
Showdown: Resistance 2 vs. Gears 2

In fall of 2008, two of the industry's premier shooters will face off in Resistance 2 (PS3) and Gears of War 2 (360). Resistance, a PS3 launch title, found its way into gamers' homes and hearts following a stream of positive reviews from the gaming media. Though it sorely lacked the polish of Gears of War in terms of its visuals, it more than made up for its blemishes with a terrific story, solid gameplay and an excellent multiplayer component. Gears of War, a title that did not see the light of day until over a year after the Xbox 360 was released, featured a brilliant singleplayer campaign with unsurpassed visuals and seriously addictive gunplay. Since their releases, Insomniac and Epic have had more than ample time to optimize each title's engines in order to get the most out of their respective consoles.The gaming public is not only looking for these developers to deliver memorable second chapters, but also to create momentum before the crucial 2008 holiday season.

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LenHart5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

with 60 players online

8 player co-op

2 SP campaign MODES ----R2 is the best FPS of 2008

However Gears 2 will also sell well

Both games will sell well but R2 will sell better based on european sales

****DO give me bubbles everyone

MART aka POG removed 2 with his FAKE accounts

Kaz Hirai5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

Gears of War 2 may indeed be worthy competition- but NOTHING compares to 60 player MP with 8 player co-op! NOTHING!!!!
Epic are AMATEURISH PRIMATES compared to my good friends at Insomniac!

11 days until Judgment Day, Nazisoft!


Homicide5960d ago

The 60MP and 8 Co-op is the reason why I'm getting Resistance 2. Does any 360 game come close to this? NO!


Yoma5960d ago


With one word, instead of Amen, I say B3yond.

360 man5960d ago

well frontlies has 50 player online and huxley has 100 player online so...

poos35960d ago

@mk red and co in the gamer zone you act like its gears of wars cover system that makes it great (and tere has never ben a game implemneted that matches gears cover system none look liek it in motion!)follls the gameplay leaves ressitance baging for another chance thank god it got it wish but with both gameplay released of gearsowar 2 and rs2 gears 2 looks a lightyear ahed of res2 gameplay wise =graphics wise stop deluding your self for bubbles .

BLaZiN PRopHeT5960d ago

@1.2 Huxley has 200 player matches 100 vs 100

Gun_Senshi5960d ago

SOE, Sony Online Entertainment has 1000 player MMOFPS called PlanetSide during Dail-up days w/o lag.

pwnsause5960d ago

"well frontlies has 50 player online and huxley has 100 player online so..."

the difference that seperates Resistance from the rest in terms of massive FPS online is the fact that the game seperates you into squads, the game will give you different orders when fighting against other squads in 30 vs. 30, for example 30 players in one team will be splint into squads of 3, then get sent on a mission like protecting the flag/zone. etc. thats whats different about Resistance 2, thats how its going to keep it from becoming a fragfest, all without minimum amount of lag.

rroded5960d ago

after playing r/fom i have no doubt in their ability to deliver on this
60 massive battles and tons of squad based non stop action... all for free on the best gaming network in the world. For massive lag free worldwide games live cant come close.

TheColbertinator5960d ago

So we cant compare resistance with gears and resistance because they are different genres.Anybody want to compare Socom:Confrontation and Gears2?

Aquanox5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

Do you guys actually believet that more player = higher quality?

Gears of War 1 had 8 player multiplayer and it's still being played by dozens od thousands, only outperformed by COD 4 Halo 3.

On the other hand, Who is still playing Resistance online? And it had many more players than Gears right?

As you can see, it means nothing. Gears is conceived to have a small number and equally challenging and addictive online mode and the first iteration of both games clearly prove that Quality is better than Quantity.

Sales wise, Gears of War 2 will outperform Resistance 2 by a long, long shot.

Another fact:

- Metacritic -

Xbox 360: Gears of War (2006) 94%

Playstation 3: Resistance: Fall of Man (2006) 86%

PSMonster215960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

"On the other hand,Who is still playing Resistance online? And it had many more players than Gears right?"

Actually, there are sh!t loads of people who still play Resistance online. Whenever I go online, there are plenty of custom games to choose from and I can also always join a nice big ranked game. You wouldn't know that though because you don't own a ps3 nor do you own resistance because your a fücked up fanboy. Your comment fails horribly. You fail horribly. GTFO and get a life!

pwnsause5959d ago (Edited 5959d ago )

"On the other hand, Who is still playing Resistance online? And it had many more players than Gears right?"

what are you smoking today Aquanox. Ok let put some facts here

1.People Still to this day plays R:fom

2.There are more Japanese people playing R:fom than there are playing Halo and any other FPS to this day, since this was the first game to launch along side the PS3, in fact, it was the only FPS that took the top of the sales charts in Japan for about a week, although it wasnt a record breaking number (obviously, becuase about what %2 of the gaming population over there plays FPS).

(I added Japan on this list because of that facts that I stated about them in relation to this game, that hardcore group if anything would be interested about this title instantly if they liked it seeing that they picked this game over RR7 and Gundam(yea that bad Gundam Game, which means this game Resistance 2 could be a hit world wide, because if this is a country that doesn't like the FPS and brought this game, then just imagine the possibilities))

3.Resistance was a Launch title, it sold approx 1 million in 25 weeks world wide for a console that launched at the same time frame, which at that time had an install base of about 2.5-3 million with its cost of $600. thats pretty impressive.

4.Resistance 2 is going to take the PSN to almost its fullest potential if
A. In-game Xmb releases with full fledge in-game communication
B. Home launches (even in open Beta, its going grow and constantly update)
C.Clans (Resistance 1 has this, expect Resistance 2 to have it)
D.My Resistance.net expect it to be similar or better than Bungie.net

Insomniac Doesn't Dissapoint, they are SCEA's Crown Jewel independent Studio.

themyk5959d ago

So we cant compare resistance with gears and resistance because they are different genres.Anybody want to compare Socom:Confrontation and Gears2?

socom is going to destroy gears as well. probably not in sales. but i can bet it's going to be a much better online third person shooter.

lawman11085959d ago (Edited 5959d ago )

Too bad that is the number 3 market and I do think your one of those who does NOT think the UK is in Europe. MGS will not match COD4's sales so forget about R2 even in GOW2 sales numbers area code. Sorry, Nasim or Shmee. GOW2 will beat Halo3 numbers.......... I like RFOM, and will buy 2 just as I will MGS4 even if it will be on the 360 at xmas. HEY!!!! how did those GTA4 numbers work out for Sony BTW? hahahahahah

Pain5959d ago (Edited 5959d ago )

RFOM2>>>.Queers 2.

not even funny .

Story/Gameplay/System/Fanboys /Everything>>>RROD2/ Queers 2 .

and why bots u bringing up Huxley? its a PC game from CHINA????? and Fronlines is a joke u kidding me? comparing it,to RFOM2.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 5959d ago
HighDefinition5960d ago

GeoW had little/no competetion.

This time it`s a bit different. Should be interesting to say the least. Insomniac isn`t rushed this time.

Jamie Foxx5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

wont have the amazing wow factor this time around,still amazing graphics but not as revolutionary as the 1st,GeOW was the 1st game i would say was TRULY NEXT-GEN in terms of graphics definately mouth on floor moment, which is what gears strongest point was.

resistance is a whole new ball game,60 player online is sick,graphics will be amazing and insomiac are just that, developers who never sleep who strive for perfection and never make bad games

theres room for both these games,we as gamers are gonna be the lucky ones

theKiller5960d ago

they will be neck to neck in terms of sales and hype!!

gamesR4fun5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

just look at the reports on this lol guessing the words gears2 and resistance2 in the same sentence might b too scary for em.

Speaking of wich i loss a bubble for calling Tomonubu Itagaki on his mgs4/hg2 comparison lol if your inclined bubble me back up to 5 pls.

Close_Second5960d ago

...building up the hype.

Both games will be winners on their respective platforms. If both garner review scores in the low-medium 9's then they will probably contribute to added hardware sales. However, will everyone ditch their PS3 or 360 to buy the other just to play one of these games, I doubt it.

Fanboys will be claiming they have the better console already where as all the real gamers will just be having fun with one or both of these games.

chaosatom3335960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

in the same time frame. Probably not.

Since COD5 is out of the picture. most people will buy these.

SADLY, there are gamers that don't know about COD5 not being made by IW. So COD5 will probably affect sales of both games.

Muff1nB4k3r5960d ago

Can we not compare these two titles?

I find it sort of weird to say the least, a First Person Shooter being compared to a Third Person Shooter and vice versa

Can't we just admit they're good games in what category they represent?

Or do we have to nitpick? Because I'd personally take both, but that's my opinion obviously. XD

Because we've got a game that has aliens taking out the 1950's Earth, and the other we have a guy with a chainsaw bayonet attached to a rifle. There are differences that make these game's great, so why try to compare and make them similar?

Think about it, do we really want gears of war to have weird weapons ala steam train?


theKiller5960d ago

some fanatics took a bubble from me or saying facts, i'd be happy if i get my 6th bubble!

i usually gives bubbles to those who i agree but very rarely get bubble even if i had so many agrees!

pharmd5960d ago

these articles are getting old already and we have five more months BEFORE THEY EVEN COME OUT..... god knows we'll have these articles til Christmas....

Presentist5960d ago

They're almost completely different.

Whatever though, sites will put up any fanboy war BS to get hits for their advertising.

INehalemEXI5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

Im more excited about R2 right now because of the way theres going to be so many squads working on seperate objectives simultaneously, yet the squads will be able to help there mates that are in trouble it makes for exciting gameplay. (Reminds me of some WoW pvp athani basin or whatever it was called yet more fun in a fps setting.). Im also really curious to see the graphical upgrades R2 gets.

Gears 2's Capture the Flag twist with the living flag (A flag that fights back or whatever.) sounds cool too. Im sure they can get the sequal to be more impressive graphically then the original as well. Chainsaw duels and meatshields. Pretty sweet.

They both have interesting new things going on. Resistance weapons are funner to play with IMO (Has both originals) though and The online is more extensive. I want to see who has the best reward system perks and what not hopes they trump Cod4's. Both games have me sold really.

Its all about MGS4 at this point and time though honestly. :D

otherZinc5959d ago

Gears 2 will outsell RFOM 2 by 4 to 1.

Zool 085959d ago (Edited 5959d ago )


SkinBintin5959d ago

Some people wouldn't agree with your claim that Insomniac 'never' make bad games, myself included. Personally, I couldn't stand Resistance. It came free with my 60gig PS3, and to this day I have never finished it. Compared to Gears of War (which I still play a couple of times a week) it just looks bland, and doesn't feel right. I can't pin down exactly what I don't like about it, as it seems to be the entire experience that frustrates me about it. Multiplayer included. I like the small team nature of Gears of War. Makes things more personal, and gets players talking. I even made a few 'friends' via Gears multiplayer.

I have already pre-ordered Gears of War 2, where as with Resistance, I won't buy it until I have rented it a couple of times to make sure it's not the same dribble second time around.

PS: I'm not saying your wrong. I'm just pointing out that people sometimes have differing opinions. That is part of what makes us all unique.

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power of Green 5960d ago

I very much doubt that there will be other FPS that are multi platform that will kill Resistance 2 and possibly 360 exclusives GoW 2 will be by itself and could sell to half of the 360's fanbase again.

Doubt it very much.

LenHart5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

can u just stop talking

seriously man you are embarrassing yourself

dont forget to buy MGS4 PS3 bundle on June 12th

everyone is now playing BEYOND so should you



I never played an MGS game. This is the first time i am buying on with PS3 bundle

MGS4 will be getting the love from many non-MGS fans this time

However trust me FF13 will have a much bigger impact than MGS4 this gen.

Some are saying that MGS4 is the game of this GEN

I say FF13 is the game of this gen

TruthBTold5960d ago

LMAO you cracked me up dude

"dont forget to buy MGS4 PS3 bundle on June 12th

everyone is now playing BEYOND so should you


For some reason I imagined Cartman from South Park saying it but for real though PoG, have it pre-ordered or go for the LE MGS4 bundle from Konami, depends just how much of a MGS you are, hardcore or extremely hardcore LOL.

heyheyhey5960d ago

is it me... or did POG just say that no multi-platform shooter will beat Res 2? and did he also say that he doubt Gears 2 will sell to half the fanbase?

lol, POG owned himself

power of Green 5960d ago

Resistance 2 needs to be compared to other FPS's with Frag type gameplay. There's a few FPS that will go head to head with Resistance 2.

Gears has already proven its a block buster Monster that will sell millions and offer the great tactical cover based gameplay we all fell in love with.

Gow2 and Resistance 2 may be the most hyped games on both platfroms but I doubt they'll be the best; of course GoW2 will ass rape Resistance 2 in sales.

Jamie Foxx5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

its GeOW not GOW

GOW is god of war, a game which was out before gears and GOW was used to describe god of war back in the ps2 era before GeOW

get it right sheesh

Maverick_5960d ago

First of all... Resistance 2 is going to destroy everything. Second of all.... please change your avatar... it's looks like a man with a wig on. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO FUGLYYYY avatar.

steck675960d ago

I know. Im sure Heavenly Sword had more than a 100, and nothing can beat Uncharted's water graphics. Epic makes it sound like these things are new.

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BilI Gates5960d ago

Resistance 2

- 60 players online
- 8 player co-op
- Two huge campaigns
- Epic boss battles
- HUGE maps
- Dedicated servers / no lag whatsoever

Gears 2

- Another Unreal Engine game
- 10 player multiplayer
- Laggy online

Gears 2 might win in sales but Resistance 2 will be the better game.

Resistance: FOM was only a launch title.

Resistance 2 will mop the floor with every other FPS released this year.

Breakfast5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )


- Average game
- Average gameplay
- Average multiplayer

Gears of War:

- Destroyed Resistance in gameplay
- Destroyed Resistance in sales
- Destroyed Resistance in graphics
- Destroyed Resistance in online

Based on what we know. Gears 2 will defeat anything that comes near it...except LBP

"Resistance 2 will mop the floor with every other FPS released this year."

Who's it competing against it?? Haze...LOL

pimpstation5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

Dude you're trippin. Resistance was clearly superior to Gears in every way except graphics. And it was a launch title. Resistance 2 will destroy Gears 2, no question. If it wasn't for MGS4, Resistance 2 would be the likely GOTY.

Halo 3 has about 100 on Metacritic, and it's a terrible game. What's your point?

Breakfast5960d ago

"If it wasn't for MGS4, Resistance 2 would be the likely GOTY."

Who says so? The disagree button...LOL...

Gears - 94

Resistance - 86

BilI Gates5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

Resistance (launch title) VS overrated UE game that Microsoft bribed reviewers to rate high for.

Resistance 2 will kill it.

Insomniac > Epic

Believe it.

Epic has zero originality in their games. They ripped off the cover system from Killswitch and they ripped off the "second person" view from Resident Evil 4 and then tried to call it their own.

They maxed out the 360 in 2006. Why do you think Gears 2 looks exactly the same as the original? LOL

pimpstation5960d ago

He knows what he's talkin bout.

TheHater5960d ago

finally someone other than myself know that Killswitch was the first game to have the cover system. and now everyone is saying that Gear of War was the first to do it

UnDone145960d ago

@ Breakfast

It has been said before that Gears was a 2nd generation title while Resistance was a launch title.

Yes Gears sold more than Resistance but selling more copies of a game doesn't necessarily mean it's better. (I.E. A bunch of Wii games sell a lot of copies but a huge amount are trash).

We'll just have to see how a 2nd generation game goes up against a 3rd generation game. Although from what I've seen so far, Gears 2 is only marginally improved in graphics at best.

MK_Red5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

TheHater, I'm with you but Kill.switch is not just the other game with that mechanic. PS2 games like Winback, Nemesis Strike and such also used the exact same cover system. Sadly most people never saw them and think it was Gears' "innovation".

As for this article, I think it's pure flame bait for fanboy wars.

Breakfast5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

So what your saying is...one game has the potential to improve, because the first one was average...and the other cant improve because the first one was good?

Halo was a launch title, too. It still one of the best fps's...lol....no ones writing excuses for that game.

"Yes Gears sold more than Resistance but selling more copies of a game doesn't necessarily mean it's better."

Meta critic scores dont lie...

And im not saying who originated anything (cover system), i couldnt care less, im talking about which game is better....and metacritic proves which one is better.

Yoma5960d ago Show
Breakfast5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

ill go to the open zone, when my friend Bill, takes his stuff to the open zone too.

I said nothing that was false though...did i?

Bill knew what he was writing when he made that comment, so i just replied back, in the same matter he did.

"Showdown: Resistance 2 vs. Gears 2"

"Showdown: Resistance 2 to Trump Gears 2 this Fall"

The title was also changed for a reason.

Maverick_5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

lol anyone doubting Resistance 2 is due for an absolutely massive wake-up call. Resistance 2 will speak for itself. If you listen to Insmoniac's podcast they let you know, clearly...that Resistance 1 was a launch title. That's all they say...and then laugh.

They only had development kits for 9 MONTHS to make Resistance:FOM. The will have had them for 3 years by the time Resistance 2 arrives. Resistance 2 is going to be a very very different game from the first in terms of everything, and Resistance 1 was stil a very solid title.

Resistance 2 footage on Gametrailers TV, June 13!!!!

macalatus5960d ago


"I said nothing that was false though...did i?"

By saying "false" it means you're saying that is a "fact". Sorry dude, but your statement is mere opinion, just like Bill Gate's statement.

Breakfast5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

"LOL, just yesterday, i remember
Breakfast pointing me that way --------------------->" ;

?...no i didnt.

"By saying "false" it means you're saying that is a "fact". Sorry dude, but your statement is mere opinion, just like Bill Gate's statement."

Yea, your right, for my first comment. Not the rest of them.

Im just following n4g code, he provokes, ill follow suit. I have no problem with Resistance. I have a problem with fanboys. Hence the "Just for you Bill :D"

rexor07175960d ago

What makes Resistance average? Its amazingly creative weapons, it wonderful 40 player online that was established as a launch title? I admit that COD4 is (IMO) the most fun FPS for the PS3 right now, but then again, I think its true for the 360. Gears will actually have competition now, and although Hype will help it, I think Resistance will win in the end.

Yipee Bog5960d ago

A leveling system much like cod4, thats half the reason i still play cod4, amazingly addictive. Gears I bought used, kept it for about 1-2 months and traded it in, and I still play rfom from time to time. Gears was just so laggy online, and didn't really give any incentive to keep playing, looked good but didn't have any replay value. imo.

Kain815960d ago

es für einige Xboxfanatiker ein Trauriger und zugleich peinlicher Tag.
wie kann man über ein Spiel, was man noch nicht gesehen hat ein Urteil bilden nur weil man Gears2 gesehen hat was Grafisch gesehen nicht grad was neues bringt.
Wenn die gezeigten bilder von Resistance2 annähernd oder besser aussehen dann wird es bestimmt ein Super Kracher.

Gute Nacht noch an meine Kummpels^^

thewhoopimen5960d ago

Ich bin liebe Resistance 2 Gute Nacht :)

shelbygt335960d ago

PSN is not lag-free, even with dedicated servers. So stop spewing trash.

PSMonster215960d ago

Resistance2 will trump GeoW2 in every way imaginable except for maybe graphics. GeoW2 may look better and sell better, but you will have a much more enjoyable time with R2.

Yipee Bog5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

About PSN not being lag free, have you played Warhawk lately? Ok then compare that to gears online. Yes a difference I know, Gears has no excuse for it either, if I remember correctly it was like 4v4 matches, not 60 players at once. Although I will note that UT3 is quite laggy, maybe it's just epic studios.

Willio5960d ago

how is gears better online than resistance? i dont think anyone really played it often.

Rofflecopter5960d ago

both systems have a great game to look forward to.. thats what really matters. 360 has gears, a great looking and addicting game. PS3 has resistance, a fun game with a great story and crazy online play. gamers are the winners this year, and thats a damn good thing.

RacingX5959d ago

Open zone is that way -----> for all you fanboys to b!tch slap each other.

Bottom line is all gamers will have BOTH in their libraries. BOTH will be great and both will be on my shelf DAY1.

Disagrees will only be noted as jealous fanboys who can't have BOTH...go in the corner over there ----> and _____ yourself

dachiefsman5959d ago

having played both games...I don't think you can really compare them...

yea they are both shooters but they are not the same type of shooters...I think both will have relatively good success, but Gears will do better IMO because of the bigger hard core FPS base on Xbox...

both games look great...I am just talking about sales...

Yipee Bog5959d ago

too bad gears is not an fps, might be good then

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Vojkan5960d ago

The difference is Microsoft know how to market its big games, really i give them creadit for that, on other hand that is not Sonys strongest point if we are to be honest.
So really it is hard to say who wins, after all GEOW is bigger, better and more bad a$$ lol / had to pull that one.

I give RE2 little advantage, like 55% vs 45%.

Bob Dole5959d ago

Bob Dole doesn't care which game sells more. Bob Dole just wants to kick some alien ass on either system respectively.

Ogrekiller5959d ago

Amen to that.
Death to the alien scum!
The human race rules, get it? RULES

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Ranking The Gears Of War Games From Worst To Best

The Gears of War series has been a consistent deliverer of quality for Xbox, but which games are the best?

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KicksnSnares827d ago

Gears of War is my favorite video game franchise, and the Locust is my all-time favorite faction.

My rank list:
1. Gears of War 2
2. Gears of War 3
3. Gears of War 1
4. Gears of War 4
5. Gears of War 5
6. Gears of War Judgment (No Locust in multiplayer was a disgrace)

ChasterMies826d ago

Agree 100% with this ranking. The campaign in Gears of War 2 is among the most fun campaigns ever made. It’s been downhill from there.

Zombieburger638826d ago

I’d say gears 2 and 3 are pretty even. I absolutely loved both of them.

darthv72827d ago

2 is still my favorite but 5 is also up there (for me). Then I'd say 1, 3, 4 and Judgement. Tactics isnt the same type of game, so it seems odd to rank it among TPS when its a strategy game. So I make that one all its own. Pretty fun game too.

Jericho1337827d ago

The first is and has always been the best one imo - the story, the levels, the set pieces, the soundtrack - as close to perfect as a campaign can get.

I’d say the series had been on a continual downhill slide until 5.

Om4ever826d ago

Naaaan ... 2 is the best by far

MadLad826d ago


I love the series as a whole, but 4 was pretty by the numbers, and Judgement was just ok.

LoveSpuds826d ago

I played them all since picking up a Series X about 7 months ago. Personally, I don't think time has been kind to the earlier games and they feel very slow and repetitive to play. Whilst the newer games may be prettier, they stick with the original gameplay mechanics too much in my view so as a whole series of titles, I think they are pretty average games.

Not to say they weren't fun and I have a lot of nostalgia for 1 and 2, I just think there are far better action games out there.

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Ranking the Resistance Games From Worst To Best

While it's been on ice for as long as it was around, the Resistance franchise has no shortage of quality.

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Knushwood Butt877d ago

My take:

Single player
3, 2, 1

3, 1, 2

3, 2, 1

I beat the lengthy single player in 1 multiple times and spent hours in the online too. Plus 1 featured my home town! Special mention to the audio design in 1: playing that with surround headphones blew me away.

Note: I have the platinum for Resistance 2.

Eidolon876d ago

Resistance 1 MP will always be my favorite. Call it nostalgia or whatever, but that was my jam, felt more balance, natural.

Miraak82 876d ago

i have the platinium too , 10k kills in online ranked matches was no joke . Took me 3-4 months straight grinding but it was fun . To put it in perspective you only got like 25 kills per match if you were 1st place every match that's at Least 400 matches in 1st

Sciurus_vulgaris877d ago

I only played the 3 main Resistance titles. My ranking would be;
1. Resistance 3
2. Resistance: Fall of Man
3. Resistance 2

GoodGuy09877d ago

Man I loved 3's campaign. Another gem stuck on the ps3 and who knows if insomniac will go back to the franchise.

fr0sty876d ago

Resistance, Warhawk, MAG, Motorstorm, there's so many first party gems on PS3 that Sony has just left to die...

P_Bomb877d ago

Never played Burning Skies but I still have Retribution.

monkey602877d ago

Burning Skies was about 3 hours long and rather inconsequential. You haven't missed anything

porkChop876d ago

Honestly, Burning Skies was shit. There's no two ways about it. At first I thought it looked terrible, then I second guessed myself. Big mistake.

darthv72875d ago

Retribution has this really cool feature where you could use a PS3 to link a controller to it and play. So if you had a 2000 or 3000 hooked to a tv, you can use a real controller. All of this predates the PSP Go's ability to sync a sixaxis to it via bluetooth.

Yui_Suzumiya876d ago

Resistance 3 was shocking and brilliant. Loved it.

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Gears Of War: The Franchise For You

What's the best Gears of War game for players? Where to start? This guide should easily lend a hand.

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Old McGroin960d ago (Edited 960d ago )

It's brilliant but personally liked part one more. It's the only one that had a near horror movie vibe to it in parts, the atmosphere was amazing.

Also, the commercial for it was 🔥🔥🔥


Neonridr960d ago

Mad World was such a perfect song for that trailer. I loved part 1 too just because it was so fresh at the time. The series has been solid, but experiencing everything for the first time was pretty awesome.

ChasterMies960d ago

Gears of War 2 has one of the greatest campaigns of all time. Carmine, all that juice, fighting inside a giant worm, and riding monsters.

Knightofelemia961d ago

Gears 1 and 2 will always be my favorite Gears titles. The scene where Dom find his wife and then has to shoot her was an epic scene.

monkey602960d ago

I always found that scene laughably bad myself. Fantastic game though.

1 will always be my favourite. Most were great with the exception of 4 being okay and judgement being terrible.

They still have the most satisfying headshots from any multiplayer game around.

lucian229960d ago

Nah I laughed, the acting was soooooooooo bad

KicksnSnares961d ago

My favorite Gears game list
1. Gears 2
2. Gears 3
3. Gears 1
4. Gears 4
5. Gears 5
6. Gears Judgement

Gears Of War is my favorite video game franchise. I can’t imagine how Gears 6 will look in UE5 after watching Hellblade 2 gameplay trailer

RetroCaptainSteve961d ago

Or if they remake 2 and 3 with that engine.

KicksnSnares960d ago

There is a rumored Marcus Fenix collection (Gears 2 & 3 remake) in the works at the Coalition. Hopefully, it’s true, but I doubt it.

Profchaos960d ago

For me you can't beat gears 1 the original was so fresh and revolutionary at the time.
Then basically I'd rank it 2,3,5,4 and judgement

Viljong960d ago (Edited 960d ago )

One of the reasons why i got the series x. Been fan since the first game.

myfathersbastard960d ago

Played them all recently on gamepass. Great games. But my favorites gotta be gears tactics. Don’t know why. I just had a blast with it lol

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