
Counter Strike Creator Mentions Left 4 Dead 3 and Half Life 3

SteamFirst: Counter Strike Co-Creator Minh ‘Gooseman’ Le who is currently doing some work on Rust has been questioned regarding the highly anticipated Half Life 3 and Left 4 Dead 3. Although he has his hands wrapped around Rust he still has his contacts in the Valve world and knows a bit about the future of the titles mentioned above. Here are a few things that he had to say.

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logan_izer103774d ago

Everybody board the hype train!

AnotherProGamer3773d ago

I remember seeing somewhere Valve said they will reveal something at gamescom this year, I guessing its Source 2 engine and L4D3 with maybe a teaser for HL3

SteamFirst3774d ago

This is hype we have been waiting for for years now. It will happen. Hopefully sooner than later.


Half-Life 3 Allegedly Features A Semi-Open World With Real-Time Weather & Day/Night Cycle

The third entry in Valve's classic first-person shooter series, Half-Life 3, allegedly exists, and it features a semi-open world.

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TheNamelessOne27d ago

Not even getting my hopes up on anything involving this until it's actually confirmed.

1Victor26d ago

How many generations has been since HL3 rumors of in development or will feature X.
I’m getting old has it been 3+ gen since it’s coming next generation 😱

thorstein25d ago

The original code was written on a Vic 20.

The_Blue26d ago

Naw it's definitely being worked on in some fashion. They just got in a position like Rockstar in which they can take their sweet time.

OtterX27d ago

They weren't kidding when they said this would take half my life.

RaidenBlack26d ago

again, take away his^ drums ...

OtterX26d ago

You can alwaye count on me for terrible Dad jokes! 🙃🥁

Fist4achin26d ago

Seriously. Gordon's going to be moving about with a walker by the time we get to play it...

OtterX26d ago

He won't be a Freeman anymore, bc he'll be locked up in a retirement home!

Fist4achin26d ago

The notorious crobar will be replaced with a walking cane!

thorstein26d ago

Valve does not make games with the number 3 in them.

HL3 is not happening.

RaidenBlack26d ago

yep it'll renamed to Quarter-Life 1

OtterX26d ago

Oh boy, you just had your own drum violation! Somebody get this guy! 🚨 🥁🚨

iNcRiMiNaTi26d ago

They can always give it another name at the end like they did with Alyx

dveio26d ago

This is almost like 'H³ will use shaders and sound effects'.

jznrpg26d ago

Interesting but we have heard rumors for years. It’s sad that they print money selling games but for the most part stopped making them. They can take risks but don’t.

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Report: Left 4 Dead 3 Reference Spotted in Counter-Strike 2 Files

A Left 4 Dead 3 reference was spotted in the files of the Counter-Strike 2 closed beta, suggesting that the title may finally be in development.

Number1TailzFan543d ago

Not the first time it's been referenced. Valve said years ago that it wasn't in development, but of course things change. L4D3 was supposedly almost finished at one point but development stopped because Source 2 was still incomplete.

Most of the time you get people saying a third game isn't needed as there's nothing to improve upon anyways, which is complete nonsense. I have to wonder if those that say such things have junk computers or something. Why they'd want to keep playing the same repetitive thing over and over is beyond me.

ElendilsSorrow542d ago

I'm honestly curious too as to whether the entry in the code means something or not, considering April 1's only a couple days away, and Valve knows people are datamining for this stuff now. But at the same time, the CS2 driver update entry meant nothing too, until it suddenly did. No telling with GabeN and co. really.

-Foxtrot542d ago

I do hope Zoe, Francis and Louis come back

cammers1995541d ago

Based on the last two games, it'll likely be four new survivors but past will cameo.

-Foxtrot541d ago

I guess, but I can dream

I just think they were did dirty with the lack of support or content that game got compared to what was promised...them BOOM, L4D2 was announced months later

JEECE542d ago

That would be nice, B4B was such disappointing trash.

JEECE541d ago (Edited 541d ago )

Tons of reasons, but I'll just mention a few.
1) L4D2 feels like a PC shooter in terms of aim speed, movement speed, etc. Even when playing on PC, B4B evidently feels like a slower experience designed for console first. Obviously this is nice for console players, but L4D is a pc-focused series, so if you market your game as a successor, I expect it to feel like it's designed for PC.
2) The AI of the standard zombies (or whatever you call them) is lower. Again, this feels like a compensation for console players.
3) The special enemies on L4D2 are a lot more varied and interesting; in B4B they are just kind of big things you shoot a lot.
4) The world in L4D2 feels more real (not factual but real in the context of the game). When hordes rush you, it feels like they are coming from a specific direction in the distance. In B4B they just spawn in a monster closet in the building beside you. Similarly the special enemies in L4D2 feel like they are in the world, while in B4B they just literally materialize near you. Like there's nothing in B4B that matches taking on a witch that's in your path; the big "moments" in that game are usually just some super generic big thing materializing near you.
5) B4B added basically every bad component of modern multiplayer games geared toward casuals. There's an unnecessary hub world, an unnecessary loot system, an unnecessary operater/hero system where you pick a character with abilities and you level those through cards you buy with loot, and upgrade skins, etc. What makes L4D2 great is that it's a great co-op experience that doesn't have a ton of unnecessary tacked on RPG lite live service features as barriers to fun with friends; as soon as I started playing B4B I had a friend telling me I needed to focus on a specific hero and level them with certain cards. If I want that crap I'd play Destiny 2.

Demetrius542d ago

If they do comeback with this series don’t force no strictly online bs to us mane

Michiel1989542d ago

won't be an issue for me since I never liked playing with bots in L4D2, but I still agree

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Details of Multiple Cancelled Valve Projects Revealed, Including Half-Life 3

A new Half-Life making-of has revealed details about cancelled Valve projects, including Half-Life 3, Left 4 Dead 3, a Dark Souls-inspired RPG, and more.

moongrim1535d ago

wait so I have to pay Steam money for this "Video" and Epic Games are the ones who are greedy? FOH

kitano19471534d ago

its an interactive storybook, written by Geoff Keighley, why should it be free? hes worked on reporting valve games since before half life 1 released.

1534d ago Replies(1)
1534d ago
-Foxtrot1535d ago

Open world L4D game?

I'm curious

I'd love to see Zoe, Francis and Louis come back, or maybe Bill if they pretend the cross over with L4D2 never happened and they went North to Canada.

Knightofelemia1534d ago

Shame about L4D3 I would have bought that day one

FlyingFoxy1534d ago

Same, tho interestingly if you check the steam database page you can see L4D2 is being updated frequently, just not publicly, seems they are up to something.

Also we can look forward to B4B trailers etc soon so we have another game that might be similar.

MadLad1534d ago

Damn I want more Half-Life and L4D..
Half-Life would be less jarring if it didn't end on such a cliff hanger.

Hard to believe that was all the way back in 2007.

Fist4achin1534d ago (Edited 1534d ago )

Wow, great plans all flushed down the toilet. These probably would have all sold well too. A fan in me no more of valve.

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