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It's the second time you fail to link a single tweet with proper source.
odderz3857d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(4)
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Neonridr3857d ago

Well at least it is definitely something new. Nowhere in the E3 reveal did we see the player on rooftops.

JoGam3857d ago

I think it will be delayed till 2015 too. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Neonridr3857d ago

I can't see it releasing this year at all. Game seems so ambitious... might even be too ambitious.

TrueJerseyDevil3857d ago


Didn't Ubisoft already delay it to 2015?

PSN-JeRzYzFyNeSt3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

i think it might get delayed to.. South Park just released, we still waiting on Watchdogs and then we have The Crew.. I'm expecting a February 2015 release date..
You Need space in-between all games so it can sell and i think Ubi rather have a steady flow of money coming in instead of it coming in all at once.

all these titles will sell over a Million copies within 2 weeks..
Plus i think the Fall will be packed this year..

and we still have AC5 lol Ubisoft making money this Gen

PONTIAC08G8GT3857d ago

Pretty sure it was already confirmed for 2015 and not 2014. I remember reading that about a month ago.

frostypants3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

I frankly wouldn't be surprised if it got pushed to very late 2015 or even sometime in 2016, given how little we've seen. It has that aura to it that I felt from games like Agent and The Last Guardian...looks awesome, sounds awesome, but details just suspiciously slow to come out.

Hydrolex3857d ago

Reminded me of Max Payne 3

seanpitt233857d ago

With seeing watchdogs being delayed so long we will be lucky if this has a release date in 2015.

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Omni-Tool3857d ago

I don't believe so but it's been a while since I've seen that footage. I remember there being a lot of play in the street and in a few buildings for sure.

mafiahajeri3857d ago

I swear I was going to say the same thing word for word lol. It's too ambitious.

ivan5103857d ago

@neonridr i agree with you, it feels like its just going to end up like Rainbow six: Patriots.

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ColonelRex3857d ago

Does anyone know the native resolutions and frame rates for this game?

Deividas3857d ago

Way too early for all that talk.

Detoxx3857d ago

N4G, where you get disagrees for asking a question.

ColonelRex3857d ago


lol What is there to disagree with about my question. Its just a question.

Detoxx3857d ago

Yeah, I dont get it either.

SuperSquirrel3857d ago

I think it might be 'cause people are bored of resolution talk?

I didn't disagree, and I have a PS4, but all the resolution/frames talk is getting tiresome.

Only my opinion of course.

RE_L_MAYER3857d ago

seriusly sick of waiting...hurry up

GiantFriendlyCrab3857d ago

lol ubisoft fooled us again with that first time reveal. Graphics do not look that good anymore. Ubisoft make believe did the same thing with Far cry 3, Watch dogs, and now The division

Deividas3857d ago

What on gods green earth are you talking about??
This game isnt coming out for prob over a year and it still looks amazing. Their new SnowDrop Engine is spectacular.

And Watch Dogs, looks awesome graphically. And Far Cry 3 is arguably one of the best looking games of the last 5 years.

PS3gamer4life3857d ago

Top 3 ps4 games.i want

H hours
The division
Everquest next

webeblazing3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

Is h hour still coming to ps4 they did even made the amount they needed. They made enough to make the concept demo to show publishers, but who knows how that's gonna end. I'm ashamed as a PS fan, that people brag so much about socom and mag but Dont support the devs when they say publishers not supporting they vision. I know I lot of PC gamers that Dont pledge to a game because its not not exclusive. I still know some that did but still.. hopefully their vision stay true and Dont turn out to be another socom 4 when pub fund it

Anyway can't wait for division I hope it more of a mmo instead of a coop game but I'm sure it'll be ok

dcj05243857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

I supported Socom up to number 3 and the PSP ones. I supported MAG and all the DLC and I supported H-Hour. Invested $90 in it.

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Exclusive Q&A: “Tom Clancy’s: The Division: Hunted” Author Thomas Parrott

from In this exclusive Q&A, the author of the new technothriller based on "Tom Clancy's: The Division" discusses how it ties to the games while also bringing its own story to a close.

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Title isn't complete. Remove "exclusive interview" to fill the rest of the title.
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beerhound229d ago
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rpad229d ago

did you edit out the parts where the author repeated everything you asked?


Ubisoft's The Division series just had 80% slashed off its price on Steam

If you're looking to try out an exciting, team-based shoot 'em up, The Division is currently on sale on Steam!

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Community340d ago

Stop Forcing Multiplayer Into Single Player Games

TIM WHITE WRITES: "Multiplayer or single player? Developers, you can do both, just not willy-nilly."

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Community535d ago
Flawlessmic536d ago

I am in absolute agreement with the OP 👌

shinoff2183535d ago

I hate when I see single player games and see people begging for multi-player. Jeez guys it don't need to be on every game. Latest one I seen was atomic heart.

-Foxtrot535d ago

Multiplayer or even co-op

If it was always a single player game then that's how it is

Inverno535d ago

It's a trend that never really went away. For me multiplayer in a primarily SP focused game was an excuse for DLC. Then there's the mentality gamers had that adding multiplayer makes a game worth the price, otherwise it should be half price for half a game. A way of thinking devs reassured when they started adding multiplayer to their sequels. We see the same with multiplayer focused games getting SP in their sequels.

Flawlessmic535d ago

Tbh multilayer now is a way to add live service and mtx elements, very rarely does it come of well.

What single players game used to be in a lot of cases now require 3 other people for keeping to really enjoy it and I hate having to rely on others to get the maximum from a game.

Sp should be sp, if devs want to add a separate multi mode then that's fine with me, the legends addition to ghost of tshushima was fricking sick but totally separate to the main game. Sick of co op too.

Hofstaderman534d ago

I remember when certain single player games had them as included optional modes that was played on the couch. Had brilliant times with Syphon Filter and Golden Eye. Me and my bro used to used to fight over who would play as Gabe even though it was technically just a skin. Good times.

Dagexon534d ago

I didn't notice your comment before I added mine.
But good times indeed

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