
PS4 Is A Dream To Develop For, 'Lets Us Throw As Much Art And Animation As We Could' - Hohokum Dev

"Hohokum is a an upcoming video game under development at Honeyslug Studios for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita."

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XiSasukeUchiha3673d ago

Oh damn, how much praise did the PS4 get so far?

PPTouch3673d ago (Edited 3673d ago )

This much worth:
|---------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------|
(not to scale)

MegaRay3672d ago

Over 9000? Nah doubt it :)

chrissx3673d ago

The Ps4 is a Beast of a machine

sAVAge_bEaST3673d ago

& why it gets my Full Support. (;

disKinected3673d ago (Edited 3673d ago )

Glad to hear positive responses about sony from so many devs. Hats off to you sony. You did a marvelous job.
Can't wait for e3. Sony will be showering games upon us. :D
Btw, what a brilliant move on sony's part to show e3 in movie theaters. This surely proves they have something big under their sleeves. Well played sony, well played indeed.


"How about this a new Ceo since jack tretton isn't there, let's start with a bang. Ladies and gentle man we would like to welcome everyone to E3 2014 and for our first game here is The Last Guardian, at the end of demo or gameplay trailer anovember 2014 release date"

That sounds brilliant. :)

showtimefolks3673d ago (Edited 3673d ago )

yeh i agree man sony did it right, they got so much feedback from developers and it shows. Cerny is also a developer so he knew the issues ps3 had. Also people are writing off sony for E3 saying MS will show this and that because that's what phil spencer has been saying

but sony on the other hand has been quite, and now they are doing this theater show. There must be, there has to be something big planned

i was reading an rumored/leak article on how R* have an deal in place to make GTA5 exclusive to ps4 for one year, now that would be huge

How about this a new Ceo since jack tertton isn't there, let's start with a bang. Ladies and gentle man we would like to welcome everyone to E3 2014 and for our first game here is The Last Guardian, at the end of demo or gameplay trailer a november 2014 release date

I like how EA does it, they may not show a lot of games i am interested in but they will say we will show X number of games tonight. Sony should come and say we have 20 games to show on ps4 tonight

sungam3d3672d ago

GTA V exclusive to PS4 for one year?
What about PC?

Fuck that for a joke.

F4sterTh4nFTL3673d ago (Edited 3673d ago )

PC > PS4 = 1.5 x Xbox One > WiiU

disKinected3673d ago (Edited 3673d ago )

Let me fix that for you.

Pc > ps4 > WiiU > x1


Volkama3672d ago

Not in terms of target platform for a game like this. They will be aiming to have this thing run on the lowest spec they can. As the guy says, he plays games that "run on a standard laptop".

So with that "standard laptop" spec in mind, it'd probably more like PS4 > One > Wii U > 360 > PS3 > PC ~= Vita

N83673d ago

I love to hear this considering that I spent my money on one. Things like this make me even more proud of my purchase.

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Hohokum Review - Peaceful PC Puzzler Port | COGconnected

Hohokum is a puzzle game with a cool vibe and electronic soundtrack, originally appearing on PS3/4 and Vita, now ported to PC.

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The seasonal year in indie games

AllGamers list the indie games they believe best fit each season of the year, with a few surprising choices!

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Another 19 PS4 games join PlayStation Now today

PlayStation Blog Europe: "As the summer months fade away and Europe heads into autumn, we thought it’d be right and proper to throw 19 PS4 games your way to enjoy while you’re avoiding the cold. This month’s action-packed bundle of hits will keep you entertained for hours."

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gangsta_red2475d ago (Edited 2475d ago )

Good to see Sony still adding games to their service.

Waiting for SNK to add Metal Slug to current toasters.

S2Killinit2475d ago (Edited 2475d ago )

Troll much?

Kiwi662475d ago

So Sony aren't putting more games on PS Now which is a service ?

AnubisG2475d ago

Gaming services soon will replace hardware....damn it. I will not like that future but as tech improves, internet speeds become faster, all they will need to sell is a controller...

It will come sadly. But hopefully not in the next 20-30 years.

kevnb2475d ago

Certainly not soon, maybe someday.

freshslicepizza2475d ago

Well they still sell Music CD and even vinyl is making a bit of a comeback so it will be awhile before digital replaces physical. You also need to see the upside of digital. Nintendo on the other hand are definitely making it a harder sell with the expense for cartidges.

AnubisG2475d ago

I agree with most of what you said Moldy however the last part is not clear. Nintendo does not have cartidges now. They have SD cards no? Or what did you mean?

freshslicepizza2475d ago

yes, that's what I meant. SD cards but as I said they are more expensive and the larger they are the more it will cost publishers which of course tranfers over to consumers.

EatCrow2475d ago

Sad to see sony at the forefront of gaming as a service.

Godmars2902475d ago

Destiny 2 says hi?

That's what the industry is moving towards.

EatCrow2475d ago

Destiny 2? How so?
The atrocious dlc and microtransactions are apart from the topic of games as a service. Games being plural not singular.

Godmars2902475d ago

Be it dlc or subscription based streaming how is it not the same thing? Be it continued required or "optional" payments post single purchase of a game or purely "optional" payments for a free game, what's the difference? The issue is between those very differences as publishers try to justify charges. Make games a service.

EatCrow2475d ago (Edited 2475d ago )

As long as the service is optional for gaming i can manage. When it becomes a service thats the problem.

Takwin2475d ago

Persistent worlds and required internet connection are the absolute future for the vast majority of games.

Death2475d ago

It's funny how people see the optional removal of buyers rights being "ok". This is the future of Sony games. They wouldn't have investing hundreds of millions if this wasn't the direction they were going.

gangsta_red2475d ago

It is definitely the eventual future as you can see every media service going this route in some way, shape or form.

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Rangerman12082475d ago

Pretty 'meh' list to be honest. Also, I just can't believe the fact that Akiba's Beat is the only 2017 PS4 game that got released first on PS Now. I guess Acquire was just desperate, considering that the game was flop, though I don't think PS Now is gonna help it.

Rangerman12082475d ago

Wow, 3 dislikes? I guess there are people out there who are still interested on playing Akiba's Beat, when they can just play other better RPGs like Persona or Tales of Berseria.

Espangerish2475d ago

I can't really see the value of psnow on a big screen tv as the size of the image shows all the flaws and pixellations up really horribly. If you have a PS4 console under the tv you may as well run games on it as they will be less laggy and look better.

Personally i feel this service makes most sense for tablets and handhelds where a smaller image size and portability give it a reason to be useful.

crazyCoconuts2475d ago

Agreed, and why they don't have Android / iOS PS Now apps (and killed the Vita app) is a mystery to me.

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