
Sony’s Shahid Ahmad Wishes He Could Tell us What he Saw Today: “It Was Soooo Good”

Apparently Sony Computer Entertainment Senior Business Development Manager Shahid Ahmad had a full day, and he saw some very exciting things, so exciting that he saw fit to take to twitter and let everyone know.

AngelicIceDiamond3714d ago

And here comes the teasing.

Whatever he saw they better show us at E3.

cyclindk3713d ago

I concur with your concurrence

Lionsguard3713d ago

I concur your seconded seconded concurred concurrence.

DealWithIt3713d ago

Now I feel like I am reading reddit comment thread

Conzul3713d ago (Edited 3713d ago )

I'd just like to add that I agree with These People.

ShAkKa3713d ago (Edited 3713d ago )


Sevir3713d ago

He works with indies and XDEV europe so It seems like RIME and Shadow of the Beast may have been previewed and are about due for prime time! :) I cant wait to see those 2 games in motion!

Thehyph3713d ago


I'm sitting here wondering why you said prime time instead of rime time.

UltraNova3713d ago


But, I 'm not allowed to tell you.

AceBlazer133713d ago

This guy loves indies so it's probably an indie. I'm guessing either Everybody's Gone to Rapture or Rime, heck maybe both. Can't wait to see more of these 2.

Fishermenofwar3713d ago

Your concurrence is concurred with other concurrences concurrently

ChristianTheAtheist3713d ago

I third the seconded seconded concurred concurrence that kydrice concurs with.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3713d ago
Mikelarry3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

"I wish I could tell you what I saw today. But I can’t. I’m sorry"

then why say anything in the first place shahid we would have carried on with our lives like nothing happened untill you said that.is it me or has this gen turned into an excuse for any little info to be turned into a tease or some sorts. i dont mind a few tease here and there but god damn it

slimeybrainboy3714d ago

Yeah it's kinda lame but at least we know this E3 is gonna be HUGE. Even just the games we know about but havent seen enough of will be interesting. Let alone the shit we know nothing about!

Software_Lover3713d ago

It's ridiculous man. I'm sure people in this industry wish they could tell us a lot of stuff that they see but they know to just carry on.

Right now I know someone at Bungie is playing Halo 5............. I'm sure they wish they could share info but they just hush.

kneon3713d ago

It's just marketing, even saying nothing will still generate dozens of articles speculating about what it might be. And then when they finally reveal whatever it is they can get yet more coverage.

Destrania3713d ago


You know Bungie doesn't make Halo anymore, right?

Silly Mammo3713d ago

Really getting tired of all the announcements that there are going to be announcements. And then the other company has to release a statement in response saying "Don't forget about us! We have some crazy sh*t coming out to!! We just can't reveal it yet either!". This could be a very tiresome generation.

Elda3713d ago

I know what you mean...I hate this done to me by some of the people I know.

Chrischi19883713d ago

All to feed the hype train with new wood. And everyone just believes it, without thinking before, because its the PS4 we are talking about.

levian3713d ago

There's been a ton of these lately and it's driving me nuts! "We have awesome stuff coming up that we can't show, or tell anything about!" Thanks guys, that was helpful

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3713d ago
randomass1713714d ago

Dang it Sony, why do you tease us? D': Who else is psyched for the oncoming wave of awesome?

Mikelarry3714d ago

this year E3 I am going to send the missues and the kid to grannies , stock up on junk food, shut the windows /doors , switch of my mobile phone and stay glued to my TV as they announce wave and wave of new and upcoming games for current gen consoles

fr0sty3714d ago

As much as I know he's telling the truth, I gotta admit all these gaming execs saying "I saw a game we have coming out, and it was SUPER AWESOME!" is getting a bit old. Of course they're going to say that about something they're trying to sell you, lol.

Lboogieskells3714d ago

This guy has a history of exaggerating, I'll keep my expectations low. I'm still looking forward to E3, I can't wait to see what Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo have planned.

dillhole3713d ago

I seem to remember a few months back Microsoft promising the "Biggest surprise ever" at E3. I still wonder what could possibly come from such a claim.

Thatguy-3103713d ago

I mean he could tell us. No one knows who he really is lol unless people do know who he is and his job is simply to make hype

rainslacker3713d ago

He's responsible for developer relations, in particular on the indie side of things over at PS. He gets to see a lot of stuff on a daily basis, and he is usually pretty general in there being a lot of great stuff being in the works. He's not prone to exaggeration. He does have PR duties of course, but this kind of statement is uncharacteristic of him. He's usually pretty down to earth and takes the middle of the road when it comes to hype.

TitanUp3713d ago

done with teasers at this point i know the games are coming heck games have already released good games. ff14 is one of those just if they arent going to announce the game why tease it?

LackTrue4K3713d ago

@ Shahid Ahmad,

"Am I to put $1 in your G-string to show us more?"


XStation3713d ago

This year's E3 is gonna be amazing.

Minato-Namikaze3713d ago (Edited 3713d ago )

Dragon quest 8 vita?!?!

Kurisu3713d ago

Wouldn't you rather a Dragon Quest XI? Would be interesting to see if it would be released on PlayStation or Nintendo platforms.

Mankey3713d ago

0- Type?!

XxExacutionerxX3713d ago

Is Sony ripping off Microsoft with the power of cloud on the PS4.

GutZ313713d ago

Don't agree with your wording, but yes, and no.
Because technically, Sony was doing the gaming side first
(by a small margin, could mean they both stole it((onlive says HI!)).

Microsoft has had compute side servers for years, just never did much R&D for gaming until recently.

solar3713d ago

the next X1 exclusive :P

Psycho_Mantis3713d ago

Good ol' chap. You are indeed right mah sir. Concurred.

AndrewLB3713d ago

If the guy can't go public with any information he should just shut the f*ck up. He's a grown man, but he sure as hell doesn't act like one.

/runs for cover as Sony fanboys throw their knee pads at me.

kenshiro1003713d ago

Oh man, my excitement just shot up to 100%.

CJDUNCAN3713d ago

probably more exclusive indies lol.

XboxFun3713d ago Show
+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3713d ago
bothebo3714d ago

So it's an indie..... kind of let down.

Abriael3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

Apparently he had several appointments, so there's more than one, and only one is known was indie.

porkChop3714d ago

With the exception of #jrpgvita, Shahid works almost exclusively with indies. So whenever he teases something it's pretty safe to assume it was an upcoming indie game. That's not necessarily a bad thing though.

Hellsvacancy3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

This pointless article will go to 1000* in no time

"Hay I saw a game today".............and that's it

randomass1713714d ago

Well it could be a guy saying that what he saw was total crap. I dunno about you, but I like good news better than bad news. :P

gigoran3713d ago

@Hellsvacancy using your logic more than 50% of the MS articles are pointless. Half of them are undisclosed game coming, unnamed title coming, exciting secret game coming.

Also, thanks for sharing your pointless comment.

Hellsvacancy3713d ago

50% of the MS articles ARE pointless

Move on fanboy

dmeador3713d ago

No kidding, currently the hottest article is a guys tweet hyping something their company will make money of off, with zero info.

To the Sony fanboys who will (hilariously) get defensive bc of this: 1) Calm down 2) would feel the same if MS fanboys voted up similar

Cloudberry3714d ago



randomass1713714d ago

Now THAT I'm sure we'd all freak out over.

gigoran3713d ago

Yakuza titles localized in English? Unlikely. Kotaku, being the "professionals" they are bashed the living daylights out of the Yakuza series in an article. The creator of Yakuza saw it and commented that he doesn't know why he goes to the trouble and expense of localizing his games when all they do is complain like him (the "professional" Kotaku writer). So when they don't localize any Yakuza games, just remember to say a BIG thank you to Kotaku.

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PS4 ‘could’ve been the end’ for PlayStation, says former exec

Shahid Ahmad spent a decade at Sony Interactive Entertainment, most recently in the role of director for strategic content, where he played a large part in the indie push on PS Vita and PS4, ahead of his departure in 2015.

Read Full Story >>
Jin_Sakai1421d ago

Thankfully PS4 turned out to be a major success. If my only choice was Xbox I’d give up gaming.

SyntheticForm1421d ago

Sony and PlayStation made the right choices and moves, and provided the console and its users with plenty of excellent content. That's the best we can hope and ask for.

I don't see the people turning away from that, and I anticipate even more excitement for PS5. From PS1 to PS4, it's only gotten better.

Sonic-and-Crash1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Sahid Ahmad talkes nonsense no matter if he is ex executive ...PS3 no matter the difficulties was nowere near failure /or failure of Playstation brand .... exceptional games released on it under Sony s guidance (MGS4 absolute love there ) ....the problems was nt Sony s , but Japanese devs should take the blame for , as they bored to exploit the system and collectively jumped the wagon to develop games for X360 or Mobile

bouzebbal1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

PS3 is my favorite PlayStation console. I won't call it a failure.. It's also an insult to the company that came in third place last gen who actually had its best gen ever🤣

Marquinho1421d ago

This generation will be so much tougher for them though. PS5 will sell most likely at loss, and they will face stiff competition from Xbox.

Walk in the park is over.

Sunny_D1421d ago

@ Marquinho

I don’t know... that ramping up production of PS5’s and that 84% of survey takers wanting PS5s tells me otherwise. Oh and that terrible Xbox showcase too.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1421d ago
Tedakin1421d ago

Well I mean... you could build a PC...

AsunaYuukiTheFlash1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

but I wanna play those AAA Game of the Year Sony exclusive.

1Victor1421d ago


Game-o-holic1421d ago

...you could also build a coffin. They are pricey too.

NotoriousWhiz1421d ago

The downvotes on this are outrageous. Lol. The idea, that the choice is Sony or no one is equally outrageous.

1420d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1420d ago
MadLad1421d ago


Sony releases only a very small amount of overall games released.
Unless you play only Sony titles, that's a fairly questionable statement to make.

S2Killinit1421d ago

Yeah no its not. Never has been until this generation when the world has gone upside down.

MadLad1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )


Yeah. No. It really is.
To say "I'm a gamer, but I'd stop gaming of it was only Xbox".
You know, the thing that plays the vast majority of games released.

It really is a dumb take. Then again, it was only meant as a flame comment, being it refrains from mentioning the several other ways of playing games, so.

I'm a PC and Playstation guy. If I woke up tomorrow, and the only hardware allowed to run games was the Switch, I'd play the freaking Switch.

GamerRN1421d ago


Come on, you know the fanboy power is strong here

rainslacker1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

MS dominating the console market would mean that they'd do whatever they want, and probably not care what people say about it. Moving to always on, potentially shutting down the used market like they wanted to. Focusing more on services while they don't care about the actual games output. You know....all the things they did when they had equal market share with their closest competitor. when people had a choice, they choose not to accept MS. take away that choice, and people just follow like sheep.

MS has improved on a lot of things this gen, but I have no doubt that if you let MS dominate a market, they will do whatever they want, and probably get away with it. Their entire history is about trying to, or actually dominating markets.

That said, Sony has had some of the best games this gen. Not because they had to compete with MS, but because that's what they built their brand on. MS hasn't done that, and without competition, there is nothing that suggest they would have done all they did this gen. Sony's games have also made up a lot of the lack of the big SP games that seem to have dropped off this gen as almost all publishers chase after the next big MP GaaS game to make billions, instead of taking more risks on the SP stuff that was over-saturated last gen.

If Sony left the market, I'd hope someone would step in to replace them. I wouldn't want MS to be my only choice, or best choice. i just don't think they'd be good for the industry for the long run.

Godmars2901421d ago

"Sony releases only a very small amount of overall games released."

Frankly, still more than MS has put out. That what comes out is often better received, gains attention from outside the gaming community, is especially why the PS4 has done so well.

"You know, the thing that plays the vast majority of games released."

No. it doesn't play VR titles. Xbox also doesn't play the ones I just mentioned that get more honest attention and are better received.

I'm also with Jin, as far as consoles go, if Xbox were the only game in town that would be it for me and consoles. They may say they're "For the Gamers" yet they cater to a specific type of gamer while expecting everyone else to just come along. As if those other types of gamers had no other choices, yet we do - and why the Xbox is where it is.

Melankolis1421d ago

Some people prefer mainstream muliplatform titles like COD, FIFA, or GTA.
Some prefers Battle Royale, MMO, Indies or even Mobile Games.
While it's true Sony's titles only small amount compared to all games released, they are on the top list when it comes to action-cinematic genre, which i (and maybe many people) prefer most. My most favourite games on PS3 and PS4 belong to Sony. It's not a fanboyism, it's a preference.

RazzerRedux1420d ago

"Sony releases only a very small amount of overall games released."

And their games are awesome. There is no question about that.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1420d ago
Elda1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Agreed. I love video games & if there was no PS I may have just started gaming on PC only.

CaptainHenry9161421d ago

I would have stayed with PC and Nintendo if Xbox had give up gaming

GamerRN1421d ago

Saying if Xbox was your only choice you'd give up gaming...

Jesus Christ you are a melodramatic person lol...

Also, no you wouldn't

spicelicka1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Lol if you can't find something to like on Xbox then you're not really a gamer, and you wouldn't be missed. Games are made by developers, and they wouldn't disappear with Sony. Xbox has focused on multiplayer and existing franchises up till now because Sony had majority market share for single player story games. If Sony wasn't there, Xbox would take over that role along with their current role. And we know that for a fact because they are investing in studios like Obsidian and Ninja Theory.

Great games would continue to exist and you would be stupid to give it up because of your ignorance.

rainslacker1421d ago

I probably wouldn't give up gaming. There is too much there to be worried about the console one plays on, and there is always PC which saw a huge increase in the kinds of games that consoles get.

But a MS dominated console market doesn't sound like it would be a good thing. Seeing what they'd do when they had equal success to their main competitor, and then how much they want to do when they are last in the current console market, doesn't make me think that they'd be the best company to guide the market in the kind of growth that it's been seeing since last gen.

Godmars2901421d ago

Still could have done better with more casual over AAA support.

TheEroica1421d ago

No you wouldn't and you know it...

OMNlPOTENT1421d ago

That’s such an arrogant statement. Why can’t you just be happy for Playstation without crapping all over Xbox?

RomanPSX1421d ago

wow idiot. Xbox is not that bad.

JackBNimble1421d ago

I don't believe anyone who says they would give up gaming if PS wasn't around unless they're aren't really a gamer.

BeOpenMinded1421d ago

This blows my mind. This is a gaming web site not PS lifestyle.

Y'know your right if xbox and pc were my only options I would never be a gamer. My hobby for 40 years would all of a sudden disappear. Only sony studios and popularity make me visit this site. I stand corrected. Look at all of our upvotes, we are right

umair_s511420d ago (Edited 1420d ago )

I ditched PS4 when Sony gave up on backwards compatibility E3 2013. I bought an Xbox one early on in the gen, played mostly multiplats. Eventually bought a PS4 slim and loved that console. Don't care about Xbox one any more. I'm off put by PS5 design. Not buying it at launch. Will try the Series S most likely early this gen, couple of sweet games I want to play. Will wait for eminent PS5 slim. I'm in no hurry to buy PlayStation 5 at launch.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 1420d ago
4kgk761421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Thank god and the universe the ps4 was a super successful console gaming would probably be dead or almost dead if Microsoft was the only ones making traditional consoles.

rlow11421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Of course, it didn't hurt the PS4 that Xbox shot itself in the foot leading up to launch. Also, this just confirms that Sony had alot of trouble in the beginning with the PS3. Which also helped them to change for the better.

Jay7671421d ago

rlow1@ yeah ps3 600$ price tag almost killed the PlayStation brand. I don’t think Sony would ever release a 600$ console again at least not in the foreseeable future.

1420d ago
1421d ago Replies(1)
ApocalypseShadow1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

I look at it as growth and maturity.

PS1- Gawl

Sony had the gawl to challenge Nintendo and Sega. No one thought an electronics giant could be a videogame company. Or even threaten Nintendo's grip. Crash was outside the gate ready to crash the party. The child was born.

PS2- Confidence

With the success of PS1, Sony was confident that they could make lighting strike twice. Turned into a thunder storm with PS2. The preteen becomes big headed.

PS3- Arrogance

With Ken Kutaragi at the helm, and although a genius engineer, he lead with that idea that nothing can top a Sony console or his technical prowess. They became arrogant. Cocky. Like a teenager.

PS4 - Humility

Returning to the confidence they had with a successful rebrand of the console, and the shedding of the old guard that became arrogant, their humility even with a powerful console and advanced game engines, Sony with PS4 dominated in all areas from games, awards, sales and add-ons like with VR. It was a return to form. When many thought their competitor would run away with the win. Like Pachter.

Sony matured. Grew up. They have the hardware know how. They have the software. And, they have the humility of a console maker with 25 years of experience in the industry.

Just as a boy becomes a man. So did Sony.

whateverman1421d ago

And so be it with Xbox...

Xbox - Gaul
360 - Confidence
One - Arrogance

...the saga continues. (Wu-Tang, Wu-Tang.) lol

Sayai jin1421d ago

Only time will tell. Gaming is bigger than anyone company.

ApocalypseShadow1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

We'll have to see how it turns out for them. Even Nintendo followed the pattern.

Challenged companies like Atari, Magnavox, Mattel, etc. Then became confident with SNES. Then arrogant with N64 and those expensive cartridges. Then hit and miss onwards.

Sega had gall with the master system. Then confidence with Genesis. Then arrogance with Sega Saturn. Then floundered afterwards.

Microsoft could make a hit with Series X. Or miss. We won't know until it happens. Either They mature or flounder next. It's an interesting pattern.

Godmars2901421d ago

More like:
OG Xbox - Arrogance: Came into the industry expecting to own it, only to get outsold 20-1.
360 - Gile: Used every trick possible to look like they won. Dominated US market though competing sells were 1-1
One - Overconfidence: Bought into own hype. That is all

Godmars2901421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

"Challenged companies like Atari, Magnavox, Mattel, etc."


Atari was what passed for the industry back then, and it was pretty much dead when Nintendo came in to both revive and expand it.

And there was no - absolutely no - arrogance where the Sega Saturn was concerned. Dumped on the market shortly after being announced there was far more desperation and panic there than anything resembling something positive. Nevermind all the BS surrounding Genesis add-ons or them letting everyone know the Dreamcast was coming.

The PS1 was "Nintendo f**ked us on the CD add-on, lets f**k them", where the PS2 was, "Wait, it did HOW WELL?! But we were just f**king w/Nintendo! Guess we need to do it right this - WHAT DO YOU MEAN MS WANTS SOME?!?"

PS3 was, "WHOA! You see that - WE F**KED UP MS!! MOTHERF**KIN' MS!!! Boys, we own this sh-WE DO NOT OWN! WE DO NOT OWN!!! UNF**K OUR S**t--*NOW*"

ApocalypseShadow1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Your first comment was funny and on the money god mars.

Your second comment looks like a pill wasn't taken. Or a joint laced with something.

Anyway, Nintendo came into a market previously owned by others. Even if they helped bring gaming back after the crash, one of the other companies would have built a home console again anyway even if Nintendo didn't enter the market. They still entered a market others were in before them. I was there when it all happened. And bought many bargain bin Atari games at the time. Intellivision was still there. Colecovision was still there. Amiga too.

Godmars2901421d ago

Atari literally built several consoles after the 2600. None of the older console makers had the traction Nintendo, and later Sega, had.

But to say Nintendo a confident? They were an old fashioned arcade cabinet making who took a shot at home electronics, made something that was popular in Japan that attracted popularity in the US. There was never an outlining plan to become what they were.

Minute Man 7211421d ago

@ Apocalypse

Nintendo had no challenge, everyone world wide was gaming on PCs. Nintendo actually brought back consoles.

But the 3rd console curse does exist

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1420d ago
ApocalypseShadow1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Whoops! Lol


Where did that W come from. Lol

FyBy1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

For me, I would mark PSVR as a sidestep gen. Its own platform and Im very glad Sony did it. And they did it right. I would already buy a PC VR headset if there is no PSVR. Its these little things like not great but greatest games, psvr, nice and sleak ui that made me stay with ps4 whole gen and made me decide to buy ps5. I simply liked Sony decisions this gen.

And if may I choice between BC or VR features that distincts the brands, I would always choose VR.

SullysCigar1421d ago

Thankfully, PS5 is giving us backward compatibility for PSVR! Can't wait to play Iron Man again without the load screens - for me it was the only real drawback to that game, as it broke immersion. With those loads gone, it will be up there with the best!

WelkinCole1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Say what you want about the PS3 but the PS3 is the best console of the 4. The piano finish, the HDMI, the Blu-ray, the wireless controllers, internal HD, media player, free online play.

Best 600 bucks I spent on a device.

Then the games. Uncharted 2, Warhawk, Motorstorm, RFOM, KZ2, MAG, Demon Souls, Infamous 2, LBP, TLOU

galmi1421d ago

PS2 is the undisputed champion, best console ever ever made, the library was superb, dynamic and had all kinds of genres.

ApocalypseShadow1420d ago

Same. I bought the launch PS3. Which had features PS4 doesn't. I filled my HDD with movies, music, photos. I miss that.

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Ex-Sony exec Shahid Ahmad announces Chimera Zero for PSVR, Vive and Rift

Chimea Zero “is not you daddy’s Chimera”.

Read Full Story >>
freshslicepizza2485d ago

Sounds like another ex-employee of a large company who wants to get back to his roots. So many get tired and burnt out in the AAA game development.


Despite a Cold Shoulder at E3, Sony Isn't Turning Its Back on Indies

Waypoint: After PlayStation's presentation left indies on the sidelines, devs assure us that they're not "less relevant now."

Read Full Story >>
PiNkFaIrYbOi2543d ago

They had a lot of stuff shown before and after their main presentation and stuff. Loads of games as not all of them could be part of their main press conference.

DigitalRaptor2543d ago (Edited 2543d ago )

The stupid narrative that Sony was "losing its grip" on the indie market was never going anywhere.

PS4 has more indie games released on PS4 every week by far than the competition as it normally does, and just over 6 months ago, Sony chose to hold an optional high-profile event at their own expense which showcased the works of over 80 indie developers, and housed plenty of great indie announcements. That event was known as the PlayStation Experience 2016 and will be held again this December.

E3 was just so packed with first-party content of their own that they wanted to show that, there was just no other alternative in that show.