
Top Ten reasons why you should not buy ‘South Park: The Stick of Truth’ for your kids

Nerd Reactor gives their top ten reasons why parents should not be buying South Park: The Stick of Truth for their kids.

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Majin-vegeta3761d ago

Umm yea if you're a parent you shouldn't even be thinking in the first place to buy it for them.

Blaze9293760d ago

how about one: It's rated M for Mature (17+)

TomShoe3760d ago

No wonder CNN and FOX keep blaming violent video games. It's because their parents don't care when they walk into GameStop and buy GTA V or Call of Duty or God of War for their hyperactive 9 year olds.

Don't blame the games, blame the parents who let kids play those games.

t0mmyb0y3760d ago

Exactly the same comment I was going to say Blaze.

GUYwhoPLAYSvideoGAME3760d ago

but that's the problem isn't it, games aren't like movies, there are multiple m games that i think actually are appropriate for children, and no more harmful then lazertag.

Heck, the new edf's even rated m, it just isn't consistent enough

JsonHenry3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Biggest reason NOT to buy it? Its only about ~10 to 12 hours long.

Wait till half off at least. I expect RPGs, even one this damn good and this damn funny, to last a little longer.

Am I being too picky? The game is fantastic. Just seemed so short. It could be because I never wanted it to stop? I dunno. But it seems too short for whatever reason.

karl3760d ago

12 hour, short?

thats like 4 hours more than the average single player campaign.....................

if it felt even shorter its just proof of how great the game is...

KillerPwned3760d ago

It is an amazing game though it is short. Through the time I been playing since yesterday doing all the side quests the game seems so much longer then what it is.

JsonHenry3760d ago

12 hours is very short for an RPG.

Githern3757d ago

To give my honest opinion: You're full of it. To put it plainly, if a responsible parent wants their children to indulge in the raunchy side of life they have every right to do so. I am a supreme example of this. My dad, who did not know how to rate video games, took the time to explain how life works. What is good bad. What is wrong or right. Behind his back, with his money, I owned: Wolf 3D, Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, Quake and a variety of other games. All of which were extremely violent and in one case pretty damned messed up. I turned out fine, I am 32 years old and never jailed, haven't gone off the deep end, nor will I. Why? Because my parents took the damn time to explain life to me. Now we use entertainment as a form of baby sitting. If we went back to the way it was in the 80's and 90's half of this new bullshit generation would have their asses torn up and learned to "respect my authoritay".

aragon3760d ago

well said lol, its serious article and an honest one but, south park is so funny.

Applejack3760d ago

This game is obviously not intended for kids but that won't stop the irresponsible parents from buying it for them anyway if they really wanted it. Then the parents get upset when they find out what is in the game and blames it on everyone but themselves. Sad but true.

Axonometri3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Christ! 10 reasons? I'll give you one! You could lose your kid(s)! What parent would even think of allowing kids to be anywhere around South Park?

This game pushes boundaries like no other, especially scenes with children!? Yet, watch me get disagrees and lose bubbles...

webeblazing3760d ago

i doubt you can get your kid taken away for playing a rated m game or even watching a rated r movie

Axonometri3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

You can get your kids taken away and you didn't even do anything! It takes one person claiming your hurting the kids and continue to push the issue and false claims. CPS most definetly takes your kids away! And you will be powerless.

Go look up CPS controversy in Arizona since 2010.

KwietStorm_BLM3760d ago

Your kids are living with their mom aren't they?

Kiwi663760d ago

Some people don't care about what their kids play i mean like those that let their 6 or 7 year olds play gta or R18 games you just need to look at how many young kids play CoD

aragon3760d ago

as a parent a nd a gamer its not very hard to exercise discretion as my boy cant tell me he wants gta because its fun, and no violence etc. I know what games are what but also a simple way to decide on buying a game for a child is by looking at the rating, whether you are a gamer parent or not. On that note sometimes I wonder where parents are when there are ten year olds playing shooters online and sending me troll messages.

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anast84d ago (Edited 84d ago )

We are going to see a lot of crap South Park products since they sold out to paramount years ago. It's their IP they can sell out, of course; it just means the quality of their show has tanked and other products as well. Nevertheless, they put on excellent musicals, but those haven't been sold to a mega corporation.

cammers199584d ago

They said awhile ago that Ubisoft holds contract rights to the main flagship South Park games. So like stick, fractured and phone destroyer.

Snow Day was handled by THQ and Question and is a random spinoff. Hopefully Ubisoft is cooking something.

anast84d ago

That's one reason to be hopeful, but Ubi is trending down too.

chicken_in_the_corn84d ago

Loved the RPGs but never played the others. Have to track them down. Still not sure about Snow Day though.


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cammers1995191d ago (Edited 191d ago )

The only two worth playing are Stick of truth and fractured but whole. The rest were garbage except snow day which I can't say anything about yet. But with that said, unlike stick and fractured which debuted as AAA full priced titles by ubisoft, snow day is a new developer and publisher and has a budget price at only $30 soooo


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P_Bomb311d ago

I see Deadpool made the list. Also saw it in stock at the local game store. Second hand. Might finally pick up a copy.