
Remembering Deus Ex: Real Player Choice

If you haven't played Deus Ex or think its sequel Deus Ex: Invisible War is representative of the original's greatness - it's worth your while to check it out.

There are few modern games that allowed the kind of true freedom and consequence that was afforded to players in Deus Ex.

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Snoozer2825954d ago

Really? I wouldn't have guessed from your avatar :D

Tis a true great. Cue nostalgic voice "They don't make em like they used to."

MK_Red5954d ago

Fallout 2 is my avy and choice but Deus Ex is indeed a timeless classic and among the very best games of all time :)

GVON5954d ago

I absolutely love this game, especially after playing the demo for a stupid amount of time and finally getting the full version is the best feeling I've had purchasing a game, but I feel that mgs4 will beat that feeling when I highlight the blu ray in my ps3 and the background pic changes and whatever music gets played i'm going to cry :)

Dark General5954d ago

Game in my opinion that i've played. The game mechanics and the story just hasn't been touched yet in my opinion. One of the moments that stand out the most is killing that one chick on the plane while you interrogate and is supposed to eliminate that one terrorist guy. You have a choice not to kill him and i pointed my gun at her and let off a round and i couldn't believe she actually got shot and we had a shootout right there and then. Still one of the most awesome moments in gaming for me. There's other moments like choosing weather or not to give a little kid with the gray death a candy bar or not in the second mission. It was those little things along with the story and diverse gameplay which still makes Deus Ex the best in my eyes.

Winter47th5954d ago

This game opened my eyes to PC gaming/FPS, a true classic, kick ass story, great gameplay and a catchy atmosphere.

kwicksandz5953d ago

The best Game.of.all.time

So many options, so many possibilitys and plot twists!

This proves once and for all WRPGS > JRPGS

heres hoping deus ex 3 captures the brilliance of the orignial

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Stephen Colbert5954d ago

Truly a classic.

But it doesn't make up for the fact that the title is French. The only thing I dislike more than the French are bears, the number one threat to America.

TheColbertinator5954d ago (Edited 5954d ago )

His spelling is also good

LaChance5954d ago (Edited 5954d ago )

the xbox or 10 euros
Do you guys think its worth it ?

@dark general : yep , yhanks for the advice , anyway graphics have never been the principal for me.

Dark General5954d ago

It's worth it, get it now and experience it's greatness. The graphics are gonna be looking outdated but the gameplay and story etc is what made this game not the graphics.

TheIneffableBob5954d ago (Edited 5954d ago )

Deus Ex is not on the Xbox. Invisible War is, but it's not anywhere near as good as the first one.

Deus Ex is currently free to play on GameTap.
It's also $10 on Steam.

Swat205954d ago

this is literally the best game ever made, if the up coming deus ex 3 is a return to form then sign me up and just set the price tag cause ill pay it. from the moment i was put into this world it sucks u in and never lets go. BEST GAME EVER

Dark General5954d ago

I knew it was in a whole nother league after the first mission when i forgot to rescue gunther and well.. If anyone else did the same thing as me you'll know about what i'm talking about *Laughs*.

poopface15953d ago

too bad number 2 wasnt as good. I might think this is the best game ever too, but I know that it is the best surprise game ever for me. When I was little and it first came out I bought it just cause the box made it look like some kind of matrix game, turns out to be the best FPS that was ever made. If they make number 3 I hope it has skill points like this one.


Nightdive would "love to remaster Deus Ex"

Nightdive would "love to remaster" Deus Ex, among a few other games. How can we make this happen.

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Deus Ex Deserves Better Than Being A Scapegoat For Embracer's Screw-Ups

Hanzala from eXputer says, "After multiple delays, cancellations, and ownership changes, the misfortune of Deus Ex continues; this gem of a series deserves better."

maelstromb226d ago (Edited 226d ago )

One can only hope at this point Embracer will need to generate an influx of cash flow, and what better way to do so than to sell off some of its IPs... namely Deus Ex, to a competent and talented studio capable of delivering a game noteworthy of the name in future. And thinking about it further, I don't know why Embracer would sit on the IP vs sell it if it means staying in business or not.


Five Annoying Video Game Openings in Otherwise Classic Titles

Some games endure despite the average player wishing they could skip that first hour - here are five annoying video game openings in otherwise classic titles.

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Yi-Long413d ago

I liked the Red Dead 2 opening, certainly didn’t feel like a slog to me, but I enjoyed that whole game so for those who were just expecting ‘GTA but with cowboys’, that was probably not the opening they expected, and Red Dead 2 wasn’t the game they were hoping for …

First game that came to mind when I read the title, was Watch Dogs 2, because you’re expecting an open world sandbox game in sunny colorful San Francisco, and instead that opening has you crawling and sneaking around an incredibly boring office building …

PrimeVinister413d ago

Watch Dogs 2 is a decent game but not really a classic. The opening is awful though. You got that right.

I loved the RDR 2 opening hours the first time but going back to restart it is where the rub lies for me.

Yi-Long413d ago

Yeah, I agree it’s not a classic, but it was the first game I thought of where I really thought; Why would you make that design choice!? If you’re gonna do a thing like that in order to teach the player some basic sneaking controls, at least make the location a bit more interesting, like an abandoned theme park or gorgeous temple or whatever, but now the gameplay was restrictive and boring, but also the location itself.

PrimeVinister413d ago

@Yi-Long Definitely true re the worst possible choices being made for the opener of Watch Dogs 2. I did enjoy WD2 overall but that intro is baffling :-D

shammgod413d ago

Red Dead 2 opening was trash