
Homefront: The Revolution on past-gen would've slowed down new-gen, says Crytek

In what many, many PS4 and Xbox One owners are thrilled to hear, Homefront: The Revolution is coming to the PS4, Xbox One and PC only, skipping past-gen systems, the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. But why was this decision made, even with some 2015 games still being announced for past-generation consoles, in addition to PS4, Xbox One and PC?

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ZodTheRipper3664d ago

Finally someone who says it how it is. I can understand that some developers are trying cross-gen but their games would be just so much better if they wouldn't have to think about last-gen limitations.

solar3664d ago

problem is the same limitations of last gen is still in this so called "next gen". dev's have to pick between 1080p or 60fps, when both should be the bottom of the barrel. then achieve more after the bottom is reached.

abstractel3664d ago

That's a really odd comment solar. Dying Light is going for 1080p 60fps. Forza XB1 was 1080p 60fps. The thing is, to most people and most developers, 60fps just isn't worth what you have to sacrifice.

The topic on hand here is if focusing new-gen only makes a difference to making a cross-gen game and the answer is a clear YES. If you have to design with cross-gen in mind, you have to make sure everything you are planning will run on last-gen machines.

You might not notice, except graphics, what you can achieve gameplay wise on new-gen that you can't on last-gen but there's lots of _gameplay_ things you can achieve on new-gen that you simply can't on last-gen.

That doesn't mean all developers/designers are good enough to design a game that take advantage of new-gen platforms except for prettier graphics, but great designers will push gameplay further because of the added horse power.

UltraNova3663d ago

To add to your comment, physics and lighting alone can bring any system down to its knees, while you can get away with reducing lighting from one gen to another, physics is another matter it contributes to overall experience and cannot be dramatically reduced in old gen ports. Its potentially game breaking.

So when cross gen title is planed, the heavy stuff are designed first and foremost for the older hardware, inherently limiting the newer consoles.

A prime example of that would be Watchdogs.

4logpc3664d ago

People love talking crap about Crytek, but their decision to pretty much go full force on next gen in nice.

Bathyj3664d ago

Yeah, but lets hope theyre not doing it for merely graphical reasons. Lets hope they open up that gameplay to take advantage of next gen power too.

Pandamobile3663d ago

If they approach this game the same way they did with Crysis 1, it should be awesome.

90% of what was wrong with Crysis 2 and 3 can be attributed to cutbacks being made for the 360 and PS3.

user56695103664d ago

now theyre on crytek side again until the next thing the say with common sense that doesnt make the favorite company looks good.

above i doubt it has something to do with gameplay. most of the time it has to do with gfx. look at the new batman. the didnt say anything that has to do with gameplay. they always stated how the batmobile look and the detail, etc..

XiSasukeUchiha3664d ago

Finally some sense, pheww thank you :)

deadfrag3664d ago

Frankly how can anyone trust Crytek ever again when they had the nerve to say that 8GB of Ram are still low.Frankly im full of all of the BS that comes out from the mouth of some of the headhouncho guys at Crytek.Im still WAITING to see a game made for consoles from Crytek that actually have a story that makes sense,a great gameplay and that runs at stable and smooth framerates!Because until now all there games were average and run like crap not even sustain the 30fps minimum mark,and from a company that brags itself of been in the front of tech development when it comes to games engines that is just one big fail,not to mention the other ones.Im almost betting that there games will still run bellow the 30fps minimum on this new gen hardware still.So much flare but no substance!

Reaper29r3663d ago

Dude you've honestly never played a Crytek game in HD on a good gaming PC. Their games look fantastic on good hardware. The problem is their art style if you will, is basically make it look as real as possible without tricking your eyes requiring a lot of graphical juice. Which didn't match up well with last gen consoles specs. Compared to the Crysis series for example (again art style, specially faces), Halo and Uncharted (both great games) look a bit cartoony with flat textures in comparison. What they were able to do on 360 and PS3 was impressive. As far as gameplay it may not be your cup tea (I personally enjoyed them, original Crysis and Far Cry are awesome)but you can't deny they are very good at pushing graphics.

Sy_Wolf3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

They never said that 8GB of ram "was low." They said in the future they will be hurting for RAM again just like on last gen. That's absolutely true if games continue to progress, which they will. And Crytek's games DO run well over 30 frames a second and stable, you just need a decked out PC. If you don't like there games here's a crazy idea, don't play them or even spend time thinking about them.

3664d ago Replies(1)
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Crytek Interview - Hunt Showdown's Success and How It Has Evolved | MP1st

MP1st talks to Crytek about Hunt: Showdown's success, future title updates, inspiration behind weapons and more.


Crytek Gives Brief Update on New Crysis Game; Studio Has a "Great Team" Working on It

Crytek gives an update on their new Crysis game, confirming that it's still in development, with more to share down the road.

DefenderOfDoom2194d ago

Actually would love a new Crysis campaign.

P_Bomb194d ago

Ditto. Ran through them again last year. I’ll grab the new one.

Crazyglues194d ago (Edited 194d ago )

Yeah they really messed up by not adding the Multi-player to the Crysis Triogly because while the campaign was fun I really loved the Multi-player and couldn't wait to see what it was going to be like on current gen.

They could have dropped new maps and DLC and fans would have bought it up... -But they dropped the ball and did just the Campaign's with no new content or story, which was just crazy.

Anyway still hoping Crysis 4 is the whole Chicken Sandwhich with all the toppings.... Can't wait.

PrinceOfAnger194d ago (Edited 194d ago )

Yeah It will probably be 5 years development

SimpleSlave194d ago (Edited 194d ago )

That's awesome. So how long till the studio closes and everyone gets fired?

purple101194d ago

Series S owners: "but can it run crysis doh?"

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Crytek Sends Cease and Desist To A Popular Photo Mode Modder Frans Bouma

Immersed Gamer writes: "Frans Bouma just received a Cease and Desist letter from Crytek, developers of Crysis. Did he pirate their game? Or maybe he infringed on their copyright? What horrible thing did Bouma do to deserve this? Well, he modded in a photo mode so that people could take beautiful pictures and share them on social media."

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annoyedgamer884d ago

Open source the code and dump it on the internet.

mastershredder884d ago

"from his Patreon page" Uhhhh yeah.......Oh gee and I wonder why that was problem? You know where this goes there Filip or perhaps you are just not quite yet.

Mazgamer884d ago (Edited 884d ago )

It's astounding how quickly someone uniformed will take a side of soulless company just because a modder might be making some pocket change.

For your information: He puts all of his camera mode mods on GitHub, completely free of charge. His Patreon is nothing more than a way to tip him some cash for his work.

He says so himself on his GitHub page:
I do this for fun, not profit, but can't create cameras for games I don't own. I've therefore setup a Patreon page which allows you to safely support my work".

Are you following "mastershredder", or are you not quite there yet?

Giblet_Head883d ago

I did some digging and from what I can see it's probably the "early access" releases of his mods only through Patreon that may have stirred Crytek to send the C&D. Apart from that his mods are indeed available free of charge through his GitHub page.

CobraKai883d ago

It’s a non-profit mod tho. It confuses me cuz modders can do things like completely overhaul the art assets of a game or add licensed cars, but adding a photo mode seems to get the cease.

Orchard884d ago

I guess they want to be the next T2/Rockstar...

Fishy Fingers884d ago

Rarely do you see something with so much potential (Crytek) shoot themselves in the foot so many times.

BlackIceJoe883d ago

Instead of sending a C&D Crytek should thank him, for this, because this will lead to more people buying and playing the game.

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