
Review: TxK (New Gamer Nation)

We’ve seen the popularity of some games in the video game medium die since the arcade days of the 80s and even into the 90s. One of those happens to be arcade shooters that crowned locals kings among men with their high scores on the leaderboards. With TxK, arcade shooters are brought back into a modern world, and they translate exceptionally well.

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Atari Is Using Me to Attack Jeff Minter and TxK

Game critic Cyril Lachel responds to Atari, who has been using his name to attack Jeff Minter and TxK.

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QorC Pub News #4 - Nintendo NX, PS Mobile & TxK'd off

The Quit or Continue regulars discuss what’s NX for Nintendo and why Jeff Minter is all TxK’d off with Atari.

Also find out why we're not getting all that excited at the prospect of Nintendo games for mobile phones just yet and why the death of PlayStation Mobile sets a bad precedent for our digital rights.

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Veteran Game Developer Says Atari's Trying To Screw Him Over

Tempest 2000 designer Jeff Minter wants to release his latest tube-centric shooter, TxK, on a bunch of platforms, but the longtime designer is saying Atari won't let him do that. Let's just say Minter doesn't have many kind things to say about his former employer.