
PS4 and Xbox One Developer Leaks a Ton of Details About Power, Cloud, Sony, Microsoft and More

Yesterday night an AMA was held on reddit by an alleged PS4 and Xbox One developer with seven years of experience on AAA games in the industry, describing quite a lot of interesting details about working with Sony and Microsoft.

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Community3784d ago
XiSasukeUchiha3784d ago

Hmm interesting I Sasuke Uchiha will use my Sharingan to analyses the situation, at hand.
But I like that fact that he thinks PS4 is a lot easier,and user-friendly, while agreeing that MS security policies about the Indies should go away!

OpieWinston3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

Please STOP!

Kingthrash3603784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

Sasuke would never announce what he plans to do with his Sharingan...o.O he just does it, you imposter!

on topic:
this was a very informative read..to thos who only read titles and not the actual article..please read. the cloud explanation from an insider was a good explanation of what it actually does and the state that its currently in.

note: i understand that most of this info was already known but too many people (especially trolls) seem to miss this info. weather its good or bad thos who are misinformed should read this.

nope1113784d ago

Guys, leave Sasuke alone, he's just angry because his clan was slaughtered by his older brother which he very much adored.

christocolus3784d ago

Why is everyone picking on N4Gs beloved sasuke? the guy is only trying to communicate with us and besides the hidden leaf lingo is quite different from what we speak over here.it will take some time to adapt.

ThunderSpark3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

I'll take this with a grain of salt, but I found it interesting when he said "Just for the record: there is storage but when the server boots it needs to download the state from a remote storage. It cannot run when the game session is finished so you cannot do background tasks."

And also "You have two fast consoles one of which is faster than the other one but does not include fancy motion controls. From this point onward software will count and since both will have a long shelf live anything can happen."

He definitely sounds like he knows his stuff. Sony definitely did a great job with their dev kits.

He also mentions wishing that he wishes Sony would stop pushing for 4K displays because PS4 is not strong enough. Does he mean game development wise or video and media play?

GameNameFame3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

To paraphrase,
Cloud="basically a dedicated server"

So many reasonable people have said this. Based on how MS devs have talked about and used Cloud, it was nothing fancier than good old dedicated server that Sony, Acitvision, EA and etc all have for almost a decade.

MS puts some PR fancy name on something that already everyone else have, desperate fanboys who wanted to fantasize that Xbox One console is not as weak as people think eats this up.

UltraNova3783d ago


Playing 4K videos will be fine. 4K games
? Impossible. I doubt ps5 and xboxevery_one (???)will be able to do 4K. Doubt? scratch that, they wont!

Qdog3783d ago

Okami HD for PS3 had an internal resolution of 4k, don't see why PS4 couldn't have it as well. The consoles aren't being fully utilized yet as we aren't far enough along on the roadmap yet.

ABizzel13783d ago


The PS5 and XB? should be able to do 4k gaming. A R9 290X can play most current games in 4k, Ultra settings, at playable fps.

THe PS5 / XB? should be 4 - 6 years away, and GPU's are about to enter their next big evolution with Maxwell and Volta, and maybe a response for AMD, so 4k gaming should be a simple thing for the next gen consoles.

UltraNova3783d ago (Edited 3783d ago )

As an owner of an OC 290x let me tell you 4K is long ways to be at playable fps with a fairly mainstream adoption price not even mentioning that Dell 28 inch that I am still paying for the last 3 months!

As consoles the ps5 and next XB will not be 4K, even if they suport 4K 95% of the games wont run at 4K. This time around they didn’t even do 1080p/60fps properly something that was, is and will be debated for the duration of this generation.

Where do I base my assumptions?

2 things, 4-6 years from now 4K TV's mainstream adoption will still be very low and barely emerging from the niche market. It will be standard eventually but not in time for the development of the next gen consoles which will start in 3-4 years from now based on your projection for the next round.

And second, with PlayStation Now, Steam OS and MS's Azure and all these digital mainframes and digital everything emerging ever so strongly these days what makes you think that both MS and Sony will invest in such powerful and expensive systems to begin with when they can simply do it in house and stream the games to us? Hell the expensive part more than covers the argument!

I m not saying game streaming is the only way to go but I can definitely see this happening instead of 4K being affordable to the point of a $400 console can support it let along most consumers buying a 4K tv and the console.

Dont get me wrong of course I want 4k support next gen but I cant see it happening they will play it safe just like they did this time around. Live and learn.

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Abriael3784d ago

You're trying way too hard mate.

forcefullpower3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

Wish they would both stop. They should start banning people on this site they cause nothing but issue in threads

Boody-Bandit3784d ago

" They should start banning people on this site they cause nothing but issue in threads"

If only.
Worst decision N4G ever made was doing away with the 2 zones. That way we wouldn't have to endure those that are just here to derail discussions.

saladthieves3784d ago

He sounds like a really really bad and terrible Doge

Rhythmattic3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )


I agree ... Lets hassle the Admins to bring back the open zone @ N4G.

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Heisenburger3784d ago

I see your condition has worsened, young one.

@Abriael Well said. Certainly an interesting read.

WalterWJR3784d ago

I predict this is your last comment under this account.

PrinceOfAllSaiyans3784d ago

Naruto is pure shit. Dragonball and Attack On Titan FTW.

nope1113784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

One Piece is king.

The current arc is friggin' awesome btw.

Qrphe3784d ago

>hates on popular Anime
>likes some other popular Anime

It's like hating on Flappy Bird but loving Angry Birds

crowsticky12343783d ago

I like Anime and all but what does Anime have to do with anything on this article. Take that argument to a forum. This is a XB1/PS4 related topic here. Sorry to ruin the fun for you guys but wow.

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Blasphemy3784d ago

why did he have to be anonymous for this, he basically said nothing.

Lionalliance3784d ago

Dude stfu, is not funny and is not even original.

showtimefolks3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

very interesting info

Thanks for sharing

MS did so much right yet became arrogant with success of xbox360. Almost every publisher thought xbox one would kick ps4's ass yet here we are and its totally the other way around

sony had to be humbled with ps3 and now its MS's turn. You don't turn your backs on gamers who made you successful to being with. MS saw wii's success and totally forgot about core fans and just focused on casual stuff

from 2010 MS as a gamers company died and became a wii wanna be/apple

I have a lot of confidence in phil spencer, since he is a gamer. I hope he works hard and make xbox one a gaming console first

rsnotz3783d ago (Edited 3783d ago )

Have to agree with you there. Last gen the X360 really resonated with a lot of gamers and Sony seemed to have lost the plot early in the cycle. They kept talking about the Power but it was hard to develop for and since the X360 was easier most multiplats performed better as well. It took Sony years of hard work and humbling themselves to finally catch up last gen.

This gen MS came off the X360 and expected all gamers to blindly go along with their plans while Sony just decided to play to their core audience. MS really needs to stop talking about power, cloud and all the other PR spin and just deliver. It's still going to be a while before MS gains everyone's trust again, then too only if Spencer sticks to his guns and makes it about games again.

Either way can't wait to see what happens this gen.

Irishguy953783d ago

Jesus, I feel like a turd just for having an Avatar from Naruto but ****, at least its Madara and not faggy Sasuke

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XBOTTOX3784d ago

Troll Feast? "I Love The PS4"

Applejack3784d ago

Interesting stuff but this is something I wasn't happy reading.

"When I looked at the Wii U it was madness, but that’s par for the course with Nintendo, so not news. It’s pretty much irrelevant for third party developers. Almost every studio outsources their Wii U ports to some poor guys".

If that's true, then it's very clear on why 3rd party developers aren't fond of the Wii U. Development difficulty along with poor sales doesn't go well together. I hope this turns out to not be true.

MrSwankSinatra3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

developers haven't been fond of Nintendo hardware for a long time, they always do weird stuff with their consoles.

Baccra173783d ago

"When i looked at the Wii U it was madness, but that’s par for the course with Nintendo..."

So much truth, but that's what happens when the enablers enable Nin.

Fixay3784d ago

Interesting read, thanks

cfc783784d ago

Basically he prefer's PS4 over XB1 and thinks microsoft have some improving to do nothing we didn't already know.

Eonjay3784d ago

Well, we also learned that Wii U is a mess to program for, we learned that Microsoft needs to move some red tape to get more indie support and we learned that people perfer Direct X to OpenGL.

christocolus3784d ago (Edited 3784d ago )

Yeah nice info in there but i actually thought the wiiu was the easiest to develop for cos a lot of devs praised it and the complaints i usually saw where those claiming it wasn't as powerful as the ps4 and xbox one.

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard Preview BioWare's Back, Baby | CGM

CGM got a very extended hands-on look at Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and it looks like BioWare has made good use of the last ten years.

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Juvia39m ago

It looks awful. RIP Bioware.

jznrpg7m ago(Edited 7m ago)

Graphically it could look better as I’m not a big fan of the WoW color palette but the gameplay and rpg elements look good. The graphics are decent enough that I can look past them if the gameplay makes up for it. In no way do I think it looks awful just not my kind of art style


Fortnite is getting another game-changing mode very soon

Epic Games is working on another game-changing Fortnite mode, and according to a leaker, it will come out within two weeks.

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Epic Games has important announcement regarding Fortnite servers

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LightofDarkness2h ago

They’re taking them all offline and replacing them with UT99 servers for the foreseeable future.