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Bound by Flame Guide: How to Make Gold Easily and Quickly

Here’s an extensive guide unveiling the best ways to make tons of gold easily in Bound by Flame.

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Senyra3686d ago
viccrack3686d ago

played this game for like half and hour ... its so weird . and buggy and boring .. the voice acting is so messed up man

Senyra3686d ago

I've seen worse but yeh it has some heavy bugs.

viccrack3686d ago

the combat system is okaish . graphics at some points give you nice feels but at most points the walls and bricks feel like clay lol

Porcelain_Chicken3686d ago

"the voice acting is so messed up man"

Haha so true. Especially if you choose a female character. The voice acting was so bad i had to restart 1 hour in because i couldn't stand it. The male voice sounds alot better. Makes you feel like Brynjolf (Skyrim) or The Prince of Persia.

anonjohn233686d ago

Get at least up to the first boss. It is actually really fun. The voice acting doesn't get better per say but it is pretty funny.

viccrack3686d ago

yes it's like polish kinda accent they used in it . when that boss guy says . SHAET here they come .. it was funny man lol

Razputin3686d ago (Edited 3686d ago )

Why is bad voice acting the new bitching point for games.

It seems like every day someone finds something to complain about.

Because voice acting is so essential and crucial to the immersion of games. Guess people don't have any creativity or imagination anymore.

I don't see how people can say they cried or felt so emotional with the FFVII game -- and others, but now people get butt hurt about over "bad" voice acting.

Be happy we even have audio and voice overs. Your ass should learn how to read.

Well I guess why I'm never mad at bad voice acting is that I do always put subtitles and skip the audio logs because they take was too long.

LAWSON723685d ago (Edited 3685d ago )

FFVII had no voice acting however it had good writing that help get the great story across. Bad voice acting also was not a big deal back then because teh standard was low and the tech was a limitation so it was excusable. Today if you cannot capture voice acting well dont do it at all I would rather read then hear some half as voice work when I am trying to read subs.

I am not just going to be happy we got voice overs. It is half ass and does nothing but take away from the storytelling. These days even indies can capture fair voice overs, so it is inexcusable. This is not 1997 and some new addition being explored in video games and some kind of treat we are lucky to get

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lpsyco3685d ago

its realy stupid people complain about voice acting and lips movement,final fantasy,do not speak
his lips are moving poorly
but no one ever complains
and attention, is a company of AAA games
Do not be hypocrites
criticize a must criticize it for the same reasons or else shut up

this game looks good game, period...and is from an indie company...

ftwrthtx3685d ago

It's a solid game that I gave an 8. People seem to either hate it or love it.

Dustinf113685d ago

I loved this game. I also thought the voice acting wasn't bad. The main character was funny and relate able. Some of you are just too hard to please.

Dustinf113685d ago

I find the combat to be quite awesome..

Light Attack, Heavy Attack, Parry/Block/counter... Super cool Kick/Guard break. Lock on, and ranged. That's only the warrior class. This is like the witcher 2, but with more options, so i don't see how it can be sooo bad.

You can also switch classes on the fly. Most games trap you to either ranger or warrior. (dragons dogma)

There are very well written jokes in this game and the story and gameplay is pleasing.

I did go into this rooting for it because I like to support small companies and needed a great RPG. I am very happy overall.

ftwrthtx3685d ago

Upgrading skills evenly is a must for those switching up their fighting style


Humble Focus Entertainment Legends and Visions Bundle out now - Game Freaks 365

The Humble Focus Entertainment Legends and Visions Bundle just launched today. It includes seven different games on multiple operating systems that you can redeem and play on Steam. As always, a portion of proceeds from the bundle supports charity.

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Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Discounts – 12th-18th January 2021

Neil writes: "Over the course of the last week or so, Xbox gamers have had the opportunity to embark on new adventures, take in additional journeys and be wowed by magical worlds like no other. Of course, that's pretty much the case for 52 weeks of the year in gaming circles, but in these times these new objectives come to the fore like never before. But that said, thanks to the Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale those adventures, journeys and worlds can be taken in at cut-price levels and once more the sale for 12th-18th January 2021 is opening up the landscape in various ways. Want to check out the full list of brilliant bargains that can be had across Xbox 360, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S titles for the next week?"

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Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Discounts 3rd-9th December 2019

Neil writes: "Black Friday may have been and gone in a flash, but that doesn't mean you can't still get in on a bit of discounted gaming action, with the Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale for 3rd-9th December 2019 delivering a ton of bargains the way of all Xbox gamers - adn this time around there is a huge emphasis on the party scene. Fancy taking a look at the full list of discounts for the next week or so?"

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