
Massive Information Leak About Sony’s Morpheus Talks Tech, Price, Games, 2015 Release and Much More

Sony's Project Morpheus has raised a lot of interest after its unveiling two days ago, and also a lot of rumors. Today a Reddit user going by the name PS4VR posted a large bundle of information citing sources internal to Sony that sounds very realistic, but of course should be taken with a rather sizable grain of salt.

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RPG_Lover3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

$250-$299 is still way to expensive for mass market, and if you do not have the games to back it up. It will remain pretty marginalized. So what is happening with PS4 software?

I do not like how they are fragmenting PS4 users like this.Then again, these are just rumors, pretty absurd ones at that.

I am pretty darn worried.

No, not everything. But when it comes to splintering the install base when you do not have the software in place already, I am worried.

I love my PS4 but first party software on the horizon (infamous is great) is pretty lacking. They want to do seperate experiences now? I am worried about it.

Really? Namecalling?


Read the report. They are saying they are making exclusive VR experiences.

Abriael3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

Yeah, you're always "worried" about anything and everything involving PS4 and Sony :D


NewMonday3741d ago

I say quality over price

VR needs to be done right or not at all, this will be the thing to take the industry mainstream far beyond what the Wii did.

Sony needs to think of it as a different medium.

Seriously this is the biggest thing since going from radio to TV.

NewMonday3741d ago

as for the technical talk I don't know what is the point of 90FPS, FPS depend on the game anyway, and it should be locked at a steady 60FPS.

and as for much wider FOV the current model hardly leaves much out at 90°.

Charybdis3741d ago (Edited 3740d ago )

Fragmenting ps4 users depends if will add vr functionality to their games or will also create experiences which will only work with vr. It also depends if there will be games which will depend on move controllers. It is a valid question what approach sony will take with ps4 vr software.

I do believe sony will and should offer/help with a software solution for third party engines to allow for quick/easy vr integration in their games.

Pricing wise 250 (without pseye?)- 299 (with pseye) is very good pricing and I can see why the article mentions sony subsidising Morpheus, the previews have been very positive.

johndoe112113740d ago

Ignore him, this guy is a tool. How the hell is $250-$300 too expensive when the article clearly says that that price also includes a camera? Your deduction of him being a concern troll is spot on.

Xsilver3740d ago

"I asked him about Killzone’s resolution and 30fps limit and he responded that Killzone had to make launch giving little time to tweak it to take advantage of the PS4 hardware but that he has already seen atleast two exclusive PS4 games running at 1080p and a rock solid 60fps that graphically significantly surpass The Dark Sorceror in engine demo that Sony wowed people with last year."

http://gifsec.com/wp-conten... it's gonna be a long and good generation.

Volkama3740d ago

I'm one of the enthusiasts they describe. I will happily pay for quality. If anyone from Sonyland is monitoring this thread, please write down a note saying that some people (I represent a consortium, maybe?) want you to go all-out on making the best headset you can up to a price of... pretty much anything.

Launch a revolution, and let the "mainstream" catch on as the price comes down

justSumDood3740d ago


No. You're not alone.

With no exaggeration or word of a lie I would pay $1000 for either VR HMD and not give it a second thought. I've no problem spending the money for a quality VR experience.

And in truth, I pride myself as being an early adopter. For me the price tag comes with the territory. Always has.

nunley333740d ago (Edited 3740d ago )

I'll bite but it would be nice if i could use it to watch all my regular content on it and games. It could be how 3d tvs can give regular content 3d but isn't nearly as good as real 3d content,like that. Maybe play wolfenstein 3D in 3D! Assuming i could use this with ps now also that is down the road.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3740d ago
DanteVFenris6663741d ago

You do know all vr games can be played without using vr...no one is being fragmented. It's just an extra option

SlyFamousthe3rd3741d ago

Stealth troll! you almost had me ;)

zeee3741d ago

Stealth troll... fail.

amiga-man3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

At that pricing I will certainly be jumping in, a whole new gaming experience awaits and I for one can't wait, the PS4 is looking more and more the console to own cheaper more powerful PS+, great first party support now VR.

Sony is certainly delivering this gen. http://www.google.co.uk/img...

parentoftheyear3741d ago

I think that is the perfect price and people will be lined up for it. I know I will be. Even if the game comes with one experience out of the box its mine. Been waiting for something like this for a long time. I'm more interested in visual experiences ra5her than games such has the shark underwater demo at gdc or talks about a walk through space. Yes please. $300,is a cheaper and safer alternative than going into space.

MonChiChi3741d ago

Yep for tech at this caliber that price tag is pretty nice and inviting.

Hicken3741d ago

Obviously, they won't be going for "mass market appeal" at launch, but it'll have a more attractive price tag than the XB1, which is aimed at the mass market, and offer a more unique experience than the Wii U.

That last bit probably rustles your jimmies a bit, huh?

Ck1x3740d ago

Hopefully this does turn out successful, but why since Sony announced VR do people now think it's the future! To be honest $250-$300 is not a mainstream price point. It will get some early adopters but it's still a add on accessory for the PS4. The thing that makes tech like VR hard to sell to the mass public is there's really no way to demonstrate how it works unless people try it for themselves. Most people won't get past putting something bulky on their heads to gain an experience. This is one of the reasons why 3d hasn't grown to the heights that it should be.

SmielmaN3741d ago

Meh, won't be a big deal offering consumers the CHOICE of using a peripheral instead of FORCING it on you by putting it with the console and jacking up the price. I'm sure there will be bundles tho too. By the time this comes out the PS4 will prob have dropped $50 or so it won't be too bad. I'm really looking forward to seeing what they produce for it and how it plays.

5eriously3741d ago

Another troll that needs his remaining bubbles burst just like they did with mine!

I wish there was a way for N4G to identify specific trolls and limit their access to comment on articles based on those they normally troll.

Whoever sees VR as just another add on peripheral like the troll above should rethink what the technology entails and what it offers. I will easily pay the projected costs as well as the higher costs for the better version of the VR tech and the fact that I will not need an additional platform to experience the technology will make it so much sweeter.

I would like to see what the Lover troll posts as soon as M$ reveals their version of the VR tech and I will make a point of showing up his two faced biased opinions and trolling.

OiNioB3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

"I wish there was a way for N4G to identify specific trolls and limit their access to comment on articles based on those they normally troll."

I like that idea, start building the algorithm!

That would make Xbox articles have an almost non existent comment section

tkato3741d ago

Honestly, I'm willing to pay 1000$ for PS4+VR (because i'm still not willing to jump to the next gen without some games coming out first), but the experience should be well structured, or it won't glue.. I'm excited :) been wanting head tracking for a long time, and VR looks like it's going to be friggin amazing!! (I wouldn't mind to try out oculus but they are taking their sweet time and will require and much higher spec PC to run games well, while I believe that the developers focusing on one hardware will be more fruitful)

Eonjay3741d ago

Do you really think they would "fragment" their user base with VR. Don't worry about it. For example, when Resistance 3 shipped, it supported Move AND a regular controller. Instead of worrying, pay attention to their track record.

Joe9133741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

@RPG_Lover The OR dk2 is $350 so $250 $299 is a fair price especially when most ppl thought this would cost $500 or more just based on Sony's other head mounted displays. Gamers are already fragmented with all the genre of games fps, tps, rpg, racing, sports, motion games this will just become another genre may take the place of fps and racing and combine with the motion games. I doubt it will fragment gamers anymore than they are now there will always be 3 types of gamers causal, regular, Hardcore no need to be worried. I like to think VR is to gaming as the Iphone was to cell phones imo. There are a lot of great games in the works and a lot we do not even know about but complaining about no hardware is kinda mute are you new to gaming because you sound like a troll any gamer know we are in the slow part of the year for games just because there are new consoles don't change it never has but you honestly sound like you just trolling what you are saying do not make sense.

stuna13741d ago

How is this too expensive? When technically Morpheus and Oculus Rift are both cheaper than a good pair of Ray Ban glasses from a technical point.

abzdine3740d ago (Edited 3740d ago )

a Nintendo fanboy worried about PS?
how can that be?

i'm extremely excited for the VR as long as it works and there is a guarantee that lots of games and publishers will support it

Ck1x3740d ago

I don't know why you have so many disagrees, it seems like a valid point that you are raising.

ThunderSpark3740d ago (Edited 3740d ago )

Please ignore this troll. He lives to bash Sony and anything not Nintendo. He needs to be banned. I myself cannot wait for this to come out!

Patrick_pk443740d ago

Morpheus is a project in development. I expect a late 2015 or 2016 release. Sony's studios are currently working on software and won't just stop for VR. If you are so worried move to Microsoft your saviour.

chrisarsenalsavart3740d ago

Why Don,t u just go and play with your 3ds or WIIU(which are great consoles by the way) and let us be.
U hate everything Sony related, so why pretending?

jnemesh3740d ago

PLENTY of people, including myself would not only pay $300 for their existing setup, but would PREFER to pay more for a higher performing set! $300-$500 is not too much for a VR headset.

Prime1573740d ago

I feel this is most pertinent to what you said... "PS4 to be the place where gamers go for cutting edge mainstream games and the VR+PS4 combo to be the place to go for anyone interested in rich immersive VR experiences even if they don’t have the technical knowledge necessary to get something like the Oculus Rift up and running."

That makes sense.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3740d ago
WeAreLegion3741d ago

Whether this is some guy leaking stuff or Sony is intentionally leaking the information, it's clear we need to give them feedback.

I couldn't be more excited for this!

ArbitorChief3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

Didn't we just hear that Driveclub wasn't coming to Morpheus? So why is an Insider saying Driveclub is coming to VR? I hope the headset releases end of this year, I'd love to enter the world of Destiny, that would be amazing!

Abriael3741d ago

A release of the headset by the end of the year is nigh impossible, IMHO.

Also Yoshida's wording about Driveclub is a bit less black and white than that. He said that currently evolution isn't working on morpheus, but the he headset will be out a lot after the release of the game, so they might work on it afterwards, or have another studio work on it.

It could also be that the source has outdated info about driveclub, from before it was canned.

XiSasukeUchiha3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

Sony is getting me hyped for true next gen experience

Gravity_DoGG3741d ago

Im a ps fan and have been my whole life. But i just cant stand your comments. You must be like 12?

Ricegum3740d ago

I agree. I wouldn't be surprised if this dude wasn't even a gamer.

SebbyGVS3741d ago

Almost every time I see a comment from XiSasukeUchiha it's heavily downvoted, and I can kind of understand why. He seems to comment simply for the sake of commenting, it's often unoriginal or even regurgitating the title of the story.

TomRL3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

This stuff about 1440p running at 90fps seems a bit far fetched. It is a sad thing to say, but the PS4 might not be capable of very much when it comes to VR. I can't imagine that hardware optimisation information given by the "indie" is true. It is far less complex than the consoles before it, we have had x86 architecture for years, there is not much more you can do with it.

Abriael3741d ago

The PS4 can definitely run 1440p at 90 fps, it really depends on WHAT it's running. Even my older PC that I use as a media center and has specs inferior to the PS4 can do that kind of performance with simpler games.

Yeah, it won't get even close to run Infamous second son at that resolution/framerate. Infamous 1? Hell yes it could.

TomRL3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

But the Last of Us? It will have to be able to run the game at 1440p at 180fps in order for that to translate into the 90fps 3D that the leaker is suggesting. That is insane.

Unless they release some sort of box to aid the PS4 gpu processing. But that would bump the price up into even more insane areas.

I doubt we will get a next gen experience with the Morpheus, or even much of a last gen experience. Not at 1440p.

Edit: The $299 price point is pretty good. But it would be painful to know that a superior version could be attained for a bit more :/

I know Sony has often opted for quality over a cheap price. But in the last year they seemed to have learned that it is better for them to give us a good product at a decent price instead. I can't blame them for it and it seems that that is the way they will do, providing all of the information provided is true.

Abriael3741d ago

Morpheus DOES have his own processor. It's in the tech specs.

Now I don't know how powerful it is, or what it does exactly, but it's there.

Also, the last of us can run on a PS3, which is very much less powerful than a PS4. Strip it down a bit, and I'm quite confident a PS4 can run it at 1440p/90.

rayzorn3741d ago

abiael yeah i read them saying it had a processor also. i was thinking an internal processor on the vr unit could probably split up the image for the eyes to take strain off of the game console.

not sure if it really could or not but i dont see why not.

Akuma073741d ago

You need to stop being ignorant and realize what a console truly is. The optimization information he gives is 100% true. PC elitests always dispute it because they can't handle the truth.

The facts are, PC software is not optimized and is a brute force approach to achieving high end results. Higher efficiency is 110% better than brute force.

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Garethvk86d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta86d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts85d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos85d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts85d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa85d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.