot of pre-orders and then really poor to mediocre sales since then. So I think it is really misleading to say it's selling better than the 360 did.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3627d ago
rdgneoz33627d ago

"casuals actually did buy a lot of 360s, PS3s and especially Wiis"

Not sure about the 360. I know many casuals bought the wii, and a lot of people bought the PS3 due to it being the cheapest blu ray player on the market for a while.

As for the new systems, all things get fine tuned over time. Many of the features the PS360 had in the end, were not what they originally shipped with. Though with the PS4, if it's sales numbers a week are because of disappointment, I'd hate to see how they do when some of the big games (that aren't on the Wii U - Dark Knight, AC Unity, Mordor, Far Cry 4, Destiny, LBP3, Bloodborne, Order, etc) coming in the next 6 months release...

randomass1713627d ago

Kinect 1 was a monumental success, so I assume 360 had to have some decent casual support. I think people are getting the idea that I think last generation was a casual generation, but all I'm saying is more casuals were buying gaming consoles at the time. There is a little less of that right now and it's because casuals moved on to tablets and the publishers have been mainly focusing on the core market.

Codey473627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

If Kinect were a monumental success can you please tell me why on earth there are at least 23.98 million in the window of any local CEX, GAME and Gamestop's.

If Kinect were a monumental success then it would have paved the way for Kinect V2...but you and I both know that.... infact, isn't the case whatsoever.

Since the original were released... most people in the know can testify that the top tier exclusives dried up faster than the Queens vagina.

gerbwmu3627d ago

I know a lot of people who bought a 360 for Rockband / Guitar hero, sing star type games......last generation sales were definitely helped by casual gamers. I'd be shocked if we reach 260 million consoles sold.....150 million total is probably closer to what we will see come 2018

ABizzel13627d ago

These "articles", and I use the term lightly, are getting out of hand. MK8 is the sole reason Wii U numbers increased, and the PS4 and XBO have nothing to do with that.

Mario Kart is a system seller and has been for several generations. It was the first major game that Nintendo fans needed to buy the console in masses, and it worked for Nintendo. Super Smash Bros. will be the next game, with a real 3D Mario, Zelda U, and hopefully a real Pokemon being the next.

-Foxtrot3627d ago

I think the surge is with Mario Kart 8...

Thatguy-3103627d ago

I would understand the title if the wii u outsold the ps4 but that's clearly not the case. It's basically the boost that Mario Kart gave it.

SilentNegotiator3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

NPD even had Xbone at 57K units more than Wii U.

johndoe112113627d ago

I think everyone except the author of this article knows that.

sashimi3627d ago

or he knows it and is basically click baiting people for hits.

barb_wire3627d ago

Let's see what the Wii U does next month.. if it sells the same or more, then great.. if it sells less or a lot less.. guess Nintendo will have to wait for SSB.

Either way, the Wii U isn't out selling the XBOne, let alone the PS4.

DanielGearSolid3627d ago

I cant read the article...

Theory is ridiculous..

MK8 is the reason... move on

Kayant3627d ago

Clickbait going to clickbait.

mark3214uk3627d ago

yep surprised the source is not dualshockers

stuna13627d ago

Now this is definitely a case of grasping at straws! Exactly what is the WII U offering now that it wasn't offering almost 2 years ago? If anything it's actually offering less! Less 3rd party support than it initially started out with, the only exceptions being that enough time has passed that some of it 1st party titles are finally beginning to release.

But it's online infrastructure is inferior to this gens consoles, specs are inferior to this gens consoles and, overall gaming support is inferior! Sure there are 2 or 3 games here or there appearing on the WII U that aren't coming to other consoles by 3rd party developers, but turn that around and the amount of 3rd party developers games coming to this gens consoles but not the WII U easily triples.

The WII U is a nice console to have I'm sure, but not as a stand-a-lone.

Theyellowflash303627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

Exactly what is the WII U offering now that it wasn't offering almost 2 years ago?

Mario Kart 8 dude....have you not seen the sales of that game?

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3627d ago

cant offer anything if it wasn't out two years ago. Nov. 18, 2014 is it 2nd birthday

funkybudda3627d ago

2 years to offer a AAA title on Wii U and people cry about PS4 current library? Lol, GTFO.

Realplaya3627d ago

@ stuna1 the online infastructure isn't as bad as you paint it to be.

If you play Mario Kart 8 there are no issues with online.
Specs don't mean much 1st party developed games are pushing the other consoles with inferior specs. There are a lot more than 2 to 3 games the indie crowd is holding it down and on top of that indies are making money. 3rd party games are barely doing good on the otther two systems sure there are exceptions but look at the recent studio closures. The Wii U needs to have great quality games instead of quantity.

Try not to recite everything you hear online and have your own opinions.

BrandanT3627d ago

Actually, all specs about the Wii U are rumoured or speculated. The only specs that people really know is how much RAM the Wii U has.

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