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Kenichiro Yuji My Life as a King Interview

Kenichiro Yuji, director of My Life as a King (FINAL FANTASY Crystal Chronicles), talks to SQUARE ENIX MEMBERS about the world of My Life as a King and the FINAL FANTASY Crystal Chronicles franchise. This interview can be found on Square Enix Members website, but for those of you whom don't have an account heres the full part 1 of the interview.

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Top 20 WiiWare Games (20-11)

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "This past week, Nintendo announced that after more of a decade they would be shutting down the Wii Shop Channel. Many gamers (myself included) have found memories of taking our Wii consoles online, putting in our Wii Point Card numbers and downloading a whole bunch of classic Nintendo, Sega and NEC titles onto the Wii system. But the Wii Shop Channel was also home to a whole catalogue of new games that made up the system’s WiiWare service. It was here that many of the system’s smaller and more experimental titles came into being and many of the developers that brought us these games are now responsible for big indie series’ thanks to their original success on WiiWare. So as a sort of goodbye to Nintendo’s original download service, we’re counting down the Top 20 Best WiiWare games starting with numbers 20 through 11 today (check back next Friday for 10 -1)."

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Community2535d ago

Farewell To Wii: Under Appreciated Wii Gems (Video)

As we prepare to say goodbye to the Wii, we’ve decided to take a moment and share some of our favorite games for the little console with the video below.

Please enjoy a short list of games we liked for the Wii that simply didn’t get much main stream attention. What other games do you feel fit this category? We’d love to hear about your favorite Wii experiences!Please, share!

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Community4349d ago
Venoxn4g4349d ago (Edited 4349d ago )

my gems list (which werent in video):

DIsaster: day of crisis
Monster Lab
Red steel 2
Deadly creatures
Marble saga: kororinpa
Rhythm heaven: fever (beat to the beat rhythm paradice)
Boom blox 2
Fragile dreams
Elebits (eledees)
Mercury meltdown revolution
De blob 2

darthv724349d ago

we dont have to say "farewell" to any of these games. We can say, "welcome aboard" and play them on the wii-u.

Nintendo should use that as a marketing angle. "Don't say farewell to those wii games. Say hello to them all over again on the Nintendo Wii-U."

Or something to that effect.

Venoxn4g4349d ago (Edited 4349d ago )

yea or "people, who didnt own a Wii, now can enjoy Wii & Wii U games on one console" yeay! :)

btw, here's a good list of games Wii and others, made by me ^^ :)


DEZn00ts4348d ago

Yep i Didn't have a Wii, but i preordered the Wii U. So i will get to play all those great games i missed and i know there's more than that list!!!

beerkeg4349d ago

There's tons of games for the Wii. Some thought themselves too much of a gamer to appreciate them though.

Nevers0ft4349d ago

I know its only an opinion piece but... No Sin and Punishment, no Dead Space, no Zack and Wiki? There's numerous other gems out there but those three seem like no-brainers.

DanielRCampbell4348d ago

Those were actually on the docket to be added to the video, but it would have caused me to miss my deadline for the piece. I had to stop where I was. :-(

neogeo4349d ago



DSi/Wiiware franchises we want on the eShop

Gaming Gauge writes:"eShop is on its way in a just a couple of hours and then just a few hours later Nintendo will be hosting their 2011 E3 press conference. Whilst Nintendo will surely be pre-occupied with Project Café and upcoming 3DS games but hopefully they'll give us a look at a few upcoming eShop games. Among those hypothetical eShop games there are a whole bunch of previous Nintendo Downloads that I've love to see revisited."

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✔ Fixed
Wrong story type
Should be Opinion piece
JL4854d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bad spelling
Fix the second "w" on "Wiiware".
Wiiloveit4854d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(0)
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Community4854d ago