
Venetica Announced for (X360/PC) - Screens & Trailer

Dtp's RPG Venetica, developed by Deck 13 (Ankh, Jack Keane), is a visually stunning RPG with a cryptic storyline, mixing emotions and action in a unique free roaming and living sixteenth century world full of surprise.

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Harry1905960d ago

that at first glance,it looks very beautiful.Especially the art style and colours.

kevoncox5960d ago

360 has picked up a lot of pc/360 exclusive lately.
Show the ps3 some love fellas.

MK_Red5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

Nice find. The graphics style looks rather cool but I'm not a fan of previous games from this dev (Ankh and Jack Keane).

Hope it's a good RPG and not a shallow one.

ericnellie5960d ago

I've got to agree! The art style looks really cool =)
Let's hope the storyline is as good!

I'm really impressed with the amount of RPGs available and in development for the 360!!

ry-guy5960d ago

Now, this comment is intended as an unbiased comment, but of course the fanboys will take it for what they want it too but:

Could the Xbox 360's install base plus its lower learning curve which leads a lower development cost equal more RPGs on the 360 this generation than the PS3?

This is a legitimate question. I mean, developers have come out and said that you can successfully develop a game (Uncharted is the classic example right now) for the PS3 but it takes some real energy to learn the system.

I think the point I'm trying to get to is that RPGs are by no means technical achievements. They are a genre built for true story telling and art. So with the 360 perceived as an "easier to program for" console, does this mean developers of RPGs will be more keen on developing for the 360 over the PS3? Yes we have our Final Fantasies and up-coming White Knight Story, but where is the large library of RPGs going to land that Sony's Playstation and Playstation 2 have enjoyed?

Again, this comment was not intended to be a fanboy bash but an unbiased musing...

khsmooth5960d ago

....I hear what you're saying and while I think that the ease of programming may have something to do with a lot of rpg's landing on the 360 for now, I think for the most part that the 360 is seeing more rpg's cause it has a year over the ps3. So there's more time developers have to understand the hardware. I'm quite sure when more developers get more comfortable with the ps3 mechanics we'll see a boatload of rpgs for the system as well.

khsmooth5960d ago

.....what did I say to warrant 3 disagrees????

Xi5960d ago

the PS3 was delayed a year in launch, and had it's dev kits released earlier than the 360. Developers had just as much time spent with the ps3 then the 360.

khsmooth5959d ago

even the early dev kits that developers received a year before launch were different from the final dev kits; and the final dev kits are different then the dev kits that developers have now. In the same way that the 360 dev kits constantly changes due to it being out and developers figuring out new ways to do things. Also both Sony and Microsoft figures out newer and easier ways to handle the hardware and send it out to developers as well. And, with all the small firmware updates that the ps3 had to make the os work better with the machines; is in vain the same thing that happens with programmers code. Hence why you get incredible experiences towards the end of a console's life cycle. Which is spot on with the comment that I made, which is more rpgs will come to the ps3 the longer it's in the wild and developers continue to tweak at different coding methods. That's all that was said, it didn't warrant a disagree....I don't think.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5959d ago
heyheyhey5960d ago

well at least the 360 has SOMETHING for 09 apart from delayed 08 games

too bad it's also on PC

Bladestar5960d ago

"too bad it's also on PC " why is that bad?... that statement is only good for those trying to undermind the xbox 360 and say it sucks because some game are on the PC... if the game is good it will not matter is on other platforms... it also makes finacial and technical sense... PC game developement is very similar to xbox 360 game development... so why not make your product more profitable if both platforms allow it?
This is already a known trend.. must PC games will come to the xbox 360... and some games will go to the PC if they can make money...

power of Green 5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )

The 360 has more new games and sequels from proven games coming out in 2009 than delayed games from 2007 bub.

If you actually research it 2009 isn't the year of Sony either thus far.

Doesn't matter if its on PC in the console market its not on PS3. Bitter PS3 fans use that as a downplaying tool that simply doesn't make any sense as their stances are based in the console market Arena.

Do you research before you open your mouth.

Love the 3rd pic with the *GIANT ENEMY CRAB*. lol

heyheyhey5960d ago (Edited 5960d ago )


well its good for me because i can play the game without the need for a 360

i meant that its yet another game that doesn't force the need for an Xbox, which is bad for some


well i wouldn't expect you to think any differently

but i've seen the Xbox 09 line-up thus far- and it's a mix of PC ports and Halo Wars

and neither one of those PC ports is particularly exciting or intriguing- apart from Elveon, White Gold and The Precursor

PS3 has God of War 3, Killzone 2, GT5, Uncharted 2, Getaway 3, Eight Days, Infamous, Twisted Metal, Heavy Rain, Team ICO project, FF13, maybe FFv13, LA Noire and many more for 09.

and what's this... none of them are on PC? they can only played on the PS3? shame.... POG can't afford one

and im sorry, but not a single 360 game will match either GOW3 or FF13 in 09

just like no 360 game matches MGS4 in 08

power of Green 5960d ago

MSFT designed the 360 like a PC so they could easily get double releases launching on both their platforms this isn't PC winning over 360 exclusives this is a well thought out plan going back before the 360 launched.(as if the PC market competes with the console market) :P------

dan-boy5960d ago

coming in 09. a.p.b and huxley...these two alone will compete with sonys 09 line-up. plus whatever else makes it. 09 will be great again for both platforms heyheyhey

heyheyhey5960d ago


im not denying that- every year for the 360 has been great, and 09 will be no exception

BUT.. there's no denying that there isn't a single 360 game that will be bigger than FF13 or GOW3

as for who has the better games, its subjective- but the PS3 will have more console exclusives, more exclusives and the games are more anticipated by the general public

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5960d ago
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