
Crytek's Cevat Yerli On Mantle: "With Mantle We Think That Real-Time Graphics Will Hit CG Quality"

During this year’s GDC, Crytek announced that CRYENGINE will support Mantle and Yerli claimed that with Mantle developers using CRYENGINE will be able to achieve CG quality graphics.

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Cyb3r3810d ago

Do I need an AMD graphics card for Mantle? Does this mean I will have to sell my Geforce 770GTX?

F4sterTh4nFTL3810d ago

Yes you need an AMD card for Mantle, but if you hold on to your Nvidia card for only 2 more years it will get DirectX 12 which is supposed to be like Mantle. Until then Mantle will be only utilised on AMD cards, but at least you get Nvidia Physx.

Magicite3809d ago

Nvidia Physx is useless.

FragMnTagM3809d ago


Says the guy with one bubble.

Physx is pretty nice in certain games. If it was supported more by devs you wouldn't be saying that.

TheGreatAndPowerful3810d ago

Believe it when I see it but if true I'll be there day one.

Qrphe3810d ago

This, we're far beyond believing devs' comments.

The Crysis tech demo was well beyond Crysis 3 itself. That tesselated frog never showed up in-game.

RedDeadLB3809d ago

If it did, there wouldn't have been much gameplay going on at 10fps or lower.

TitanUp3809d ago

believe the toad was a joke, anyways we will see what happens with mantle and dx12.

Volkama3810d ago

If anyone can then it'll probably be crytek

HighResHero3810d ago

At least we know that in their next Ryse tech demo the gameplay visuals may even match the amazing cut scenes.

Illusive_Man3810d ago

And DX12 is even better than Mantle.....

Gore-Content3810d ago

apperently, dx12 can sh't ice cream, too

dantesparda3810d ago (Edited 3810d ago )


Prove it! I bet you when DX12 comes out and people can benchmark both, you are gonna get alot of back and forth between the two. And seriously guy, stop being such a fanboy, you a company shill?

MysticStrummer3810d ago

"And DX12 is even better than Mantle…"

In what way? Everything I've read about the two says they are very similar, except that DX12 will run on more hardware when it finally releases. Neither one will benefit consoles nearly as much as PCs.

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Hunt: Showdown is getting one of the rarest things a game can get: an engine upgrade

"It is gonna be a long technical road" to update Hunt's version of CryEngine.

MadLad567d ago

Great game.
Smaller, but healthy, player base. At least on PC. Very tense game.

bunt-custardly567d ago

If anyone can upgrade the engine then Crytek can. Good news anyway. Hunt looks pretty awesome anyway, but with UE5 a thing now Cryengine beginning to look dated perhaps?

Eonjay566d ago

It was bound to happen. Let's hope that they can update their engine. As good as UE5 looks, we need multiple engines out there. This will prevent all games from looking too samey.

Looking at DF the last three Graphics of the year have been:

Insomniac engine
Red Engine
Decima Engine

I love seeing different engines flex their muscles.

Concertoine566d ago

I do too, but having a dependable and common engine would go a long way toward fixing development cost and time.


Former Crytek CEO, Cevat Yerli Will Be Announcing His New Project

Cevat Yerli announced on Twitter that they will announce a new project soon.

play4uk1292d ago

OMG. I made this image :)

Terry_B1292d ago

That is awesome, you will be my hero now forever and even after my death. Thank you a billion of tons for the image, I will watch it every day now.

PrinceOfAnger1292d ago

Something like crysis for PC ?

annoyedgamer1291d ago

An actual Crysis game that is based on PC?

mastershredder1291d ago

Going to make a new jungle simulator? No thanks.

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Jurassic Dream is a CRYENGINE free Jurassic Park game that you can download right now

LifelessTapir has released a free game in which he basically recreated the entire Isla Nublar island from Jurassic Park in CRYENGINE.

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yellowgerbil1828d ago

It's Cryengine free you say? Great news, sick of all that cryengine in my dinosaur games.

windblowsagain1828d ago

What Dinosaur games.

I cannot for the life of me understand why there are no Dinosaur games anymore. Not building a Jurassic world type thing. But edge of your seat as scared as fuk fps or tps game. With todays graphics and quality would have been awesome.

Just hope something is made for PS5 etc.

Kosic1828d ago

I'd love a remake of Dino crisis 1 and 2!