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Insomniac Games Explain Why Sunset Overdrive Is Exclusive To XBO: Microsoft Are "Terrific Partners"

GearNuke: "Sunset Overdrive is an exclusive game from Insomniac Games, the creators of Ratchet and Clank and Resistance series on PlayStation platform. It was quite a surprise to see them going exclusive to Xbox One for their next big game since they have mostly made games exclusively for the PlayStation, and were considered an important part of the PlayStation 2 and 3 software lineup. James Stevenson, Community Lead at Insomniac Games, explains how they ended up becoming creating an exclusive for Microsoft."

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Community3791d ago
incendy353791d ago

Glad MS is letting these studios have so much artistic freedom. The game looks amazing.

Abash3791d ago

I'm really surprised that Insomniac owns the rights to Sunset Overdrive. If it is really successful, I can see it becoming a series across many different platforms

joab7773791d ago Show
GarrusVakarian3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

"I'm really surprised that Insomniac owns the rights to Sunset Overdrive."

Oh, they do? I didn't know that. Man, MS must really trust Insomniac with this game. If i were MS, i would be locking it down to Xbox One only, lol.

That means that Insomniac could make SO a multi-platform game if they wanted to. I doubt they will though, they said they enjoyed working on a single platform in an earlier interview.

True_Samurai3791d ago

@joab ain't nothing wrong with that. They see where the grass is greener or I should say where the money is stacked higher

incendy353791d ago

Gears of War was also owned by Epic until just a couple of months ago. I think it is pretty normal for Microsoft to work that way when it comes to Third Party studios.

Bennibop3791d ago

Strange that they are saying this when every other developer is saying sony are fantastic to work with. I can't help but feel that money talked which is fine they are business after all.

Volkama3791d ago

It's a "nice" way for a publisher to partner with a studio. They're funding and publishing games, without bullying or controlling the talent. There is no downside to that, it's far far better to see than moneyhatting timed exclusives.

At least that's how it appears on the surface. Who knows what evil lurks behind closed doors.

4Sh0w3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

It's not strange, why does everyone think one company has to be all good and one has to be all bad? If you know your game history, and not just the headlines you would know that's far from the truth. Plenty of devs have said micro is a great partner to realize their artistic vision. Plenty of devs enjoy sonys support as well. Also >>FACT<< is both make mistakes and neither is evil.

What usually happens is at times people working together closely within the company or as partners with another company occasionally have disagreements. Notice the few devs critical of micro all have an axe to grind (indies particularly) over micros in-house decisions related to online strategy= want to make more money on xbox live but for parity reasons micro doesn't allow it. You can disagree with micro's position but that doesn't make them evil, micro has had this clause for a long time and they see it as proper business. Ultimately as a dev if you disagree and hate micro for it fine but its their brand so move on and support the one you do agree with.

Again, business by its nature means making tough decisions, neither company to me seems more righteous or more evil and as a dev sometimes you might need to move on and start fresh when you don't like a decision a partner above you has made, future possibility of working with the former company again under a new structure/deal always exists (Bungie/ Insomniac). No doubt Insomniac will make future games for ps4, multi or maybe exclusive but why do folks get so upset when devs make exclusives for xbox?

Ausbo3791d ago

It could be a titanfall situation. First game exclusive, the rest prob not. I think Microsoft put a lot of money into this game so I wouldn't expect sunset overdrive 1 to go to sony

truefan13791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Why are people suprised, some of the best studios in gaming work with MSFT. Crytek, Epic, Remedy, Bethseda, Bungie, now Insomniac. Not to mention look how they helped raise the stock of Double Helix. MSFT studios is doing big things this gen just open you eyes and witness them work.

The problem is most of the Internet gaming community is a bunch of followers who refuse to acknowledge anything positive MSFT or XB1. You guys listen to too many indie devs trying to get their 20 minutes of fame bad mouthing MSFT when still some of the best indie devs still work with MSFT, The Behemoth and MoJang/4k studios.

MYDEATH213791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

It reminds me of Gotham City Imposters for some reason lol

Sitdown3791d ago

In your mind, it's not possible for it to be fantastic to work for either company? Just because other developers have being saying it about Sony, does not mean it can't be true for Microsoft as well. Besides, at three end of the day... Aren't ask the companies trying to make money, since they are for profit?

DragonKnight3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

I will personally throw a party for the first developer who makes an exclusive for whatever console that comes out and says

"Why did we make it exclusive? Fo' da money yo"

Lame PR responses are boring.

@truefan1: And I bet you think that MSFT has done nothing to deserve the majority opinion (you did say most of the internet) that they are bad for gaming right? All sunshine and roses coming from them, they've been pro-consumer, anti-government, pro-competition from the start right?

scott1823790d ago

Yes, and I am sure they will say the same on their next project with Sony. People are so funny on here.

MasterCornholio3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

Oh wow thats great news then. Hopefully Sunset will come to the PS4 some day.


You people disgust me.

UltraNova3790d ago

@ Dragon

I second that dude.

Mankey3790d ago

So future installments could come to other platforms?

Godmars2903790d ago

More like, "They didn't pis us off like with whatever Sony did."

XB1_PS43790d ago

@mikeslemonade They were funded, not moneyhatted. I don't think you know what that means. Sony wasn't providing Insomniac enough of a budget for proper development time. MS did. This is the result. There's literally nothing bad that MS did involving insomniac.

scott1823790d ago

Sony did what? MS did what?

how do you know all of this?

josephayal3790d ago

is very likely going to be a timed exclusive,

GameNameFame3790d ago

So there is a good chance that if the game is successful, it can go multiplat. at least next game will be multiplat.

And last I checked Insomiac was making less quality games and Sony wasnt sponsoring them anymore.

Look at the review scores on their last few games...

Charybdis3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

In this case Microsoft is the publisher which doesn't own the rights to the game/franchise, but they probably do have the publishing and distribution rights for SO.

We can assume Microsoft funded the development of SO and probably also pays for the marketing efforts. If SO will go to other platforms it will at least need another publisher. Self publishing the game on other platforms is also a possibility, but if dev uses or goes to publisher it mostly is because of funding and support purposes.

Going multi-platform at the moment doesn't seem likely as I remember reading something along the lines of 'permanent xbox one exclusive'.

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Magicite3791d ago ShowReplies(2)
kewlkat0073791d ago

I'm surprised this is an Insomniac game looking at the colors and visual style...

Myze3791d ago

Obviously not remotely similar in terms of gameplay, but "colors and visual style" I take your meaning as cartoonish/stylized and vibrant colors, which describes Ratchet and Clank's visuals in a nutshell.

I think the the game looks like a lot of fun, and although I don't expect it, I hope it isn't one of those games that is TONS of fun early on, but becomes very repetitive. For some reason, when I saw the gameplay, I didn't think of Jet Set Radio or Infamous, I though of Crazy Taxi, and I'm not even sure why. Maybe the zaniness and off-the-wall design decisions. This is a good thing, on one hand, since Crazy Taxi was a very fun game, but on the other hand, the game became very repetitive and was a fun game for 3-4 hours, but no more.

What I see with Sunset Overdrive so far seems like it will definitely be a lot of fun, but I'm not gonna 100% fall for it till we know what variety is offered outside of the monster blasting in an open world aspect. I am not thinking it will be lacking, I'm just not gonna fall head over heals in love so quickly.

Why o why3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

For real... r+c games were full of colour. The traversing reminds me of jet set radio. Loved that game. Hope it turns out well for X1 owners. Insomniac are quality., myze beat me to it.

kewlkat0073791d ago

Actually you are right about R&C..

randomass1713790d ago

I agree, the game looks quite stellar. Glad Insomniac got to make this freely. :)

Blaze9293790d ago

who knows if Insomniac ever broke even with any of the games they released on PS3 last gen. They sure as hell didn't get much marketing attention.

Maybe they just had enough of their hard work and games being undershadowed and undersold.

BlackTar1873790d ago

Wait is this game called Halo or GeOW or Forza?

Insomniac games are nothing special. Some gems but alot of mediocre titles.

Blackdeath_6633790d ago

lol what a load of bullshit, the only reason guantic dream is a sony exclusive studio is because MS turned them away

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cfc783791d ago

Sorry you feel that way, but know we had to partner with the right group that believed in us and the vision of the game, wanted to see that vision came to life, and was ok with us retaining the rights to our creation.In all of those regards,Microsoft has been a terrific partner in making Sunset Overdrive reality.

That's something you don't hear every day microsoft need more reactions like these.

Testfire3791d ago

To me at least its not surprising. Sony wants exclusivity and to own the game rights but give creative freedom, EA doesn't need to own the game rights but they WILL assert their control over the creation process, MS will allow creative freedom and usually let the dev keep the IP, they just care about exclusivity. MS gets a bad rap, but many devs do well with them and have no issues, Remedy, Epic, Crytek, Bungie, etc.

BlackWolf123791d ago

Actually EA does own the rights to many of their titles.

TimeSkipLuffy3791d ago

so what if Isnomniac decides to make the game multiplat? They own the IP. They could do it any they want right?

Testfire3791d ago

@TimeSkipLuffy, who knows. There are a lot of possibilities as to the contractual agreements between Insomniac and MS.

LordMaim3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

Why would Microsoft buy the rights to the IP until they find out whether it's a success or not. Microsoft only bought the rights to Gears of War after there were rumors in November of a PS4 version. They didn't have to lock it up until then. It's not Microsoft being a "nice guy", it's them not spending money until they need to. They'll absolutely back up another truck full of money to Insomniac's door if it turns out that Sunset Overdrive is a success.

ThatOneGuyThere3790d ago

every company wants to be successful. every game engineer/designer/producer/art ist ive talked to wants their game to be great for the players. everything else is just fanboy BS. this is the truth.

ZombieGamerMan3790d ago

Not gonna say this is a bad move from MS but it's definitely one that can turn on you on a dime, MS needs long term plans. That's why Sony owns every franchise Insomniac Games has made for them so if they ever go multiplat they don't lose those franchises.

Honestly I have nothing against MS on this one but I really dislike Insomniac games for this, the went off to be multiplat studio so they could sell more games and earn more money than if they just stick to one system but here they are going exclusive again but to the chief competition of the company that helped build them.

Neonridr3790d ago

@TimeSkipLuffy - as long as Sony is willing to fund the development, then yes, hypothetically the game could appear on the PS4. Insomniac isn't just going to fund a PS4 version out of their own generosity.

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randomass1713790d ago

Microsoft doesn't really focus on indies but it seems their relations with third party publishers and developers is still very strong.

shadyiswin3790d ago

must no be aware of the ID@xbox program that was full. Wave one of games starts on 5/14/14 with super time force :D. Microsoft has tons of indies on board too but just cause they are making a smart move by focusing on 250 and giving them funding and free xbox ones to develop people think they forgot about the indies. You expect them to give away 1000 kits? while also filling the xbox live store with garbage? i love this move from microsoft. It will produce quality indie games that are all exclusive at the same time.

AceBlazer133791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Yh right. Money talks, simple as that and nothing is wrong with that. Devs should stop feel the need to explain themselves every time, We're all grown we understand money is important, we won't think less of Insomniac.

One thing though I'm kinda jealous. They give PlayStation crappy ass games back to back recently then Xbox gets the good looking one. This gen sure is gonna be interesting.

How am I downplaying Microsoft? It's naive to think money had nothing to do with Insomniac , the guys who wanted to go multiplat, going exclusive for the other side. It's business.

You really expect me to believe Sony or Nintendo wouldn't have backed a game like Sunset Overdrive? Microsoft was the only one to support their vision?

ats19923791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Or Insomniac really thinks Microsoft is a terrific partner.

stormfire784123791d ago

Or Ms was the only company that could afford to back them up

BlackWolf123791d ago

It's a bit of a kick in the teeth to both Sony fans and Sony itself, by saying "Microsoft is a great partner". What was Sony NOT a great partner?

When people complain about Bungie going multiplat, I tell them to stfu because it is still coming to them, if they went PS exclusive I would understand.

randomass1713790d ago

Let these devs partner with who they want. Insomniac is comfortable with this deal, so I think we should respect them forever.

ThatOneGuyThere3790d ago

im sure they are just fine as a partner. but, exclusivity almost always comes down to being paid for the rights. that way the studio is guaranteed a payout, even with the small install bases. exclusivity becomes rare after the systems have solid install bases, unless its a first party game.

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Volkama3791d ago

They aren't denying "money talks". That's part and parcel of having a publisher fund your game. It's everything else that comes with the contract that is noteworthy...

aragon3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

so when devs praise sony its because sony is an angelic company to the point that money doesnt matter? o last gen anytime a multiplat came with anything excluaive on 360 its because ms bought it with their evil money? but destiny and watchdogs have some exclusive additions on ps4, so did sony buy it or is it the goodness of sony? either way the dev said he likes working with ms, y cant ppl leave it there? the next time a dev praises ps4 ppl should say sony paid them. the fanboyism and hypocrisy is too much.

one more thing has sony ever had a 3rd party exclusive? im sure they have

randomass1713790d ago

As a Sony fan, I agree with this. Some devs will praise Sony and others will praise Microsoft. It's not so strange when both are trying to make developers more comfortable on their platforms.

shadyiswin3790d ago

you guys (sony fans) take it so personal lol. Does this not sound familiar? did respawn not say the same exact kind words? maybe microsoft is throwing extra bells and whistles in to get developers on there consoles. I find the thing special in all this microsoft isnt trying to buy out the games. They seem to be in it to help get things off the ground and see the projects realized,how could anyone have a problem with that is beyond me. Trust me,you will not see me crying about "the order" (cant think of any other exclusives from 3rd party games for ps4) It is a business and it is what seperates your product from the next.

Dont think microsoft wasnt listening when it came to the talk of having no exclusives. Now they have plenty and everyone (sony fans) are complaining. It will be up to phil spencer to keep it going,which im sure he will. Microsoft is being less bossy with the IPs cause it realizes if you treat the company right,they wont want to go elsewhere and even when they do the game will sell better on your console cause it has that fan base from the first title (mass effect 2&3,bioshock,dead rising 2, it goes both ways as FF and metal gear will always sell better on sony consoles). If titanfall goes multiplatform you can expect it to sell way more on xbox platforms,same with sunset overdrive and other game,smart move for microsoft.

BlackTar1873790d ago

Actually Shady,

I think what MS did was not listen. If they had listened they surly would have heard the amount of people who pretended like Exclusives weren't that important because MP sell the most.

BlackTar1873790d ago

My comment was a joke people.

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Christopher3791d ago

***While it is not hard to speculate the real reason behind this exclusivity deal(Insomniac wanted to retain the IP), perhaps Sony should have given them what they want.***

This assumes that Sony wouldn't have done this in the first place. It also assumes that other publishers wouldn't have done the same and allowed them to go completely third-party.

The reality is, Microsoft took what was once a developer who made games exclusive to their competitors platform and flipped them. I'm fairly certain they bent over backwards to do what they could to make this happen.

Microsoft is smart and influential. They can afford to make these type of moves. It's why they will continue to succeed in the business. Because they know how to take their competitors strength and flip it so it's now in their ballpark.

RockmanII73790d ago

It's the same reason why Bungie was pushed into signing that 10 year deal with Activision, they were either the only publisher or one of the few that would allow Bungie to own the Destiny IP when the contract ran out.

shadyiswin3790d ago

bungie went with activision to make spend/more money hence the 500 million being thrown at destiny. Going multiplatform also means more money in the fact you will sell more games. Bungie is probably slightly but hurt they dont own halo and microsoft didnt lose much sleep as they retained the core of the halo team. Say what you want but halo 4 was much much better than reach and the campaign was the best in a long time. 343 is doing just fine.

Bungie left microsoft cause they didnt want to be tied down,so they sign a 10 yr deal with another company.....but everyone says nothing cause sony fan boys desperatly want some of that bungie gameplay on there consoles,so far destiny looks extraordinary......boring. Im looking more forward to evolved so far,then ofcourse a halo later this year,i will gamefly destiny,if i like it ill keep it,simple as that.

Bundi3790d ago

Name one ps exclusive game in recent history from a second party developer that Sony has allowed to retain ownership of the IP. Every single game that they publish, they keep.
MS on the other hand allows many second party devs to keep their IP's despite publishing it so it is no surprise that Insomniac chose MS after years of working on IPs for Sony only to walk away with no ownership.

Can you honestly sit there and judge them for going with MS when they have a history of allowing devs to keep ownership of the games they publish? Alan Wake, Gears of War, Mass Effect, Limbo, Dust: An Elysian Tale. All published by MS but they didn't make the devs sign over ownership.
Sony on the other hand...Heavenly Sword, Demon Souls, Journey, flow, Flower, Resistance, Ratchet and Clank, list goes on, if they publish it, best know that they are keeping it.
With a history like that, it isn't far fetched to assume they wouldn't have let them keep their IP, otherwise why wouldn't they want to stay with a partner they have had for 20 years?!

Christopher3790d ago

***Can you honestly sit there and judge them for going with MS when they have a history of allowing devs to keep ownership of the games***

Who's judging?

I took what the site asserted and said that not only Sony but other publishers could have done the same thing. I then said that this is how Microsoft bends over backwards to turn a company's strength into their own.

There was no judgement.

Bundi3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

***This assumes that Sony wouldn't have done this in the first place. It also assumes that other publishers wouldn't have done the same and allowed them to go completely third-party.***

Your comment implies that you believe different, that Sony would have allowed them to keep the IP when they have clearly shown to do the contrary for the past 10 years.

Also, Microsoft have been allowing 2nd party developers to retain ownership of games they publish since the first Xbox (see Bioware IPs) and that didn't change during the 360 era so I find it difficult to understand why you'd call this "bending over backwards" on MS' part when they have proven themselves to not lock IPs away from second party devs for years now.
It simply isn't their policy to keep IPs from those that worked hard on them. Sony is another story and Insomniac chose wisely with this regard.

Christopher3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

***Your comment implies that you believe different,***

No, it's a statement declaring that the author's statement is an assumption.

Nothing more.

I believe you are putting value into my statement that doesn't exist.

*** I find it difficult to understand why you'd call this "bending over backwards" on MS' part when they have proven themselves to not lock IPs away from second party devs for years now. ***

You just explained how they bend over backwards... Just because they do it often doesn't mean they don't go out of their way to make developers happy.

candy_mafia3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Insomniac had a weird relationship with Sony. I don't believe Insomniac had much commercial success with their IP.

Ratchet 'n Clank was Insomniac/Sony's most successful game.

EA/insomniac partnership was laughable, so I hope Insomniac have found a good 'fit' with MS, as I respect the studio. I met Ted Price once and he seemed like a really cool guy :)

creatchee3791d ago

Insomniac wants the rights to the IP's that they created. Sony doesn't allow that. Hence, Insomniac went elsewhere. It's funny, but MS got a lot of flack for Titanfall exclusivity but here is MS actually doing a solid to Insomniac and gamers.

WeAreLegion3791d ago

What do you mean "Sony doesn't allow that."? Of course they allow it!

Dannyh3791d ago

Spyro the dragon was huge on psx

4Sh0w3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

"I hope Insomniac have found a good 'fit' with MS"

I'm a X1/micro fan but don't mistake a deal for 1 game as some long lasting partnership. I think people are jumping the gun and assuming too much, the bottom line is micro and Insomniac have a deal for 1 exclusive game(that we know of) because #1 micro stepped up giving them the support/freedom to make the game and #2 let them own their IP, sort of same as Titanfall but I also have no doubt Insomniac is going to also make some future games for ps4, which is great too.

It's a *indie/n4g myth that micro isn't a great partner for game devs, most of which comes from a few indie devs who couldn't get on the platform but many devs have said otherwise, even Bungie who wanted to be independent left on great terms with micro.

DragonKnight3791d ago

@4Sh0w: "It's a *indie/n4g myth that micro isn't a great partner for game devs, most of which comes from a few indie devs who couldn't get on the platform but many devs have said otherwise, even Bungie who wanted to be independent left on great terms with micro."

So indies are making up that Microsoft isn't a great partner for game devs now? Ah gotta love Xbox/Microsoft fans, not considering indie devs to be real devs, or even have real issues. Microsoft does well with such closed minded people.

4Sh0w3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

"So indies are making up that Microsoft isn't a great partner for game devs now?"

No, first I don't believe any have said that, maybe implied because they disagreed with Microsoft policy for publishing on xbox. Its their right to disagree, that's fine but what I'm saying is there has only been 2 concerns I've heard from devs in regards to micro/X1, #1 was the self publishing policy of last gen which micro already changed right from the start this gen for indies with ID@Xbox, but again those who know the business side beyond just the headlines know that on the surface allowing *anyone to self publish is good and bad because it actually helps to keep the console dash free of a ton of tiny shovel ware games, like Android platforms, so while its cool to just hate on the policy, they had their reasons.

#2 Is the current parity policy, which just by rule says a indie dev needs to ship a game day and date with other platforms, if not then the game won't be approved for xbox. Obviously this affects small indie devs if they only can make 1 version at a time but again the point from micro's business perspective is not to settle for old indie titles long after they been on another platform, we can disagree but I see micro has the big picture in mind by wanting their brand to be known as one who has fresh content, rather than every indie game under the sun, frankly as an X1 owner when I have the time to sit down and game on my xbox, 99% of the time its to play AAA games and when I do get the itch for a indie game it will be something high quality, its not a knock against any tiny indie devs, I simply just don't have time or the attention span for most of the little budget titles, hell I don't even touch stuff like Angry Birds on my cell phone.

Can you name and quote a non-indie dev that has said micro is NOT a great partner for any reason outside of not being able to publish an old game on xbox?

Can you name and quote a 3rd part multiplat dev who has said micro was a bad partner?

So yes I do question when the only negative devs are self-serving complainers like that Blow guy, and of course when a dev says any slightly negative tone comment about sony everyone questions their motives, but when its Micro of course their word is gospel, yet its usually a indie dev who couldn't put his game on xbox.

DragonKnight3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

@4Sh0w: #1 What you believe is irrelevant. If you want to ignore the indie devs talking about against ID@Xbox, which you know they have, then you're being willfully oblivious and a fanboy.

#2 Copout. Sony's answer to this is to require additional content, not to strongarm devs into parity. Microsoft are fans of throwing their authority and position around and it will cost them games.

"Can you name and quote a non-indie dev that has said micro is NOT a great partner for any reason outside of not being able to publish an old game on xbox?"

Goalpost shifting, classing Microsoft defense tactic. When you can't deny that indie devs have spoken out against Microsoft in some form or another, switch to the non-indie devs who wouldn't say anything because of business interests, and limit the reasons they would have to speak out against them.

"Can you name and quote a 3rd part multiplat dev who has said micro was a bad partner?"


"So yes I do question when the only negative devs are self-serving complainers like that Blow guy, and of course when a dev says any slightly negative tone comment about sony everyone questions their motives, but when its Micro of course their word is gospel, yet its usually a indie dev who couldn't put his game on xbox."

Name one developer that isn't self-serving? You only call him self-serving because he complained about your favourite company. Doesn't matter that what he said was echoed by others, so long as they are only indie devs then they don't matter or count right?

Gotta love elitism.

4Sh0w3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

Simple. Self publishing policy changed. The only devs who complained about xbox, whether indie or 3rd party are the ones who wanted to sell their game on xbox but we're not allowed because the one who OWN's the platform said no. Thats no different than any other business like cellular providers or cable providers who make rules that dictate brands of phones they will carry or channels they will carry. If the provider/platform holder by rule says no, OK then there is Verizon or Cox, but unlike those industries there is no sites of mass fanboys of the rival cable network to cry to, you just do business with who is interested.

I get it though sure it will piss you off and maybe customers will leave because AT&T doesn't carry a certain cheap knock off android phone like Cricket does= that's business, so go to Cricket, the carrier still has the right to do what's best for his *longterm business strategy, even if they knowingly understand they will lose some business and customers, maybe just maybe they believe those particular partners are not a priority for the large majority of their *longtime paying customer base, thus they will succeed and still grow. I can't remember 1 complaining dev that any significant portion of the xbox fanbase got outraged because game A isn't coming to xbox???= That's not elitist, that's how you as business owner target your market. Do you want to be Walmart with everything, but not necessarily known for quality or do you want to have a brand thats known for the newer designs, more specialized content, like Macy's or Things Remembered; sometimes less is more or in most cases is just a matter of prioritizing for what works on YOUR platform, not mimicking the competition.

Again this is an analogy not to say all Indies are bad but micro must know that the vast majority of their audience isn't dying to play every old indie game from tiny studios, yes that passes some devs off but if their really so good just go exclusive to sony or reap the rewards of all the other platforms and say it's microsoft loss, I mean if I feel unwanted the best revenge is my success with another company.

You noticeably couldn't link 1 quote of a 3rd party dev OR indie dev that thinks micro is a bad partner. I have never heard that, really just complaining about rules preventing them from selling on xbox (self pub/parity clause) , lol that not a bad partner, that's basicly a "No" to begin a partnership= disagreement of policy.

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Sunset Overdrive PS5 Port Ruled Out In Favor of Wolverine

Insomniac has confirmed that a PS5 port for 2014's Sunset Overdrive is not currently planned due to a focus on Marvel's Wolverine.

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Community89d ago
RaidenBlack89d ago

(well, they're likely also working with Nixxes for the inevitable Spider-Man 2 PC port as well)

Cacabunga89d ago

Wise decision, enough with old gen games already!!!

DarXyde88d ago

Sunset Overdrive was great...

I quite enjoyed the Demons' Souls remake too. I'm more or less begging for a Bloodborne sequel but would snap up a remake in a heartbeat.

Concertoine88d ago

I’d rather play an older unique game than a new Marvel game.

Im so blown out on Marvel, I can’t fathom how some people seem to have a bottomless appetite for it. A studio like Insomniac could do way better.

just_looken88d ago

Yep those poor devs are now a marvel sweat camp

This port and a quick pc patch to fix some bugs would have been a great idea i actualy forgot its not on ps5 you think it would have by now.

But hey they got like you said spiderman 2 pc port then spiderman 3 then spiderman collection with a wolverne/blade tossed in.

Amplitude88d ago

From everything we've seen, it's not like Insomniac is being forced to make Marvel games - it's clearly a good partnership that results in good games. They're still making Ratchet games anyway which is what really matters

Redemption-6488d ago

I have no idea why people like you keep making lies. Does it help you sleep at night? Where are you getting this information that they are either being forced or made into a Marvel camp? Sony approach Insomniac when they were independent to work on a Marvel IP and they picked Spider-Man. After the success of Spider-Man, it was Insomniac who pitched Wolverine to Sony/Marvel and was given the green light

89d ago Replies(5)
-Foxtrot89d ago

This is new…it pretty much confirms it can happen eventually.

I thought Microsoft had publishing rights or something

Eonjay89d ago

Yes you are right. Microsoft allegedly has rights to the first game. Perhaps Microsoft wasted to sell it back to Sony in exchange for a port to Xbox Series. This would make the statement make more sense because I can't imagine that a port of this game even compares to the creation of Wolverine. So Microsoft probably requested a multiplat port.

gold_drake89d ago

yeh, the article says as much that MS does have publishing rights.

Profchaos88d ago

They do but Microsoft doesn't really care about the game they are considering Halo 1 for ps5 so this would be nothing

badz14988d ago

MS doesn't just have the publishing rights for SSoD, they also have publishing rights for the next 2 games in the franchise!

Zeke6888d ago

" The game was later pitched to various publishers, which rejected them because Insomniac demanded to retain ownership of the intellectual property. The project was later pitched to Microsoft Studios, which was eager to work with Insomniac. Microsoft allowed Insomniac to own the rights to the game"

Seems Insomniac own the rights after all...

badz14988d ago


publishing rights is not the same as IP rights or ownership. for SSoD, Insomniac owns the IP, MS owns the publishing rights. just like Sony with Spider-man. Sony only owns the publishing rights to the movies and games but the IP is still owned by Marvel/Disney.

Zeke6888d ago

See my comment below. When Insomniac left M$ they let Microsoft keep their publishing rights for... drumroll... Xbox and PC.
If they want to release it on PS they can let Sony publish it.

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Abnor_Mal89d ago

“It is important to note that Xbox owns the publishing rights to Sunset Overdrive.

Therefore, a PS5 port would need to be approved by Microsoft.”

I said this eight days ago and got disagrees.

Fishy Fingers89d ago (Edited 89d ago )

Most people dont read bro..

Had it been their IP through and through it would of been an easy release for them and its a fun game, probably would of already happened. The people saying no ones cares about Sunset Overdrive would be saying cant wait to play in 4K 60 if announced

NotoriousWhiz88d ago

"Most people dont read bro.."


Zeke6888d ago (Edited 88d ago )

"Most people dont read bro..."

"The game was later pitched to various publishers, which rejected them because Insomniac demanded to retain ownership of the intellectual property. The project was later pitched to Microsoft Studios, which was eager to work with Insomniac. Microsoft allowed Insomniac to own the rights to the game. Sunset Overdrive was made for Microsoft's Xbox One console; it was released on the 20th anniversary of Insomniac, in 2014"

What I read is that Insomniac still own the rights to the game. Prove me wrong! ;)

Edit M$ owns publishing rights on Xbox, not Playstation as they never intended to release it on PS ever.

KwietStorm_BLM89d ago

We can forget about all of their iconic IPs. They're a Marvel studio now.

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10 Years Later, Sunset Overdrive Still Remains A Beloved Xbox Exclusive

Does it still hold up in 2024?

We've still got a few months to go, but October marks the 10-year anniversary of this Insomniac Games title, with the developer having since moved on to work on the Marvel's Spider-Man games for PlayStation. It was assumed that Sunset Overdrive might make its way to other platforms eventually, but that hasn't happened as of yet.

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Christopher171d ago

So beloved that it sold so well that there's a sequel and Insomniac never had the opportunity to go back to Sony to develop games exclusively for Sony.

RaidenBlack171d ago

ngl, I was low-key expecting Sunset Overdrive to migrate to PS as well along with Hi-Fi Rush and SoT

Christopher171d ago

I think that would require Insomniac going back to work on it to port it over, probably why that's not happening.

RaidenBlack171d ago

Didn't Sony help with SoT port?

Christopher171d ago

I think only in so far as they support every piece of software heading their way? They have that team who specializes in helping people port games, not just SoT, and then the one team that takes PS5 games and ports them to PC (that's their full time job essentially). But that team, the former mentioned one, doesn't do all the work, just help out with how to best do things. So, that team wouldn't port a whole game like Sunset Overdrive.

RaidenBlack171d ago

Ok I thought you meant Insomniac reluctant/Sony not permitting them to go back and work on Overdrive. Hence I added the participation from Sony's side.
But yea, In actuality its Insomniac not having spare dev time to get involved in the port work, atm.

Christopher171d ago

*** But yea, In actuality its Insomniac not having spare dev time to get involved in the port work, atm. ***

Definitely this. They're working on two major IPs as it is and Sony forced them to layoff some people at the end of last year as well. So, likely not capable of sparing the time because resources are being fully utilized.

badz149171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

There was an article awhile back talking about the situation with SSoD. Insomniac does own the IP and Sony now owns it after they bought Insomniac but the publishing right for SSoD is owned by MS - at least the 1st game still is. MS has to sell the publishing rights like they did with the first Mass Effect game to EA after EA bought Bioware before Sony can do anything with the IP.

Einhander1972170d ago

Nobody cares about Sunset Overdrive, except all the xbox fanboys who didn't buy it but like to come into articles about the game and try to act like it's somehow Sony's fault for whatever reason.

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darthv72171d ago

there was supposed to be a sequel. IG had it all planned but MS said no. And Sony wont greenlight a sequel if they cant get the first one away from MS. Plus... IG has other projects they moved on to anyways so...... yeah.

fr0sty170d ago

Well, with the recent change in policy towards exclusivity, I imagine Sony could get MS to port it over.

Zeref171d ago

Because a game needs to sell 10 million copies for it to be considered beloved 😂

Christopher171d ago

I mean, it's also not a highly rated game, not even in Insomniac's top ten or even top ten on Xbox that year. With this logic, any game can be beloved and so throwing around the word beloved means absolutely nothing. Doesn't have to sell or have great critical reception, just a handful of people need to love it.

Hofstaderman171d ago

You guys are so starved for games you reminiscing about a decade old game made by a now Sony studio. Of course it never sold 10 million, the vast majority of people bought a PS4.

LucasRuinedChildhood171d ago

A game not played by many can still be beloved by those who played it, yeah.

Only making a profit of $567 after 10 years shows that it was not as beloved as it should have been though. That's really bad.

As much as people complain about AAA games not being unique or having fun ideas or bringing in new IP, a lot of gamers don't show up for them. Even less people seem to have played Hi-Fi Rush.

170d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic170d ago

It was okay when I played it on PC, idk if I'd consider it one of the more beloved games of that generation.

Zeref170d ago


8s and 9s is not highly rated, okay buddy 😂

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MontyeKristo170d ago

I mean, it sounds like you're just hating on the game - but, I loved it. It was one of my favorite games of it's time and that generation. Replayability could have been better, but I still managed to play it several times. I would have greatly appreciated a sequel and definitely would have been in line to pick it up..

Things happen.

Christopher170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

***I mean, it sounds like you're just hating on the game***

No, that's all the people who refused to accept that this game was beloved and never even bought it. I, on the other hand, bought, played it, thought it was 'okay' and moved on.

Now, what hate did you see in my post other than listing the fact that it's not as beloved as the few who liked it? This and Days Gone get way more love in online discussions than they do in sales and support, I find. Both are okay games, not much more. But for some **unknown** reason, people prop them up often as more than they are.

Profchaos170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

It's in noabs land unfortunately as Microsoft own the publishing rights to sunset overdrives original game while insomniac own the IP.

So Microsoft would have to be onboard with publishing this game on PlayStation systems with the understanding the would not profit from any subsequent games in the franchise unlike the games they are currently releasing on ps5 to get players into their franchises this would be a small cash injection build a fanbase around a game they no longer own then nothing.

ChasterMies170d ago

I really don’t get the love for Sunset Overdrive. It’s one of the few games I bought, played a few hours, gave up, and never returned.

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isarai171d ago

Not beloved enough for Xbox owners to buy it apparently, Xbox was the worst possible audience for that game.

Obscure_Observer171d ago

Sony couldn´t give a f* about Insomniac´s freedom of creativity, that´s why you don´t have a port for that game and will not be getting a sequel either!

That franchise wil probably never make a comback thanks to Sony´s greed for money, which have turned Insomniacs into a Marvel´s slave factory until 2030.

It´s sad, but it is what it is.

ApocalypseShadow171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

I didn't know that Ratchet and Clank were part of the Avengers of Marvel? Hidden in the ending credits of Guardians of the Galaxy or something? Captain Marvel?

Beyond the "cry me a river" of your comment that these Marvel games aren't on Xbox, it was Insomniac that was approached by Sony to work with Marvel to make a game. And let them decide what character they wanted to develop. They chose Spider-Man. Must be highly profitable for them. Wolverine is a profitable, recognizable character. And the X-Men definitely are a hot property that gamers would love as a story based videogame. Being that X-Men 97 brings back a popular Saturday morning cartoon and the introduction of the X-Men into the MCU movies coming up.

It was Microsoft's continued incompetence in cancelling the Marvel MMO game and turning down Marvel in making a super hero game as they were asked first.

Keep the tears flowing. It's not greed. It was smart business to say yes. And maybe Insomniac wants to make these games. And not a game that didn't sell well to an audience that doesn't buy games.

Christopher171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

Neither does Microsoft either, based on your own argument here. Microsoft denied the sequel, not Insomniac/Sony. There's also no sign that Microsoft is allowing a port. They control the next two games in the IP and any DLC or the like for the first. But, nothing.

What's sad is people trying to use this game to blame businesses for doing business things that they are both doing as some way to make them look worse. Microsoft wants to use Insomniac to make a good IP that sells their platform and Sony wants to use Insomniac to make a good IP that sells their platform. But, no, Sony bad!

Don't know why the truth that these companies are very much alike is so hard for people to accept.

PhillyDonJawn171d ago

I bought it, along with at least 1-2 million others.

PrinceOfAnger171d ago

Very fun game that need a sequel.

-Foxtrot171d ago

Insomniac: “We went with Microsoft because we want to own the IP so it’s ours”

Microsoft: *owns publishing rights preventing the studio to re-release the original game, make a remaster, remake, any DLC, massive expansions and multiple sequels on other platforms*

The logic is just…I never got it

Owning the IP was Insomniacs main defence when they announced they were making a game exclusively for MS and yet they’ve ended up “owning” an IP they can’t do anything with.

If they went with Sony like normal you might have seen a sequel by now.

Tacoboto171d ago

The winner of the Logic Cake has to be Bungie, though.

Wanted to be free from Halo and MS, so they buy themselves out, only to partner up with Activision, in the same timeframe as Activision ousting the heads of Infinity Ward, for a full decade with Destiny.

... And then things start falling apart in that relationship almost immediately, whodathought!

Christopher171d ago

Hey, when Sony offers to overpay you for your services and signs a contract that says they won't force you to do anything you don't want, who would say no? Such an overpriced purchase from Sony. Poor business, IMHO. But, honestly, I'm not a business person. But, still, I don't understand it.

darthv72171d ago

...and it seems this conundrum is also why the game cannot receive any sort of FPS boost patch for Series consoles. IG wont make it, and Ms can't get another team to do it without consent from IG. I liked it on XBO, but now I also have this on PC and I can tell ya... it definitely benefits from a 60fps frame rate.

badz149170d ago

been playing it at 1080p144fps on my modest pc. not the hardest game to max out and yeah this game definitely needs to be played at high fps considering all the actions

darthv72171d ago

Sadly this may never get the proper fps update it deserves on XB (or even PS) but I now play it on steam and it definitely feels better at 60fps than it did at 30. Its a fast paced game... you need that 60fps in this one.

babadivad170d ago

This game was so fun. Me and my brother put many hours into this one.

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15 Top Notch Single-Player Games You Can Complete in 10 Hours

For those who don't have time for massive open worlds or role-playing games with epic tales, these 15 games are worth checking out.

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anast198d ago

Good games for the $9.99 bin, you can get all of the Metro's for $10 in a bundle.