
Gamertell Review: Haze for the PS3

Christopher Buckner reports:

''Haze is one of those games that had a lot of buzz surrounding its pre-launch but without any real reason. From the start of the game, Haze is as run-of-the-mill as you could expect when it comes to first-person shooters.

Developed by Free Radical, primarily known for its TimeSplitters series, Haze doesn't have anything under its hood that we haven't seen done better in other FPSes like Call of Duty 4 or Halo 3.

The story of Haze is the weakest part to this sub-par title featuring faceless, nameless and speechless characters. I never got any real grip on who I was playing beyond that the staring character is an outcast among stereotypical comrades that acted like grade school bullies with assault rifles. There are no perceptibly unique personalities to separate one character from the next.''

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Bladestar5872d ago ShowReplies(3)
ud5872d ago ShowReplies(4)
damnwrx5872d ago

Played the on-line and it sucked! Glad I rented it or it would have been $60 bucks ripoff,($8)rental kind a blows too, when a game is pretty much a __________!

deeznuts5871d ago

I rent all my games. Gamefly is the best! I have it, but haven't popped it in yet.

What sucks is a game like this will still probably outsell good non-shooting games. Like R:C TOD.

yoghurt5872d ago

did you ever stop to think that the user score is that high because the users actually ENJOY playing it? and are not commercially driven supposedly professional review sheep that need to jump on the negative bandwagon

Bladestar5872d ago (Edited 5872d ago )

well... I would think that if this wouldn't be N4G... and if other major site where SOny lover population is lower would have the same trend...

Here for example:

Critics: 57/100
Users: 6.9/100

Look at metacritics.com and see all major sites and the user reviews/score... only on this site the user score is this high... 9-10/10!!!!

right... "not commercially driven" that would be true if user review/score would be as high on all other sites while low by the so call pro reviewers... but in many cases the user score is even lower than the pros.

juuken5872d ago (Edited 5871d ago )

Bladestar...shouldn't you be playing games on your 360 or something? Haze came out already. It didn't get the best scores ever but there is no need to keep beating a dead horse. It's very sad to see you using this as a way to bash Sony owners.

unbiased5872d ago (Edited 5872d ago )

I think haze is trash........but I thought Lair was one of the best/beautiful games I have ever play in a shooter type. The reviews sucked and it was a flop, but NOTHING can stop me from loving LAIR.
and thats no lie.

I know its low quality vid butt just look at this game!


Ghoul5872d ago

fair enough

you actually deserve a bubble
here have one ----

did anyone actually notice that you have to make your OWN opinion and not take a score for the pleasure you might have with a game.

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Top 10 Bad Games by Good Studios

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "When shopping for new video games you can often trust the name publisher or developer on the box to be an indication of the quality of the game. Names like Nintendo, Square Enix, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Capcom, Xbox Game Studios and Sega are world famous because they helped shape the industry by releasing some of the most defining video games of all time. Though sometimes even these great gaming houses stumble and put out a stinker."

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Gamerking821451d ago (Edited 1451d ago )

Splatterhouse remake . Loved the og’s at the arcade growing up . Hell the best thing about the remake was the og,s were included . And left alive by Square . That game had so much potential , but the gameplay was worse horrendous .

Game-ur1451d ago

once Great studios getting destroyed is actually common. happened with ND and Last of Us2, Bioware and Mass Effect Andromeda/Anthem, Bungle and Destiny .

BeRich2331451d ago

Fuse should have been on that list (Insomniac Games)

Yui_Suzumiya1451d ago

Splatterhouse remake kicked ass

merryja1451d ago

I personally don't like these games.

East76lands1451d ago

I'm pretty much certain that any Sonic game that comes out will be terrible, I've not enjoyed one since the original side-scrolling days of the MegaDrive.

HarryMasonHerpderp1451d ago

Then you might like a recent sonic "sonic mania".

jaymacx1451d ago

For this Topic it says Good Studios that make bad games. Sonic Team hasn't been good in years.

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Phoenix Down 76.1 – Haze

We bring death to Montel Williams.


Phoenix Down 76.0 – Haze

Guns, drugs, and unnecessary war. Fun for the whole family.