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Rumor: Contents of the Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo’s Press Conferences and Demos Leaked

Gamnesia: "The user has provided a document containing lists of games for the Big 3, even including titles that either have never been announced or have a never-before-seen names. Many titles on the list are highly anticipated, including the next Legend of Zelda title and EA's new Star Wars game."

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This is fake and should have never been allowed on N4G. first, why on earth would a document like this have such classified info? Secondly, several of these violate clear trademark issues, like the Xenogears one which show how fake and fanmade it is. Please N4G, allowing stuff like this makes us all look bad.
mrbojingles3787d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
Watch Dogs will already be released, so why would they show a new gameplay presentation of it at E3. The guy also mentions his "source" got it from another forum - My friend got it from another forum, and the guy who posted it there didn't mention any source, so I got nothing.
Wingsfan243787d ago WhoDisagree(2)Agree(1)
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No all caps in title unless part of a game or company name.
Christopher3787d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(1)
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Christopher3787d ago

If at all true. Microsoft has a winning E3 planned.

Something tells me this is just made up, though.

Neonridr3787d ago

Battlefront 3 exclusive will cause quite the stir I would imagine.. ;)

Christopher3787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

I doubt that and BG&E will be exclusive. But, it will be on their stage and likely will already have deals for exclusive release time and/or content.

The problem is, Sony won't really be showing anything new. And, Watch_Dogs? On stage after its release? What a waste of time.

Nitrowolf23787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )


it's not the first time though that a game already released was demoed at the following E3.


I know, even that demo last year was disappointing because most people had their hands on it already. Really hoping this list isn't true though, or at least incomplete. It looks fake

Christopher3787d ago

@Nitrowolf2: I know, but... still... what a waste.

I think they demoed a game on stage last year that was just released, but at least it was first-party and the end of a generation era. But, when people are looking for all new stuff in the first year of your new console? That's not a good sign at all.

AngelicIceDiamond3787d ago


Well MS said They have some big announcements and and are willing to do anything to make the show great.

I'm not implying it is exclusive considering this game is way to big to belong on one platform.

But the way MS operates I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being an exclusive or at least timed.

Seeing how Phil is willing to do just about anything and knowing MS money hatting track record.

It could very well happen. If true then EMBRACE FOR IMPACT.

Mikeyy3787d ago

There is no way battlefront 3 is exclusive. By your logic destiny is exclusive.

Neonridr3787d ago

@Mikeyy - who's logic? Maybe I should have wrote "would" instead of will. I didn't say I believed this list. But we already know that Destiny is on multiple platforms, we haven't heard a peep yet about Battlefront.

truefan13787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

I prefer the other fake lists.

pedrof933787d ago

I call this a BULL****

Sony only showing 2 new games ?

Not even Morpheus makes an appearance ?

No vita games ?


VforVideogames3787d ago

Look at that list for Nintendo I think is going to win this E3.

BlackTar1873787d ago

BattleFront exclusive for xbox.

Conference for Sony by EA saying we're neutral.

DLConspiracy3787d ago

There was a rumor with some game in the Star Wars franchise being on Xbox One. So who knows.. I don't really think Xbox One wouldn't talk about their upcoming TV shows at the event. That wouldn't make sense. So.. We shall see.

lociefer3787d ago

i would be seriously bummed if this is true,, both are lacklusters, i mean, where's guerilla's new ip ? the last guardian ? sony london's game ,, and miscrosoft arent showing any surprises

HugoDrax3787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

"There is no way battlefront 3 is exclusive."

Why would you doubt that? I recall playing Star Wars Obi Wan Kenobi exclusively for XBOX.

I never played that other exclusive KINECT Star Wars game. It could be exclusive! simply because there has been exclusive Xbox Star Wars games in the past. Who knows, we will just have to wait till E3.

Anyhow, the one game that caught my eye was (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 2 (3DS). I'm a fan of the original, and beat it on my PS1 and XB360 :-)

showtimefolks3787d ago

i want to believe this list but just can't when it doesn't have Uncharted 4 or GG's new IP on it. Both of which are pretty much confirmed for E3 showing or atleast trailer

before E3 we will start to see more of these rumors popped up, i don't usually believe on any of them till i see it for myself. Plans are always changing

In the last so called Leaked sony had 2 conferences depending on what MS will show so who knows what to believe

but fun time right now just enjoy it and E3 should be a lot of fun

maddskull3787d ago

@cgoodno this list is most likely fake because first of all in the confrences they don't have lists of what they will show and second of all battlefront will most likely be shown at the ea confrence also beyond good & evil.
The title xenogears can't be used by Nintendo or any other studio because the ip is owned by square Enix this list is just lies there might be some true things but most of it are lies.

guitarded773787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

Fake... these lists are ALWAYS fake. Watch Dogs will be out already, so why would Sony even be showing it?

I think a couple of you miss the boat on Battlefront and BG&E. Just because it's shown on XBOX or PS stage doesn't mean it's exclusive. They are both multi-plats.

Sometimes games are shown on the EA or Ubi stage and also on the MS and Sony stage too. This is normal.

Deputydon3787d ago

"Xenogears: Origins"

Hahahaha. That right there shows this is fake. Another Xenogears game will never be made. That's almost like saying another Chrono Trigger sequel is in the works.

Braid3787d ago

I wouldn't keep my fingers crossed, anyone with a basic knowledge of Word could come up with such a table, print it and take a picture to make it look authentic.

gaffyh3787d ago

If these are true, which I doubt, both conferences seem extremely boring. MS' is showing 90% of games that have already been announced, and Sony's is pretty much the same. Hope it's not true.

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headwing453787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

All sequels and no original IP's? I call B.S

BG115793787d ago

If true, than it's just disappointing.

mkis0073787d ago

There are thing missing that we already know will be there, like GG new IP... fake list big time. Nothing new from Sony? Showing Watch Dogs 2 weeks after release?

us_army3787d ago

This is definitely false, some key missing games that I know are being announced from both sides

Allelujah003787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

Plus Sony is showing Gameplay of Watch Dogs almost 15 days after the game is already out? They have shown a trailer of games already released before a conference, but they have never done a stage demo of the game. So unless they will be announcing a Watch Dogs PS4 DLC exclusive i call bs on this.

Also no mention of games like Deep Down or Guerilla's new IP.

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christocolus3787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

That list seems made up. I can come up with something similar or even a lot better. The e3 logo was pasted on a plain sheet of paper and the guy typed all that in.gears of war started development in january and i doubt they will have a gameplay reveal in just 5months. Rare is going to be at e3 but they aint on that list either,what about the rumored partnerships Phil talked about or the new ips and unexpected announcements..MS will also push the division really hard at the show since they have a deal with ubisoft..but I'm not seeing all that in i kind of doubt it.

But if it is real....then we are definitly going to have one hell of a show.

AngelicIceDiamond3787d ago

@Chris I was thinking the same thing.

Look how backwards this is.

"Halo 5 tech demo for Xbox One"

"Gears of War 4 gameplay for Xbox One"

Should it be flipped around?

Everyone knows Halo 5 is way more ahead in development then Gears. Gears is still in its early stages.

It has to be fake.

liquidhalos3787d ago

Yeah i call made up too. I dont see all 3 companies having their secret E3 reveals and plans all nicely lobbed onto 1 sheet of paper courtesy of a planner at E3. I guess were all going to have to wait for E3 for the real stuff. I personally cannot wait. It should be a great expo for ALL consoles this year

Sarxblade3787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

Yes this list is 1000% horse crap. I mean first thing I busted out laughing about is a gameplay demo for gears of war 4, and a tech demo of halo 5.... A gameplay demo of gears of war 4 and a tech demo of halo 5... Lmao. That's what gave this list away for me as being 100‰ false.
Actually this list should be listed under "humor" for giving me such a good laugh not rumor, lol.

Nitrowolf23787d ago

I think it's made-up or at least not the full thing, just becuase it really doesn't list 'new' titles that are rumored. there will be at least 1 new IP from each company

AngelicIceDiamond3787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

Ok well when you see "Watch_Dogs gameplay for PS4" You know this isn't legit.

WD comes out before E3 May 27 to be exact.

EDIT: @Nitro That is true they've shown off gameplay of released games before the E3 event, and still showed something afterwards in the show.

But WD has overstayed its welcome at E3 its time to move on.

Plus no Guerrilla Games brand new Ip or Media Molecule's game and Japanese games that we know about like Project Beast isn't up there?

This can't be legit.

Nitrowolf23787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

Thing is, games released a month before or so have been demoe the following E3 many times over.

I think what screams fake to me is whats being shown over other stuff. Look at the game splayable on the floor, some of those in no way are misisng the main event.

Lawboy23787d ago

My problem is hey are missing 2 big games from Microsoft....d4 and below....I hope Microsoft doesn't neglect them....looking forward to d4

Dubaman3787d ago

Mario Kart 8 comes out on the 30th of May and that is scheduled to make an appearance, according to this list, and many people think it would show anyway considering E3 is a great place to keep the buzz going. Also, doesn't Watch Dogs have exclusive content on the PS4? Couldn't they be showing that? It's at the biggest gaming event in the world, if i was releasing DLC id want it advertised there.

Magicite3787d ago

less than a month left, hype builds up!

Mystogan3787d ago

Faaaaaakkkeeeeee Gears of War 4 Gameplay, give me a break.

Even a trailer would be way to early.

BattleN3787d ago

Zelda tech demo was said to have been put together in 8 weeks So a Gears 4 could be possible imo!

a08andan3787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

I definitely think it is made up. Look at the angles of the text in relation to the boxes that the texts is supposed to be in. It slightly off which to me indicates that the text was photoshopped onto the page. No program would intentionally do that.

imt5583787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

Watch_Dogs gameplay for PS4


Release date 27th May. Release date almost 2 weeks before E3 2014. WTF???

inFamous: Second Son DLC gameplay

Bullshit! Game is already out for almost 2 months.

DX12 API trailer for Xbone??? Give me a break!!!

3787d ago
xKugo3787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

Yea I have to admit, that's a winning Microsoft presentation if true. Though to be honest, I can see this happening. I think Project Beast and Last Guardian were slated to be MEGATONS at their E3 conference but due to leaks, Sony might have changed that now to let the expectation die and then let it re-emerge at possibly TGS or worse next E3. Their conference as of now(if true, mind you) is pretty boring. No new unannounced games at all ....

adorie3787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

I don't understand, going by the list how Microsoft would "win" E3.

Heck, Batman: Arkham Knight(my personal #1) is the game that is being overlooked here and it's on Sony's floor.

Gears 4 and Quantum Break are the main games from Microsoft that I'm going to be keeping my eyes on, while Sony's is the Order 1886 and Uncharted 4.

I don't really believe these lists, though. I'm sure there will be more games than this, that both companies are going to show.

Rumor has it that MS is out for the throat this E3.

Let's see how all this pans out.;)

Christopher3787d ago

They would A) be showing more exclusive and new titles and B) be showing more new games that previously hadn't been shown (whether third-party or not, it's on their stage).

Drekken3787d ago

And C) We all wake up in wonderland cause you're dreaming.

Christopher3787d ago

D) You should probably read the very first comment where I said I believe this is fake.


E)You two made me laugh.

I'm too calling this fake big time.

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malokevi3787d ago

I find it hard to believe everything from the big 3 has been completely leaked. Seems like educated guesses with some hearsay and conjecture thrown in for good measure.

OpieWinston3787d ago

It seems like BS to me, I don't think Battlefront 3 is ready to be announced. It's been a year in development, and the gameplay wouldn't be set for release...It's safe to say Battlefront 3 will be hitting in 2016 (Star Wars Episode 7!)

Why would Sony show off Watch Dogs once it's been released?

I doubt they'd waste time at E3 showing off Direct X12 on Xbox One. They could do that in a youtube video.

Gears of War 4 wouldn't have gameplay

And no mention of Halo 2 Anniversrary but a Halo 5 tech demo? A Halo game (Not Spartan Assault) is releasing on X1 exclusively this year.

GG fail list is fail.

aceitman3787d ago

this is fake , they never put what is in the conferences on paper like that , the most is the time and place for conferences . and to even have them together makes it even worst . the question is will ea chose x1 over ps4 for battlefront . hell and that list is just a joke they already said there going to show a CGI trailer for gears of war to show the direction of the game. and they have sony showing 2 new games and the rest is out or coming out in a month after.fake fake fake, if u believe this ur eyes already burned of from the salt.

Sharky2313787d ago

I feel like this whole list is made up. I could be wrong but wasn't there an article last week that said planet side 2 will be on the Sony stage.

juggulator3787d ago

Of course it's made up. Why would Sony show a gameplay video of Watch_Dogs after it's been released.

Spikes14713787d ago

We all know Ouya and Fire TV win E3.

Gamer19823787d ago

FAKE if there was a real list Nintendo wouldnt be on there as theres no conference and EA and UBI would there missing.. Thats not the order of stage Sony is last after EA and Ubi.

CERN3787d ago

Seems fake. why you may ask? we'll, let me tell you. Watch Dog comes out before E3.

Veneno3787d ago

So nobody is going to have Final Fantasy 15 on stage? FAKE

and why would they put the 3 console makers conferences on the same sheet of paper? Did they all the sudden agree to share their E3 megatons with each other?

Ausbo3787d ago

Gears of war game play? Doubt it. This is fake. Game has been worked on for like 2 months

3-4-53787d ago

What are we looking at the same list ?

Microsoft seemed to have the weakest IMO, but not terrible.

speedforce1313787d ago

In what dream land would Microsoft have the winning E3? Even according to this list, the Wii U is the clear winner here. I know the list is fake, but my god. Xenogears Origins? You can't compete with that. Two Smash Bros, Bayonetta 2, Symphony of the Night 2, MH4 Ultimate, Zelda Shard of Nightmare.

If we're strictly talking about next gen consoles, according to that list, there's only 4-5 1st party titles each. Microsoft has theirs padded with 3rd parties and Sony actually has more 1st party that's not shown BUT playable on the show floor.

Volkama3787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

Tis bullplop imo. That form doesn't exist.

Why would the 3 parties have to share the content of their presentations with a central organising body for the event? The organiser could only "leak" what space these 3 occupy and when.

I imagine some of the speculated content is accurate though, it just didn't come from that form.

JsonHenry3786d ago

Xenogears: Origins? I might have to buy a WiiU...

HammerKong3786d ago

man i dont think ,thats not all for both because where are the new ips.

Onenyte3786d ago

A halo 5 tech demo but a gears of war 4 gameplay demo not long after the acquisition ?

I would of thought it would of been the other way round...

Seems a bit fishy but it is a recipe for a win at e3

Sly-Lupin3786d ago

Indeed. And a winning E3 for Nintendo, too.

I hope it's not accurate, though, as it would mean Sony doesn't have much of anything to show off.

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Neonridr3787d ago

Some solid games there for all platforms. I hope that it turns out to be true.

XiSasukeUchiha3787d ago (Edited 3787d ago )

If this true all the big 3 will tied trying to be optimistic.But my realistic mode is this really fake because Watch dogs is already out by e3, Battlefront 3 exclusive what? Nintendo's seems more legit then both playstation and Xbox

DigitalAnalog3787d ago

Use your Sharingan to see through their bullshit.

3787d ago
DVS-Zev3787d ago

Seems like a list of common sense things that anyone would put on their fake list.

And How would there be Gears Gameplay tho? Wasn't blacktusks game they were working on literally JUST scrapped a few months ago and then they JUST started working on a new gears?

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Ex-343 QA Claims Microsoft Contracting Policies Main Issue MS Exclusives Seeing Downturn in Quality

One former 343 Industries QA Tester blames Microsoft's contracting policies for the Halo franchise's hardships and MS' exclusives downturn in quality.

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Sonyslave37h ago

Microsoft biggest opp is the main stream media lol suda 51 hit it on the head on metacritic and media bias.

Sciurus_vulgaris6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

The contracting policies do cause a decrease in developer productivity. New contractors are continually having to adjust to new dev tools and workplaces. Once a contractor has fully adjusted to a studio and its development tech, they are often let go and replaced.

excaliburps1h ago

Exactly. Save on money but compromise quality.

pwnmaster300028m ago

Literally all big companies get the same treatment… maybe not Nintendo as much but Sony and MS definitely do.

ThinkThink6h ago

Downturn in quality? Aside from redfall, they've been doing pretty good.

isarai4h ago

You're not living up to your username bro, nearly every MS studio release has been met with sizeable disappoinment of some kind besides Hi-Fi Rush for the past decade.

BeHunted2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Concord, the PS5 game that cost $400 million, flopped within 12 days of its release, surpassing E.T. to become the biggest flop in gaming history. What happened? Did they forget to include gameplay?

isarai2h ago


Absolutely no one is defending Concord 🤣, also the $400mil has been debunked. And lastly this has nothing to do with Sony or Concord.

Hypertension1402h ago


I think he means Microsofts old studios, the ones responsible for halo, gears and forza. Every new game has had a noticeable drop in quality.

Concord is from one of Sonys newest studios, and Microsoft buying what's already popular studios don't count.

Profchaos1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Look at first party games pre Halo 5 and gears 4 some amazing generational hits that stand as some of the greatest games ever made like halo 1/2/3, mass effect 1, gears 1/2, Crackdown, fable etc.

And look at them since the Kinect on 360 where the focus turned to trying to capture the casual market pivoting back trying cloud and gamepass and giving up then going on a spending spree because they failed to compete on their own merits.
Stellar games like
Halo 5/ infinite, gears 4, recore, starfield and red fall are the result. I don't think anyone will look back in 20 years like man that whole moment between master chief and locke when they teamed up with amazing but everyone recalls the fall of reach.

Yeah I've noticed a significant downturn in quality for the last decade or more

Hi-fi rush was born out of a side project and that is their most acclaimed game in the last decade

XiNatsuDragnel5h ago

I am not surprised Microsoft is there own enemy.

Knightofelemia4h ago

I found that after Microsoft bought 2 certain ip's from Bungie and Epic their quality has gone down. The exclusives are boring Gears 4 and 5 I thought were boring Halo 5 I also thought was boring. And yes the quality was there when XB360 had exclusives. But since XB1 and Series X the quality and lack of exclusives has gone down. And yes it sounds like Microsoft is a prick to work for. Work today get turfed tomorrow.

Hotpot1h ago

It was downturn anyway since they bought Halo and Gears from Bungie and epic.

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State of Play returns tomorrow

State of Play is back tomorrow, September 24! Tune in live for news and updates on more than 20 upcoming PS5 and PS VR2 games from studios around the world.

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Sonic188115h ago

Hopefully not a lot of remasters

Eonjay15h ago

Agreed, but if I could pick one game to remaster first it would be Killzone 2. If you had to pick one which would it be?

Mr_cheese15h ago

I know it's not the same but I'd love a reboot of resistance or warhawk

u-bEttA-rUn15h ago

If they announce Kill Zone 2 remake or resistance 2 that multiplayer would be crazy. But Warhawk I would cry like a 2 year old 😂😂😂 give me bloody roar

ravens5214h ago

God of War 1-3, Ascension, Ghost of Sparta and Chains of Olympus all in One.

RaiderNation14h ago

I love Killzone, but I would prefer a complete reboot of the franchise, using the newest version of the Decima engine, rather than simply a remaster of part 2.

SimpleDad13h ago

Sony will not do Killzone 2 or any Killzone because they don't have plans for it in the future... No TV shows, no sequel, no Lego game, no multiplayer...

This is dead for Herman... Only Aloy.
And that's sad.

Zero hype for tomorrow.

Kingrizzy9013h ago

legacy of kane, resistance, or just something totally new that hasnt been already done

Cacabunga12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Hopefully zero gaas, will show that they’re starting to reason!!!
And yeah the remaster trend must also stop.
PS5 exclusives or nothing go home

A new Killzone, Uncharted, Tsushima, inFamous, Resistance, Wolverine or something original single player.

CobraKai12h ago

Killzone 1. In think that needs a retelling

Profchaos10h ago

I either want something from the infamous franchise or the cheeky answer is being lemmings back as that's now Sony

DarXyde7h ago

Killzone 2 I think falls into remake territory.

I'll take a Warhawk remake or even a remaster but that's it, really.

Any remasters for a last generation game on a backwards compatible console is just insulting.

fr0sty28m ago

If they do any online only live service stuff, give us MAG or Warhawk, games that actually perfected that formula.

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IAMRealHooman15h ago

only remasters, even remasters of games that aren't even out yet

DodoDojo14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Wrong, there will also be a 2 minute snippet of Lego Horizon.

bloop12h ago

If they don't show something from a couple of their big studios after the absolute disaster they've had with Concord then I'll lose all hope. This generation has been a complete letdown so far and there's very little to look forward to at the moment.

RaidenBlack15h ago

Pretty sure : RE9, Days Gone Remaster, HZD Remaster, 1 last SH2 trailer, Wolverine trailer, Until Dawn trailer
Maybe(s) : GoT 2 announcement, DS2 (but already happening@ TGS), Pragmata, TLOU2 or SpiderMan 2 PC announcement,
Wishlist : Santa Monica & Naughty Dog's new project tease, Marathon gameplay trailer
Don't Want : Any AC Shadows trailer, Any more remasters other than the ones leaked

Eonjay14h ago

You really think that other remaster is Days Gone? And my God what happened to Pragmata?!?

seanpitt2314h ago

It’s 30 minutes, I think you’re being optimistic there, don’t have high expectations, I know mine are the lowest they have ever been since what i have witnessed these past 4 years!

crazyCoconuts14h ago

Agreed w/ Sean. Keep expectations low.

Juiceup4h ago

jfc what is this trash lineup Sony please

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Christopher14h ago

Only 5 remasters. They had to cut back to squeeze in 1 new announcement. They will have another SoP next month to cover the other 12 remasters.

-Foxtrot14h ago

*monkey paw curls*

Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered

Gravity Rush 1 & 2 Remastered

Until Dawn Remastered

DarXyde6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

In the case of Gravity Rush, a remaster of a remaster that plays on PS5 now would be bizarre. Then again, so does Horizon.

This only makes sense if it means a PC release, but they still closed the studio and releasing this would be very poor taste.

potatoseal14h ago

I'm presonally looking forward to a Days Gone one. Would love any excuse to play that game again. I loved it

darthv729h ago

Why wait for an excuse... just go play it now.

CobraKai12h ago

Im thinking showcasing Pro versions of existing games.

neutralgamer199211h ago(Edited 11h ago)

They could do a lot right by simply announcing a blood-borne remastered so many people have been waiting for it and they should not only bring it to PlayStation 5 but also PC

If they are all intent on doing a lot of remasters, how about doing some of the remasters from the games during the PlayStation 2 and three generation instead of PlayStation 4 games?

Can we get infamous collection? Can we please get Socom from the PlayStation 2 generation? Uncharted trilogy God of war trilogy twisted metal collection, kill zone trilogy, resistance trilogy some of these games they can simply just unlock online multiplayer. They’re only one need to do a lot of work and people would enjoy them

But instead, let’s just remastered the last of us horizon zero down the God of war 2018 this PlayStation Sony executive bosses are some of the most idiotic in the past 10 years

PlayStation has such a long history. They can simply do a lot of fun service and get so much positive PR but they keep making the same mistake again and again and again.

Rimeskeem8h ago

I would honestly prefer remasters/remakes/reboots of games than GaaS they have tried to push.

TheEroica7h ago

Release the remastered games on the sheep!

JackBNimble5h ago

Hahaha... I was going to make the same joke.
That's all they have

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15h agoReplies(2)
Relientk7715h ago

Hopefully there's good games, but we'll see. Going in with low hype, and I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

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Where does the time go?

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