
République --- Episode 2: Metamorphosis Review | Hardcore Gamer

Metamorphosis improves on République’s initial episode in a number of ways, not the least of which being that it raises the emotional stakes of the story.

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ValKilmer3786d ago

This game is just getting better and better. Glad to finally have some creative iOS games.


République Ep3: Ones and Zeroes Almost Here - Android Version Announced

Grab It has revealed that Episode 3 of République is out in only a few days, and that an Android release will be joining the iOS version this time around.

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Republique Free on iTunes

Republique is now at absolutely no additional cost on iTunes!

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[IGM] Republique - Hacking into an Episodic, iOS Dystopia

IGM's review of Camouflaj's third-person iOS stealth adventure, Republique.

'Even if République wasn’t developed by Camouflaj, consisting of a team of industry veterans known for F.E.A.R, Halo 4 and Metal Gear Solid 4 – which you already know, having most definitely read my article on the release of Episode Two - it would be an interesting one to watch. It is a third-person stealth game, set in a near-future, dystopian world in which all controversial books that don’t fit into the Orwellian regime are banned, and those found reading them captured and contained, their memories erased.

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