
How Sony’s ‘H1Z1’ can out zombie apocalypse survival ‘DayZ’

XMNR: Sony Online Entertainment’s John Smedley announced a new entrant in the zombie apocalypse survival genre Wednesday evening in the form of H1Z1. The announcement of the PC and likely PS4 title was handled unusually through an off-screen reveal on a Game Talk Live broadcast followed by a Reddit post from Smedley but this revealed a few way in which SOE plans to outdo the current zombie apocalypse measuring stick, DayZ.

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Godmars2903816d ago

So the question is can Sony present a world where the world sets the conditions in which players live or the players themselves. Is it going to be nothing but older experienced players torturing newer ones.

I_am_Batman3816d ago

Experienced players will always have an edge over newbies in every game. Just like larger groups of people will have an advantage over loners. But that's how it is in real life as well. I like the fact that there is no level system though. It makes it easier for beginners.

T23816d ago

Good point, but even in fps I sometimes wonder why they don't have veteran mode with LESS perks or guns or something you could play for pride against noobs. I find it pathetic when a clan of shotgun weilders spawn camp a bunch of noobs and then somehow think they are good. Give me a handicap against noobs and let me test skills

I_am_Batman3816d ago

@joecanada: I completely agree. A handicap option should be in pretty much every skill based multiplayer game.

I'm a big fighting game fan for example and I tend to put a lot of effort to master at least a couple of characters. When some of my friends come to me we can't really play for fun when therer is no handicap option because either I lose on purpose or I win most of the time.

GribbleGrunger3816d ago (Edited 3816d ago )

The only question I need answering is 'can it be played solo?' Give me that option and I'm in. It's not that I'm anti social, it's that I AM social and play games to escape the need to be that for a while. Plus the idea of sneaking into a camp someone has built and killing everyone before daylight, appeals to me. I want to be Joel not Rick.

I wonder if they considered making this part of TLOU universe?

TXIDarkAvenger3816d ago

I'll I hope for is its not a buggy piece of shit like DayZ. Also, less hackers please.

BattleTorn3816d ago

The title should at least hyphen the 'out zombie-apocalypse-survival DayZ'

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