
Nintendo Releasing Special Smash Bros Bundle For Wii U

Nintendo will be offering a special bundle that includes Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, one special Nintendo GameCube controller and one adapter at a suggested retail price of $99.99.

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MSBAUSTX3665d ago

This is cool but why not make the game work on the existing peripherals you already have out? Are you admitting that the controller you have that I already paid for isn't good enough to play the game in some way? This is not characteristically Nintendo. They like to make games work for all controllers that people already have. Maybe this is for those old school Smash Brothers fans that think that controller is best.

randomass1713665d ago

It IS compatible with the current controllers. Iwata and Reggie played the game with a Wii U gamepad and a Pro controller in during the event. This is optional.

gerbwmu3665d ago

the game works with all current controllers.....this is more for the "gamers" who love the corded gamecube controllers.

MSBAUSTX3665d ago

I agree with you that it is for the "OLD SCHOOL" Smash Brothers gamers who wanted this type of controller. I am pretty sure that what I said was completely misunderstood. I don't think we need an extra peripheral for a system that has 10 times more peripherals than any other system. focus on more games not more controllers for the system is what I am asking. Which they did after seeing the live stream today

Dudebro903665d ago

You should google stuff before you make dumb comments.

Because everything you said was dead wrong.

MSBAUSTX3665d ago

I know it is compatible! I am asking why they have to release an EXTRA controller for it. it is like they are saying the only way to get the most out of the game is to buy the new controller. Instead just release the game and make it work BEST on what you already have rather than now I have to buy another add on to my Wii U instead of getting the most out of what I already paid for. I know that the Game pad and pro controller will work for it. insulting to imply otherwise. I merely don't get going into the past to get a controller design from an old system to make your two systems newer games play better.

-Foxtrot3665d ago

Knew it...bloody knew it :)

noxeven3665d ago

This become the preferred version. Just you wait


Sakurai explains why he feels Smash Bros. and online play aren't a good fit

Masahiro Sakurai, the director of Super Smash Bros., explains why he believes online play isn't a good fit for the series.

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Vanfernal398d ago

I feel bad for Smash fans. Those guys have been trying to maintain the scene active for 20+ years and get nothing but hate from Nintendo.

RoseSapphire398d ago

Sakurai explains how he and Nintendo still don't understand how the internet works.


Snookies12398d ago

Exactly, online play would be wonderful on Smash if Nintendo gave a crap about their online services. To be fair though, Nintendo's online offerings would be great if it were 15-20 years ago lol.

jambola398d ago

I've always said that Nintendo is either innovative and ahead of the curve
or 20 years behind, no in between

CrimsonWing69398d ago

I’m sorry, but if a game is MP then there’s no f*cking argument that can justify no online MP. What he says about competition being different from just playing with friends shows me how out of touch these people are.

It’s not until a new generation that understands things steps in to clean-house that we’ll see some evolution here.

Vanfernal398d ago

His argument is nonsensical. "You'd be limited to just playing people from your region". As opposed to being limited to playing people FROM YOUR COUCH!

CrimsonWing69398d ago

What I don’t get is how do you not have competition and experience the same issue if you have a friend that’s way better than you?

GoodGuy09398d ago

It's a big fighting game so online multiplayer is a must. Competitive smash is the only thing I see fun in these games anymore asides from the big character reveals, singleplayer is laughable and you ain't gunna have people over for couch gaming much.

If Nintendo makes a new smash, it needs a huge evolution for singleplayer/couch play to be enjoyable for me any more. But we all know they'll just do a deluxe edition for their next console lol. They really need to up their servers as well.

NotoriousWhiz398d ago (Edited 398d ago )

I can't imagine Nintendo producing a better smash game than ultimate. Roll it forward with a deluxe edition maybe with an extra character or two and call it a day.

Some other developers can try pushing platform fighters to the next level, because I don't think Nintendo is up to the task.

DarthZoolu398d ago

They already created a better smash brothers game than ultimate when they created melee

masterfox398d ago

he sounds more like is trying to justify Nintendo ineptitude to create a proper network infrastructure in order to Smash Brothers work properly online.

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Top 10 best-selling Wii U games of all time in the US

Wii U recently celebrated its tenth anniversary, and in honor of the occasion, new data has revealed the top ten best-selling games of all time in the United States.

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GotGame818560d ago (Edited 560d ago )

Xenoblade Chronicles X needs a remake when Switch 2 comes out! The game was fantastic, and it looked great! Better than most Switch games.

It isn't going to happen though. Monolith soft said "it is way too big", and would be too costly. I would absolutely buy that again, especially a remake or even a remaster.

Xenoblade Chronicles X should have sold better.

Sgt_Slaughter560d ago

One of the games I'm grateful that I found in-stock at GameStop before they quickly cleared nearly all pre-PS4/One/Switch games from their stores.

Nyxus560d ago

Perhaps if the series sold a little more on Switch, it would be worth it to do a port. If only some of those Pokemon numbers went to Xenoblade...

Sirk7x559d ago (Edited 559d ago )

I don't see how it would be too costly for them, when even a 1:1 Switch port would sell far better than the Wii U version ever did. It'd sell a million copies easy. Also, it is kinda crazy how good that game still looks.

GotGame818557d ago

X looks better than the Switch Xenoblade games.

Profchaos560d ago (Edited 560d ago )

Thank you homebrew community for breathing life into the system Nintendo spent years trying to forget.

One of my favourite systems for homebrew along with the Xbox, vita and ps2

Sirk7x559d ago

Huge library of great games with a modded Wii U. Virtual console, including injections, emulation, Wii U, Wii and Gamecube games with Nintendont on vWii.

FinalFantasyFanatic559d ago

Please port Xenoblade Chronicles X, I'm shocked it hasn't happened yet since everything else pretty much got ported to the Switch.


Ranking the Super Smash Bros. Games From Worst To Best

There are few franchises that seem to have been played by almost everyone in the world at least once. Standing with titans like Pac-Man, Mario Kart, and Call of Duty, Super Smash Bros. is a household name.

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septemberindecember1030d ago

Been playing Smash Bros. since the original came out and this is one list I can whole heartedly agree on.

1029d ago Replies(3)
Yi-Long1029d ago

Kinda interested in the game (Switch), but its consistently high price combined with 2 equally expensive Season Passes means I’ll probably never get to own/play it.

Inverno1029d ago

Most likely they'll release a deluxe edition for the Switch 2 cause they've shown no interest in re-releasing any of their games with dlc in "complete edition"s. But having to buy another Nintendo console wouldn't really be a good solution either.

Yi-Long1029d ago

They might, but I assume just re-releasing this game on next gen will get the existing fans angry, who would prefer a completely new Smash game (like they’re upset about there not being a new Mario Kart this gen).

Seeing how very few Switch games I actually bought, because of those high prices by Nintendo, I also doubt I’d invest in a new console from Nintendo.

FinalFantasyFanatic1029d ago


I would kill for a new Mario Kart, 8 isn't bad by any stretch, but it doesn't make the best of the Switch's capabilities, although I pretty excited for that new Mario Party. I do own quite a few Switch games, but I'd own more if the games weren't so expensive, it they're not Nintendo exclusive I end up buying elsewhere.

1029d ago