
(Twinfinite) Dayz - The Chernarus Ranger

There’s no real endgame yet in DayZ, so for now it’s all about making your own fun. For some reason, for me, that means slapping on a cowboy hat and the best Texan accent my feeble British vocal chords can muster and pretending to be some rootin’ tootin’ neighbourly gunslinger. Some wanderers of Chernarus take it better than others.

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DayZ New Expansion "Frostline" Announced for Q4 2024, Key Features Revealed

Bohemia Interactive has today revealed DayZ's new premium expansion called "Frostline," which will be out this Q4 2024.


DayZ Devs Joke About The Disappointing Failure Of The Day Before

The Day Before has been a critical failure that led to the studio’s closure.


DayZ 2 In Development, Court Document Reveals

A new document from Microsoft and FTC's legal battle reveals that DayZ 2 is currently under development at Bohemia Interactive.

mastershredder347d ago

Bohemia can suck it with their Day Z cash-ins. So nice that they did a bait and switch before Day Z hit PS5.