
Should Sledgehammer bring WWII back to Call of Duty?

With the CoD series spanning wars from World War II to the future, we have to ask, "What setting will Sledgehammer take for its new game?" As far as wars involving guns go, Call of Duty has most of the major ones covered. It's hard to imagine what new trail in modern-ish warfare Sledgehammer could blaze.

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joab7773868d ago (Edited 3868d ago )

And I will repeat....NO!!!!

Unless, of course they make a game about WW2, using the new tech, to help bring to life one of the most unbelievable times in our history. But they wont so....NO!!!

1OddWorld3869d ago

Don't care for Call of duty at all but killing Nazis is always fun. Medal of Honor did it best I think.

combolock3869d ago

No, because the kids will not be into the history lesson. They like playing with their high tech guns not the guns of the mid 1900's.

I would actually love another COD game in WWII, the first 3 games were the best. My favorite COD game is Call of Duty 2. It was fun to be apart of the history and I learned a few things from the games as well.

ElementX3869d ago

As a gamer, I've fought in WWII enough times already

WeAreLegion3868d ago

World War II deserves at least a few more games, but I doubt any of the current COD developers could match Infinity Ward's masterpieces. (COD and COD2)


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