
Would a New Metroid Game Hurt or Help Nintendo?

IGN's Nintendo podcast talks about the next Metroid game.

3771d ago Replies(3)
Moonman3771d ago (Edited 3771d ago )

If the game is awesome and Nintendo puts the hand of God behind it marketing wise, it can bring NEW fans into the franchise. It can easily be the best selling Metroid game by hitting 3-4 million. Sure, it won't do huge numbers but if the quality is even anywhere close to say Super Metroid or Metroid Prime it will give Wii U lasting credibility and gamer goodwill that will help it's market value. And I mean market the heck out of it like it's the second coming...

note: They said everyone who loves Metroid already has a Wii U. What bologna!!! How can they say that with a straight face? That is all we hear online..."when Mario Kart, Metroid, Smash or Zelda comes I'll consider"....

Blackleg-sanji3770d ago

Exactly!!! i love smash brothers but i dont have a wiiU nd i wont until winter time(smash release window)

DVAcme3769d ago

Well said. And adding my two cents, Metroid, out of all of Nintendo's franchises, is the one that caters to adult gamers the most and which would most showcase what the system would be capable of in terms of hardware. As great as Mario and Zelda are, they're nowhere near showcasing the system graphically. Metroid's much more realistic aesthetic would be much more awe-inducing. H3ll, play the first Metroid Prime right now, it still looks amazing decades after.

XXXL3770d ago

Ign is the foxnews of the video game world. Logic need not apply.

DivineAssault 3770d ago

metroid only has a small fanbase when compared to games like mario kart or smash bros.. If those two games dont help the wii u boost sales, metroid wont either.. I dont care tho, as long as i get my 1st party games, ill be happy.. Thats why i bought a wii u anyway.. I will ALWAYS buy a nintendo console just for titles like zelda, metroid, smash bros, mario kart, etc.. Bayo 2 & X are just bonuses that ill enjoy too

Moonman3770d ago (Edited 3770d ago )

But it boosts the energy around the console. Like gamers who might not be into Metroid but love Zelda will feel better about purchasing Wii U because Metroid fans are loving it and saying nice things about the console.

barb_wire3770d ago

It would be a risk wouldn't it? The Metroid games aren't exactly sales blockbusters and the sales in Japan are even worse than in the US.

Nintendo just needs to get the new Zelda out already.

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With "E3 Season" Now Over, Here Are Some Of The Best Games To Look Forward To

Following the major video game showcase reveals over the last weeks, games like Astro Bot and Doom: The Dark Ages are highly sought-after.

Profchaos96d ago

I went from being unexcited about anything that wasn't GTA vi to having a fully stocked end of the year especially after that direct

LostPotato95d ago

It's not over yet still have the THQ showcase and Games-Com this summer,

TwoPicklesGood95d ago

Xbox has a ton of games lined up. I was hoping more would be coming to PS5 but I think I’m going to finally subscribe to PC Game Pass since no matter what, it will still be a better deal. If MS makes a handheld, I’ll buy a console, if not I’ll play on PC.

phoenixwing95d ago (Edited 95d ago )

You could buy a steamdeck if you actually have a pc library. And If you don't have a steam account I feel sorry for u when you claim to own a gaming pc


Was Metroid Prime 4 Running on Switch 2?

IGN asked tech experts Digital Foundry to analyse the Metroid Prime 4 gameplay footage to get the definitive answer.

OtterX96d ago

If this is the original Switch, I can only imagine how good it will look on the Switch 2. You know if the game is launching in 2025, there will be both a Switch & Switch 2 version!

Cacabunga95d ago (Edited 95d ago )

It’s running on switch.. looks same as Metroid Prime remastered. those who played it know what I’m talking about

OtterX95d ago

I have it and I have played it. The lighting here was way more advanced. The characters certainly look Switch. It's obvious that they learned some things from Metroid Prime Remastered and have pushed things a bit further. It's just surprising that they could actually make it any better, squeezing every last bit of power in the Switch

GhostScholar95d ago

Yeah switch has always been a graphical powerhouse 🙄

That’s directed at the fanboys not Nintendo. I give Nintendo props for recognizing their fan base will pay 70 dollars for decade old games.

Chard95d ago

Nintendo's business model is probably better than the alternative that is characterised by skyrocketing costs, mass layoffs, and 'safe' game design. Props to Nintendo for recognising the graphics arms race was not worth pursuing

FinalFantasyFanatic95d ago

I've honestly been more excited by what Nintendo is doing lately, compared to the other two.

darthv7296d ago

They are using the same engine they used to do the MP remaster. I was kind of hoping they do 2 & 3 in the same engine before releasing 4.

Cacabunga94d ago

MP4 trailer was technically disappointing.. like i said before i hope they kept it as a switch 2 launch title after all the wait

ZeekQuattro96d ago

Of course it is. 🙄 Nothing about that trailer screamed not possible on the Switch. They took what they learned from the Ptime Switch port and improved upon it. This is the results.

OtterX95d ago

Yea, it must be acknowledged though that the Prime Remaster looked damn good for Nintendo's weak hardware.

There are some lighting things going on here that do feel improved over that one.

Destiny108096d ago (Edited 96d ago )

i did notice that nothing at the xbox event had a sign that said, the footage was captured from an xbox

they both mysteriously left this information out

96d ago Replies(1)
UltimateOwnage96d ago

Its not really that amazing looking in any of scenes. Its great, and looks like a switch game with a 10 years matured engine from the last prime release. Nothing more, and that's fine.

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Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – Announcement Trailer

Samus Aran is back!

Sonic188198d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if they make a Switch 2 version

ABizzel198d ago

This is most likely the Switch 2 version. There are too many details in this game that have not been present on pretty much any other Switch game graphically for what was shown to be running on Switch.

The framerate clearly looked above 30fps, likely aiming for 60fps, and graphically it looked like a cross between Metorid Prime 3 and Halo 4 (Halo 4 looked great for a 360 game), but the open areas, texture quality, lighting, and framerate were more on par with Halo 5 which the Switch couldn’t handle…..but a Switch 2 rumored to be around XBO and PS4 performance with access to DLSS 2.0 for resolution scaling and potential RT lighting could easily produce that level of graphics and performance.

ABizzel198d ago

After looking at both there are key moments like the rain animation running off of Samus arm canon around 35 seconds, along with the rock textures in that environment. The lighting and lens flare around 41 seconds in the trailer again along with the ground texture, smoke, fire, and particle destruction from the explosion has never been seen on the current Switch at this level. The lighting produced by Samus when she turns into her morph ball, could very well be a simply light source attached to Samus for lighting purposes or even possibly a small form of Ray Tracing considering how it illuminates the environment around her. Metorid Remastered had some of these things, but not all of them running at the same time and at this level of fidelity, and Metorid Remastered is still considered to be one of the best looking games on the Switch if not the best looking one.

The original switch could never run this especially when Metorid Remastered was remade to take advantage of the Switch, and while it’s one of the best looking games on the current Switch it looks nowhere near the level of Metorid Prime 4, runs at 600p handheld and 900p docked while Metorid Prime 4 looked at minimum 1080p - 1440p (much cleaner than Remastered, likely due to DLSS resolution scaling).

So yeah, I’m pretty sure this is our first taste of what the Switch 2 can do, and it seems to be exactly what the rumors expected. XBO/PS4 quality natively, but when backed by hardware accelerated RT, and DLSS, you get quality more so in line with the Handheld PCs (FSR2 / FSR3) / PS4 Pro / Series S / XBO-X depending on the game. Which for an handheld is amazing.


Number1TailzFan98d ago

DLSS also takes some VRAM to work properly, if they skimp on that then I wouldn't expect miracles, not that it would be a performance champ anyway since it's a handheld with super restricted cooling/power/size.

In comparison to Switch there should be a big difference to Switch 2 with first party games as long as they don't go stupid and make 30fps titles (some probably will be) but surely it's powerful enough where they shouldn't need to for those. It doesn't help that Nintendo like to milk their consoles now and take as long as possible before releasing a much needed new one.

The only thing that will be a problem is the same as the Series S, AKA don't expect any demanding 3rd party game to look good or run well at all.

Cacabunga98d ago (Edited 98d ago )

They should’ve kept this for switch 2.. looks too much similar to Metroid Prime. Technically disappointing… and Nintendo please when are you looking into that AI

Sonic188198d ago (Edited 98d ago )

"The framerate clearly looked above 30fps, likely aiming for 60fps"

60fps option? Can the switch even do 60fps? I hope there is a 60fps option. I know the Switch 2 will be able to do that. At least I hope so.

ABizzel198d ago


The Switch did 60fps on Metroid Remaster, which is a solid looking game along the lines of Halo 4 graphically, which fits right in line with what the Switch should be able to do at its best PS360 level graphics with higher frame-rates.

This trailer looked very much like a PS4/XBO quality game and looked like it was aiming for 60fps, which is exactly what a Switch 2 should be aiming for, except again with Resolution scaling allowing the game to get to 1080p / 1440p / 4K resolutions either through DLSS or FSR consider the Switch 2 GPU rumored GPU.

rlow198d ago

I agree with you and the timing is perfect. They could have it on both systems but a less graphically intensive version for the original Switch. But I hope they keep it Switch 2 exclusive.

silkylove98d ago

It’s not the Switch 2 version. They said before this direct that there would be no information on the Switch 2. That includes games. The Switch 2 version will probably be shown in the direct where they reveal the new hardware.

--Onilink--97d ago

Prime Remastered also ran at 60fps and doesnt look that far off from this.

Also, resolution seems to be 720p (down from 900p on Remastered, which makes sense since its a “simpler” game)

So putting aside that I dont see them showing Switch 2 gameplay before the reveal event, I’d say the game looks like it is the Switch 1 version from what I can tell.

It will be interesting to see what upgrades the Switch 2 version has besides the upres (likely through DLSS)

Aussiesummer97d ago

If this is the switch 2 version than its bloody dissapointing, I doubt very much that this is the switch 2 version but do think their will be a s2 version.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 97d ago
-Foxtrot98d ago

Could always just be backwards compatible

darthv7298d ago

Not gonna lie... this makes me want a remaster of 2 & 3 to complete the series on Switch.

ABizzel198d ago

I don’t know why they didn’t get around to this considering they did the first one.


Me either like they did with Twilight princess, GameCube and Wii.

Walalon98d ago

Metroid Prime 4 its going to be the release game with Switch 2... Is the best move to start with the right foot the console release and pumping big numbers in a close period of time.

Profchaos98d ago

From all the data mining of paper Mario we know that 4k has been mentioning in the games files it sounds more likely that the carts will have some sort of backwards compatibility upres next gen patch type deal

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 97d ago
RaidenBlack98d ago

Reminded me of Halo 5 visuals ... that too running @60fps
Nah, that aint running native on a Switch.
I suspect the switch version'll be sub-30 @ 640p with reduced texture
And since targeting 2025, the visuals might improve even more for Switch 2

ABizzel198d ago

Exactly what I said. This looked like a cross between the best of Halo 4 and the quality improvements of Halo 5, and it looks like it’s still targeting 60fps which the original Switch couldn’t do, considering the remaster of the first Metorid was only 600p on the handheld mode and 900p on docked and looked like a great looking PS360 game, meanwhile this is much more XBO / PS4 levels.

silkylove98d ago

343 had many Retro Studios devs who worked on the original Metroid Prime on the team when they made Halo 4. Also Retro Studios hired a former character modeler who worked on Halo. The later Halo games and the Metroid Prime series share a lot of DNA.

VincentVanBro98d ago (Edited 98d ago )

The funniest thing for me -- I pre ordered this game in 2018 on Amazon because they were doing 20% off all pre ordered games. Fast forward 6 @#$%ing years and it has since been literally delisted from Amazon but somehow my pre order is still there at $48 before tax lmao

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