
Building A Better Middle Earth | LEGO The Hobbit Review - BagoGames

"I would be hard pressed to come up with another gaming franchise that innovates so little from title to title, and yet remains so consistently fresh and fun as the LEGO games have. Gamers have nearly made a career out of berating titles like Call of Duty for rehashing the same mechanics and gameplay year after year, but it seems as if the LEGO games can get away with it because everyone loves LEGOs and the games are completely charming and hilarious."

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CapnMikeM3807d ago

Love me some Lego games. I just need to justify spending $60 on it...

Ajoyshop3807d ago

I only played the very first LEGO Star Wars game. I enjoyed it. Exploding your enemies and building objects to help with your objectives is a level of interactivity I hadn't experienced before. I kind of tuned out after that though.

AuXDubz3807d ago

Going to probably pick up this title after the third film is released, not sure if the game has any many major spoilers for the trilogy. After all I would rather spoil the game's story line than 9 hours worth of film :D

Ajoyshop3807d ago

It doesn't. It only covers the first two movies in the trilogy. The third one will be covered by a DLC. :)

AuXDubz3807d ago

Oh, didn't know that + that is good just watched the second film today :D

spaceg0st3807d ago

Love these lego games. Allows my 4 yr old and myself to play through the LOTR and HOBBIT storyline YEARS before he'd be able to watch the movies. He knows the story and characters really well. Great co op experience.

bondsmx3807d ago

Ditto. I play with my 4yr old as well. He loves the lego games. We've played and beat, Star Wars, pirates of Caribbean, the movie, marvel super heros, batman 2. And I'd say, this game is either the best lego game, or at least close to the best.. Lego super hero was pretty good as well. Tons of quest after you finish the story mode. Good game

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Warner Bros. Games Officially Acquires the Developer of MultiVersus

IGN writes: "Warner Bros. Games has officially acquired Player First Games, adding the developer behind MultiVersus to its profile.

In an official release sent to IGN, Warner Bros. confirmed that co-founder Tony Huynh and Chris White will retain leadership of the studio, which has led development of the popular Smash Bros-like brawler. "


Warner Bros. Is Pivoting To Live-Service A Decade Too Late

Warner Bros. announced it's pivoting to live-service games, which could be a disastrous move for its devs

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anast311d ago

They really mean they are pivoting to slot machines on mobile devices.

CrimsonWing69311d ago

I don’t think there ever was a time for GaaS. Its entire resistance is revolved around making a game that generates recurring revenue constantly throughout its lifetime. It’s straight up a corporate scumbag design.

I watched the video seeing if anything changed since the initial Suicide gameplay vid before the delay and it looks the same. So weird watching all the characters just start a gun to their back and bounce super high shooting with no kick-back animation in an empty dead world. The voice acting is cringe and there doesn’t have any sense of atmosphere or immersion like the Arkham games.

And they expect you to pay $70 to $100 for this and then pay more for Battle Passes and items to make grinding less a chore. Yea, no thank you. I hope you learn a hard lesson with this one.


Warner Bros. Eyes More Live Services as Mortal Kombat 1 Sells Nearly 3 Million Copies

Today, during Warning Bros' conference call, chief executive officer David Zaslav talked about Mortal Kombat 1, Hogwarts Legacy, and the company's gaming business.

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gold_drake319d ago

yea, because thats what people want, especially after those games sold millions and are not live service games haha.

so dumb haha.

Abriael319d ago

Genius executives at work. "hey, what we're doing is working great. Let's change it."


"Invasions" is technically free live service game with new content every 45 days. It's the best mode MK has ever had IMO. As a single player gamer, it gives me a reason to stick around after the story mode.

garos82318d ago

You have a terrible taste in games

-Foxtrot318d ago

I feel like their whole approach relies on how the Suicide Squad sells

Flewid638318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

Wait....why does live service = bad?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 318d ago
CrimsonWing69319d ago

Oh great, looking forward to the sh*t future of gaming. Thanks industry!

PunksOnN4G319d ago

New mk sold less then the last in the same time frame the NEW MK is legit a live service game with its horrible monopoly board. I just wanted a normal title...

FatalityX77319d ago

It's not on older hardware, so that's why it seems less. No ps4/xbox one versions.

Sgt_Slaughter319d ago

I doubt older hardware would make a difference, given the ratios of sales of other multi-gen games

PunksOnN4G318d ago

Nah the new MK full of live service shit even the singleplayer monopoly board they gave use instead of a normal kyrpt says enough and sales reflect that also this MK is very combo heavy it not noob friendly what's so ever like others

Flewid638318d ago

Wasn't the last one a live service game?

MehmetAlperTR318d ago

More live services.. LOL.. i hope you ll see the deep.