
Jolt Review: TrackMania United Forever

Via Jolt: "Trackmania used to be a niche community supported racing game that had a hardcore audience but would never get to the front row of the grid. Those days are gone. Trackmania is now so far ahead of the pack that it could take a couple of pit stops, have a bite to eat, wash the car (well probably change all the body work and give it a custom spray job, like in game) and have a bit of a kip before the others catch up again. Not one for just fans of racing games then, but definitely one for anyone who likes their games fun and addictive. This is digital crack."


Hopefully a new F-Zero will look like this

A custom map for TrackMania United shows how the game looks as F-Zero. And it looks really cool!

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TheLeprachaun5025d ago

I would kill for a new F-Zero game.


TrackMania Update Adds StarTrack Campaign

Nadeo has released new updates for its racing titles TrackMania United and TrackMania Nations. The United update totes the StarTrack campaign, which brings 147 new tracks to the game's solo mode.

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STONEY45309d ago

Holy shiz. That's alot of tracks. Downloading now.


TrackMania 2 unveiled at the Paris Game Festival

French video game developer, Nadeo has seemingly unveiled TrackMania 2 at the Paris Game Festival.

According to this forum post the game will have three environments but more importantly, you will be able to create custom blocks when making your own tracks.

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TheIneffableBob5378d ago



JonnyBigBoss5378d ago

Trackmania is a blast. I've spent countless hours in this game. However, I must say I have absolutely no interest in this second one. ModNation Racers just looks so much better in every single regard.

STONEY45378d ago (Edited 5378d ago )

I was about to say that ModNation Racers reminds me of Trackmania except Trackmania 2 looks much better...

Aloren5378d ago

Hmmm....How can you even compare modnation racers and trackmania ? just cause there's a track editor doesn't mean the games compare, it's like comparing Gran Turismo or Ridge Racer with Mario Kart, it doesn't make sense... modnation will probably be amazing, but I don't think people playing it will do so to improve their lap record with perfect trajectory after thousands of tries.

free2game3655378d ago

gotta get those PS3 fanboys to agree with you a lot huh?

Kakkoii5377d ago

You've obviously never taken a serious play of Trackmania then Aloren.

And isn't that the point of racing games? Trying to beat your opponent? Hence the name RACEing... It's a freaking RACE!

And in Trackmania 2, they will be allowing you to use your own 3D models as blocks in the track editor. So they are pretty much providing a game engine for people to freely develop tracks as they like. No longer just changing the textures and creating mania animations. A persons creativity can finally be fully expressed

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