
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Preview | Could It Be The One Game? l TGF

The Game Fanatics take a good look at the upcoming, Tolkien inspired, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor!

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KinjoTakemura3766d ago

My guess is it'll be one of 2014's best.

ATi_Elite3766d ago (Edited 3766d ago )

not much hype till now but it has quietly gotten my attention.

ALL Game play video of it has been great and the open world aspect gives it two THUMBS UP.

I'm getting it.

Jackhass3766d ago

It looks good, but it doesn't really look much like Lord of the Rings. Like, aside from there being orcs in it, it could be based on anything.

SixtyNine3766d ago

I really hope it's a good as it looks. Its been forever since I played a game set in the LOTR universe.

Lon3wolf3766d ago

Sounds great, fingers crossed they pull it all off nicely.

hellzsupernova3766d ago

WB games is really starting to bring it!

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10 Open-World Games That Feel Empty After Just A Few Hours

Unfortunately, the open worlds in games like Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, Halo Infinite, and the original Assassin's Creed do more harm than good.

MadLad450d ago

I legitimately loved Halo's switch to open world. They made traversal of the map entertaining, and everything involved just tied into the (what I consider) awesome gunplay.
The entire time I really felt the slow takeover of the map, and all the little steps forward felt satisfying.

I don't know what more people really want there, considering the setting and story. A handful of soldiers hunkered down on enemy territory; slowly trying to win the battle.

giovonni449d ago

I agree I liked the switch to the open world, it was large with beautiful land scapes. However, it did feel a bit empty, and wasn’t as action packed as I would have liked. A lot of the bases felt like fillers instead of something of wonder. Let’s see what 343 under new management does from here cause Halo needs some updating

archibold449d ago (Edited 449d ago )

I'm surprised they scrapped the Slipspace engine. I thought the graphics looked great, the sandbox physics were as good as ever, and the AI worked well. Clearly a lot of work went into it and it appears to have been optimized for the new generation of GPUs. The only issue I had with it was the lack of environments, would have been cool to have different biomes on the ring to explore. A bit more variety in missions would have been nice, maybe some timed events where you have to manuever a banshee through forerunner architecture or some mongoose speedruns would have spiced things up.

CrimsonWing69450d ago

I think R* are the only ones who have made compelling open worlds. I can’t stomach most open world games and how boring they are with busy world. It’s like a flex to make this massive environment, but it’s extremely boring to traverse and play in. GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2 blew me away with how incredible their worlds were. Elden Ring was the only other game to give me that sense of awe.

giovonni449d ago

GTA V and unfortunately, Saints Row the original have had some of the most aggressive open world features where the world doesn’t feel so bland. To me what makes GTA V so special is the way the characters react to the world around them vs how the world reacts to them. For example, in GTA when you switch to Franklin and he walked past an attractive female he responded “ damn you fine” or in Saints row you can run up in the pawn shop flash a gun and watch them respond by raising their hands in the air, or they press the silent alarm making you have to run away from the cops. Halo infinite doesn’t have those kind of moments that make you feel apart of the world it just feels like it’s there.

bloop449d ago

Trevor talking to random vegan npc: "You suck c*ck, but you don't eat meat.... It don't make sense to me "

Classic. Such a shame we won't get that humour again now that R* have gone all in on virtue.

Abear21449d ago

AC Odyssey with the next gen patch is pretty incredible, especially if you like a sea shantie. Lol.

Abear21449d ago

I’m back on an open world kick after Horizon. I don’t know what clicked in me but exploring the map and seeing the detail work has me loving open worlds again. Playing AC Odyssey on hard and really enjoying it and the map. Reinstalling RDR2 tonight because damn, that map is just incredible for sightseeing.

Sonic1881449d ago

Halo Infinite felt off. It's like the developers didn't know what they really wanted to do

Demetrius449d ago

Depends on which open world titles u play, most of em are shitty AF, but I honestly admire open world genre, sometimes to just take a break from fighting and missions you explore n see details you haven't noticed before cause you were too busy body at first, then boom finding some dope equipment or things to sale

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10 Mediocre Bosses in Great Games

GF365: "Most games are not perfect and that may be because of a character or an enemy. Here are 10 mediocre bosses in great games."

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Chriswheeler22597d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87597d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight


Best Games Based on Movies

GF365: "These are the best games based on movies. Every entry on this list will be a great video game adaptation of popular movies."

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HeliosHex625d ago

Best game based on two movies that were never made goes to robocop vs terminator.

Owlbert625d ago

Did you play RoboCop Vs terminator... pretty sure it was on the mega drive) genisis.

HeliosHex625d ago

Yes played it on genesis for the blood. Snes had a version but I think the blood was censored not sure. I just remember genesis being the go to system for games with blood.

Owlbert625d ago

Alien isolation...ftw,it is definitely one of my top games,I played it again a few months ago ✌️