
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 Review

When Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball came out on Xbox, there was much talk about how many people didn't "get" the game. But let's be honest, there wasn't a whole lot to get. It was a relationship game with volleyball tacked on where success meant you got to see the lovely Dead or Alive girls in outfits that ranged from revealing to absurdly revealing. It was a thin game, but fun nonetheless and I probably spent more than my fair share of time collecting everything. Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 was a chance for Team Ninja to expand the idea into a fully realized game. Instead, they've decided to improve the graphics, add a few poor mini-games and call it a day. Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 feels like a shameless cash-in to a series that is already pretty shameless.

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kmis876465d ago

Alright, now that this crap is done with bring on the next Ninja Gaiden! I hope this Itagaki scandal doesn't distract him from it, because I've got big hopes for the sequel, and the Ninja Gaiden Sigma remake can probably only hold me off for so long.

GamerX26465d ago

Now let's get back to the REAL BUSINESS.....And Make Ninja Gaiden 2 And DOA 5 BEFORE YOU GO TO JAIL PLEASE!!!...lol

Antan6464d ago

LOL! what a cheap game!!! tut tut, no bonus points here.

Gh0stDrag0n6464d ago (Edited 6464d ago )

It is a vollyball game people, how exciting is that? At least it gives some loosers something to jerk-off too:P What would you rather have hairy guys in g-strings and spandex? If your going to play a vollyball game wouldn't you rather see "hot" chicks bouncing all over the place? You all know you want it, and will get it so who are you kidding? I say bring on the camel-toes and headlights, lets see some fur. Make it a AO rated XXX pornfest, that is what everyone really wants. Buncha' freaks.

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Dead Or Alive Evolution of Body Physics - 1996 - 2016

A video which looks at the evolution of the Dead Or Alive characters and the inclusion of body physics over the years.

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Imp0ssibl33036d ago

This is all for science,folks!

timmyp533036d ago (Edited 3036d ago )

Yeah. This is reaching incredible heights I mean just look at this man.


https://giant.gfycat.com/Sm... << =O

Eonjay3035d ago

As a... man of science... I must say, that second pick is an amazing technical achievement... Thank you Japan. Thank you very much for being you!

blackblades3035d ago

Second image makes me want it now.

Black0ut3036d ago

Almost bought DOA 5 on sale the other day lol. You can obviously see what the 'attraction' to the game is X'D

blackblades3035d ago (Edited 3035d ago )

Extreme volley has better physics then doa5.

Black0ut3035d ago

so in other words, better boobies then? you learn something new every day.

DivineAssault 3035d ago

DOA is an amazing fighting game. The chicks are just a bonus.

TheCommentator3036d ago

The age affecting boob physics was present in the original DOA as well. When said that you were 99 years old, their boobs were just ridiculously funny to watch.

AgentSmithPS43036d ago

This looks better than I expected, it'd be a PSVR seller if it ever supports it.

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Dead Or Alive Xtreme 2 Vs Xtreme 3 Head to Head (2006 vs 2016)

A comparison video looking a the differences between the 2006 Dead Or Alive Xtreme 2 and the most recent Xtreme 3 on the PS4/PS Vita.

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vanity293037d ago

And people said it looked the same. Soft engine ftw

zackdollars3037d ago

It's the same game with some texture and lighting improvements. The same polygon and skeletal models. The same stages and re-used assets. Typical Japanese game development. Tecmo should be embarrassed.

lfc_4eva3037d ago

Some dodgy looking tan lines on number 2 ;-)

Bytor3036d ago

The boobs don't bounce around anymore.


Searching for Demakes 2 – What Became of a Parody Game Developer

Twinfinite continues it's search for the elusive copy of Sexy Seaside Beachball.

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