
Bayonetta 2 - 60fps footage

A quite powerful CPU and/or GPU is required to be able to stream at 1080p and 60 fps.

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Activemessiah3753d ago (Edited 3753d ago )

As long as the game is 60fps, that's what matters the most IMO.

darthv723752d ago

this game looks so tight (as does her body...wowsa)

And that they are including the original on the same disc...double prizes. I have it on 360 (got from a friend) and have not played it yet but now...i have to.

Army_of_Darkness3752d ago

Since the PS4 is currently $449 here in Canada, I think I'll cave in and get the wiiU first. I want this game and since it comes with the original I'm 100% sold.

thegent3752d ago

its not on the same disc, it comes with a download code.

Christopher3752d ago

What does it matter the FPS and resolution if it's offscreen?

Game looks good. Though that one boss looked a bit cartoonish up close rather than matching the more realistic look of the rest of the environment. Very Nintendo-ish.

SpiralTear3752d ago

October can't come soon enough.

MNGamer-N3752d ago

Looks great! I don't see how you can pass it up, gotta get it for sure!

svoulis3752d ago

I saw this trailer along with Devils Third Zelda and SSBWIIU and...yea I bought a WiiU the day after their E3 conference.

I currently own Mario Kart 8, New Super Mario Wii U, ZombieU (alot more fun than reviews said), Resident Evil Revelations, Windwaker HD, and Monster Hunter 3.


Gemmol3752d ago

I am getting Devil Third so I will see you online

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3752d ago

add me DJK1NG
I am gonna hop on MK8 tonight

DryBoneKoopa853752d ago

Add me as well Dry_Bone_Koopa. I have almost The entire Wii U library. We can play whatever your down for.

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How Bayonetta's Character Has Changed Since 2009

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Why Bayonetta 3 Is a Step Down From Its Predecessor

Many fans have been expressing their disappointment with Bayonetta 3. Here's why the recently released game is a clear step down from Bayonetta 2.

MadLad649d ago (Edited 649d ago )

Yet the Switch is much more powerful than the Wii U - the platform the second game released on. So you're just being negative to be negative with that comment.

anast649d ago

The voice acting wasn't as good...

jBlakeeper649d ago

Bayonetta herself doesn’t even look as good design wise.

-Foxtrot648d ago

I thought they focused on big kaiju like fights which felt gimmicky and thy brought this new character in to try and get away from the leading star


I mean they pretty much killed 3 big characters. They killed Jeanne, Luka and Bayonetta herself and it's not the fact they died it's how they died, we've seen Jeanne and Bayonetta survive countless things yet they go out by the lamest ways possible.


Bayonetta 2 Update 1.2.0 Patch Notes Released by Nintendo

Nintendo has updated Bayonetta 2 to version 1.2.0 and they have also shared the patch notes for this update on the Nintendo Switch.

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