
Human Element - New Open-World Survival Game - To Be Powered By CRYENGINE

Crytek today announced a CRYENGINE licensing deal with independent game studio, Robotoki, who will use its engine to create a new game for PC and consoles.

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bienio3840d ago

What type this game is?? i mean is this First person or 3rd person view???

US8F3840d ago

“infinite terrain from segmented worlds to create a massive open world experience but still allow the visual fidelity and detail our players expect from a first person experience from our team.”

GentlemenRUs3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

It's a shame that when it comes to a CRYENGINE game, They lack GAMEPLAY... End's up turning into a graphical game and that's it.

xfear2diex3840d ago

and why?
the engine is a tool no more no less
State of Decay
crysis series
there all had a good gameplay and enjoyable
and there games on the horizon that looks promising
Shadow of the Eternals
and i believe that egttr and evolv are cry engine games too games that lack gameplay are things like this like rambo the game which is unplayeable.

Crossbones3840d ago

Gosh, a lot of open world games coming.

candy_mafia3840d ago

Ooooh I'm totally interested by this. I hope it has a cool eco system. I remember a (cancelled) game from Lionhead Studios way back in the original Xbox years called B.C. set in a Prehistoric environment based on survival.

That game was too ambitious for the hardware at that time. Now we have the hardware to do the game justice, I hope a game like that gets made for 'all major formats'.

I love Dinosaurs 'n stuff :)

Evilsnuggle3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

I was crushed when BC got cancelled. I bought the OG xbox for BC and fable. Fable Was lame never finished it.

I love the story of Human Element. The cryengine is a Beast and the best graphics on any 3d party game engine.

Ryse is a beautiful game but ryse game play and game mechanics are garbage. Ryse is a QTE auto kills button mashing fest need Demon's Soul's game mechanics.

Skate-AK3840d ago

Nice. I have been watching this game. If anyone didn't know this is the game that Robert Bowling started after he left Activision. He was the Creative Strategist (Infinity Ward) for Call of Duty. When asked why he resigned he said "You have to work on games that you're passionate about, and at this time, my passion lead me in a different direction".

OpieWinston3840d ago

OMG Robert Bowling is retarded....Fuck I knew I remember hearing "Human Element" somewhere else. Hopefully it doesn't flop but hopefully he isn't the voice for the company because he lies through his teeth.

I doubt this game will be as good as State of Decay and Class4. Undead Labs has actually got me to believe in post apocalyptic zombie worlds. They may actually be able to build a Zombie MMO that isn't a total cluster fuck of terrible animations and hit indicators.

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Human Element Dev Ceases Operations, Development on Hiatus

Remember Human Element? The class-based, zombie apocalypse game from Robert Bowling who served as the creative strategist and community manager for Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty franchise? As it turns out, Bowling’s studio Robotoki has shut down.

SaveFerris3536d ago

I guess Robotoki now lacks the 'Human Element' eh?

I'll get me coat.

Mikefizzled3535d ago

Shouldn't have given such a different impression of your game then. You described it as a gritty visceral apocalypse survival based on keeping the human element alive. Instead you made a cartoony Mad Max multiplayer shooter. I cannot understand what on earth happened.

qwertyone3535d ago

Well i guess this is a good thing, what they showed and what the described was not even close to each other.

telekineticmantis3535d ago

I thought their game looked interesting.

tigertron3535d ago

That sucks, it looked promising...

Sevir3535d ago

I guess. I feel bad the studio shut down, but the vision for the game changed completely. Definitely wasn't what it was originally announced to be.