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Infamous: Second Son Scenes Recreated by Fans

Kenneth Shepard writes: "Infamous: Second Son launches tomorrow, and in honor of that launch a group of fans have made a video in tribute to the game’s protagonist, Delsin Rowe, and his super-powered use of neon. Through use of custom made light suits, the group recorded parkour stunts they performed across London to create a visual effect similar to what is seen in Second Son when Delsin uses neon to increase his running speed."

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Community3781d ago
error133781d ago

This makes me want the game even more.

Next infamous to be set in London, you heard it here first :P

Blackcanary3780d ago

I could see that happening that was so cool.


inFamous 3: Is PlayStation Working On A Second Son Sequel?

Fans of the action-adventure franchise have been eagerly awaiting news of a potential sequel to one of the best games on the PS4.

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Community7d ago
-Foxtrot8d ago

They really need to

Go off the evil ending off Second Son

Delsin absorbs all those powers

Revealed he’s the real Beast and John in Infamous 2 was just an anomaly created by timelines being messed with by Kessler.

Cole vs the Real Beast

gold_drake8d ago

quite honestly, i dont remember a whole lot about 2 amymore, but i absolutely hated the guy in second son haha.

chicken_in_the_corn7d ago

It would make more sense to go off the evil ending of 2 and the good ending g of SS where Cole is The Beast.

Cacabunga6d ago

Doesnt make any sense calling second son 2 as infamous 3..

OtterX7d ago

Ha, yea Delsin was obnoxious.

I wouldn't mind another new character, but somehow bring Cole into the story.

We can just pretend like Delsin never existed. :)

thejigisup7d ago

Everyone that age is obnoxious. It's been years and is like to think delsin has grown

neutralgamer19927d ago

Until we wait for a potential new entry it would awesome to have infamous collection for PS5

RaidenBlack7d ago

Umm ... how about this?
First we get the Tushima sequel(coz its most rumored)
Then a new Resistance (need new PS SP FPS)
Then a totally new IP (new IPs are always interesting)
And then a new inFamous?

xHeavYx7d ago

Can we also get a complete remaster of InFamous 1 and 2?

fr0sty6d ago

Gimme a new Warhawk and MAG while we're at it.

DivineHand1257d ago

I had a great time with the second son. Never got to play the originals and hope they get remastered one day.

DazaMc7d ago

The graphics were amazing, I got the platinum on that one. Very good.

ChasterMies7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

If I had a choice between another Infamous game and another Spider-Man game, I choose Spider-Man. Sony should spend its resources on its winners.

Tacoboto7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Infamous was such a winner its studio was given the freedom (after 3 titles + their expansions) to do a new IP with GoT, just like with Sly Cooper before infamous.

I'd welcome a 4th title even more than another Spider-Man, it'd be exciting what they could do with new powers fit for the hardware outside the limits of a licensed superhero game.

jznrpg6d ago

Spider-Man is guaranteed and is made by Insomniac so why not both as Sucker Punch would make Infamous.

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How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

inFAMOUS Second Son was one of PS4's best exclusives, but does it hold up a decade later?

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Community196d ago
Deeeeznuuuts196d ago

100%, locked 60fps and still look great all these years later, same with the expansion, definitely worth a look if people haven't played it yet, not the best games ever made but a good experience, hopefully a new infamous gets released

KwietStorm_BLM196d ago

Never was my favorite infamous, but it was definitely a graphics showcase early on PS4. Still plays well with the unlocked frame rate.

SDuck196d ago

Still remember getting hyped about this game nearing release. Funny because I never even got a PS4. Jumped from PS3 to PC so I never played it ahahaha

OmegaSoldati195d ago

Its a good game. But thats it. Congratulations you made the best choice. I dream to have a great PC one day.

jznrpg6d ago

@OmegaSoldati I’ve had a few of the highest end PC’s and they’re cool for about a year then they aren’t the highest end PC anymore and not as cool. It’s way overrated imo.

Profchaos196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

Graphically It's a absolutely stunning game that still holds up today.

Didn't have all that much depth to it forcing you to play though twice for a platinum trophy a good and bad run it was a little disappointing how similar those were Delsin would be like I'm not doing that for you in a cutscene but the cutscene would play out and force you to do it anyway just as you would of in a good run

I did like the story however it got a lot of complaints back in the day people hated playing as Delsin instead of cole despite Coles story being wrapped up.

Overall though the map wasn't overly saturated with useless points of interest there was some collectibles and things to find but nothing compared to a Ubisoft game.

I think it was a good game if a little hollow I've played it through around 4 times now since it's so short.

Also it's DLC was great a full story expansion

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15 More Underrated PS4 Games You Probably Didn’t Play

GB: "With this feature, we run down 15 of the most underrated games on the PS4 that never received the love and appreciation they truly deserve."

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Community226d ago
Christopher228d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88227d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183226d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie226d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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