
New Open-World RPG: Blood and Snow

Cat writes, "The spotlight of N4G is beaming down on an indie Kickstarter project from new development team, Shadowforge.

"Shadowforge and their open-world fantasy RPG are among the indies being featured here in July, and it seems fitting to pair the event announcement with a mini feature on their studio, game, and Kickstarter.

"Here's some words from Ryan on the studio, game, and crowdfunding."

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mattdillahunty3786d ago (Edited 3786d ago )

i love the look and feel of the trailer (or whatever you want to call it), but i noticed that it's called an action RPG. does this mean ARPG in the sense of something along the lines of loot-driven stuff like Diablo? i love the idea of open world, quest-driven RPGs, but the thought of mind-numbingly boring loot grind fests and just mindlessly fighting through waves of enemies saddens me.

Cat3786d ago

Thanks for reading and asking a Q! Shadowforge will be able to answer these here (see below).

ATi_Elite3786d ago Show
3-4-53785d ago (Edited 3785d ago )

This doesn't look that appealing to me.

shadowforge3786d ago

Thanks for the question! Loot is certainly a part of Blood and Snow but it's not loot driven. The story is what drives the main quest line in this game and loot is the reward we give for exploration and quest participation. There's much more of a focus on breaking down what you find and making your own gear than there is in grinding for new gear. We want the player to be able to totally immerse themselves in their characters.

DVS-Zev3786d ago

Will we be limited to just a sword? Can i use a bow as primary weapon for example?

Cat3786d ago

I want to reply (ineffectively?) on behalf of Shadowforge - our anti-spam bot has decided to try and murder his account so he's having trouble replying to you all - but he wants to!

shadowforge3786d ago

DVS, you can use swords, shields, knives, staves, bows, spears, maces.... the whole nine yards. You will definitely not be restricted to swords. ;)

sourav933786d ago

Thank you for that explanation, even though it was directed to Matt. The game looks really interesting and I will be keeping tabs on this one.

P.S. We need more devs on N4G :)

shadowforge3786d ago

No problem! I've been dying to respond but as Cat said above, for some reason the bots wanted me dead. Need more devs on N4G huh?

sourav933786d ago (Edited 3786d ago )

Haha when I said "we need more devs on n4g", I meant like how you're replying to everyone's queries; people are getting answers straight from the horse's mouth. It would be nice to have more developers hang around these threads, though I'm not expecting a gaf like situation.

shadowforge3786d ago

sourav93 haha I get it now. Yeah it would be nice if we could interface with the devs of our favorite games. That's what we're trying our best to do. I know that with a heavier volume of questions this will get harder and harder but one of the things that's really important to us is maintaining real contact with our fans so that we truly know what people want to play and how things need to be changed.

Porcelain_Chicken3785d ago (Edited 3785d ago )

As awesome as that sounds that's not a great idea. Just look at ATi_Elite or desertpunk86 post above/below. Devs reading stupid troll crap like that would cause me to die of embarrassment.

Ignore stupid people like that Mr. shadowforge!! Game looks great! You had me at RPG.

mikel10153786d ago

Wish it was coming to Wii U, but it looks really awesome and I hope you guys meet the goal!

shadowforge3786d ago

We eventually want to expand into consoles. I'm glad you think this is something you'd want to see on your favorite system!

Nineball21123786d ago

I really like the teaser! Looks very promising and I'm hoping you guys meet your goal as well (I even contributed a bit myself).

shadowforge3786d ago


Thanks for your compliment and support!

morning_wood3786d ago

This game looks great. It's about time we get a good RPG that lets the player really get involved and customize things they way they want. I'll definitely back this!

shadowforge3786d ago


Thanks! So glad that our game is eliciting the proper kinds of responses!

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Part Two: Blood and Snow - Weapons, Loot and Platforms

Cat writes, "In the second part of my interview with Ryan Lamb, Shadowforge Programmer we talk about his background in the Army, weapons customization, the role of loot and....platforms."

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Q&A: Blood and Snow, a New Open-World RPG (Part One)

Cat writes, "As a teaser to this July's Month of Indies at N4G we're taking a look at a new indie, Shadowforge, and their launch title, Blood and Snow. An open-world fantasy RPG with real-time combat, I'm a bit taken with the game and want to share with you guys more details about Blood and Snow and its development. "

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JackOfAllBlades3770d ago

I'm looking forward to this one

bicfitness3770d ago

Really? Looks quite janky and sparse, even though this is like pre-alpha. I don't know why developers show videos like this. Best foot forward and all that.

Wingsfan243770d ago

They're going to upgrade the game to Unity 5 when that comes out. That's when it's going to look real good. The interview we did with them talked about the combat which also very interesting especially for a 2D Isometric RPG. There's actual physics involved rather than something like Diablo.

HacSawJimThugin3770d ago

Is PC the only platform or are they also developing on consoles?

Cat3770d ago

No/yes - it's something we talk about more tmrw, in Part Two.

coolbeans3770d ago (Edited 3770d ago )

Such a tease. XD

Omegasyde3770d ago


1 - Are you working on this title personally?

2 - I recommend that the player models are increased in size or the camera zoomed up a tad bit more. If there are alot of enemies on the screen at once, a player may lose track of their characters place/status.

3 - Consoles could always use more hack and slash! If this game "does" come to consoles via a stretch goal, will it have split screen co-op?

Cat3770d ago (Edited 3769d ago )

I am not! Not in my skill set :) (and I would disclose that sort of thing to you guys) just became interested in the title and the guys have been great to work with. I *am* a backer of the KS. :D

Edit: see Shadowforge reply below!

Skate-AK3770d ago

The art looks real nice. The style I like for these kind it games.

HacSawJimThugin3770d ago

Cool. One can only hope consoles get a crack at this game also.

shadowforge3769d ago

Hey everyone! I ran out of bubbles last time so I'm going to try to respond to all of you in one message. I'm sorry if that's hard to read but I want to be able to get to all of you!

HacSawJimThugin: We are currently developing for PC/Mac/Linux and we would love to go to PS4 and Xbox One with it as well. We're looking into that now and trying to break into those markets. It's a long and involved approval process full of pitfalls and subjective gatekeepers so we'll hopefully overcome all of that to release on consoles.

Omegasyde: You'll be able to use camera controls to zoom in and out on the fly so that you can adjust the camera to the situation. So you'll be able to zoom out and enjoy the scenery and take long ranged shots and then zoom in close for melee action. We've anticipated the problem you're referring to, especially since we plan on having several mob-based enemy types. As far as split-screen coop, like Cat said, that's been in the design from the beginning! We're working on a cool camera system that let's people who are playing coop (up to 4 players) break their own camera off from the group if they get outside of a certain range of other players. Otherwise, you'll all share the same camera. This should avoid the hassle found in old-school games like Double Dragon or Contra where you had to move with your friends and it also means bigger viewing area for all players when you're in the same vicinity.

Skate-AK: Thanks! We're excited as our art style will get more and more refined as the build iterations continue. As mentioned above, Unity 5 is really going to boost the art as well as we'll have environmental shaders that will let us put some more realistic touches on our environment and characters.


Blood and Snow’s Open World is Huge, Measures “20km by 20km”

OnlySP: Shadowforge’s Blood and Snow game is shaping up to be quite a hefty project.

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gigoran3781d ago

Large, sure. But huge? When there are games out now that are much much bigger its hard to call this one huge.

ibrake4naps3781d ago

I prefer how good and fun it is over its size. That's what she said.

TheKingWilliamV3781d ago

I wonder if any open world game could duplicate to sheer amount of fun and love for exploring that Skyrim gave me.

Milruka3780d ago

That's cute, FUEL was 120km by 120km.

And it was actually a really enjoyable game.

elhebbo163780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

FUEL to me was dull and mediocre, yea it was an impressive feat creating such a huge world but whats the point when there is no purpose, dont take my word for it almost all reviews out there say so as well.

Wingsfan243780d ago

Ha FUEL, enjoyable how? There was nothing to do in that game, at all. And 20km by 20km for a 2D isometric RPG is actually quite large.

Aussiebeachbabe3780d ago

Sound's great. I really enjoy these Diablo type rpg's. Another was the baldurs gate games on ps2. Would love to see some more of them made for consoles.

levian3780d ago

I'm not really a fan of that style of RPG but I'm glad to see some more veriety than we've had for years

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