
Xbox Europe Boss Resigns

Chris Lewis, the senior Microsoft executive who leads the firm's European console business, has revealed plans to retire from the company.

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bicfitness3878d ago

With the limited launch and failure to ignite the brand in the former Xbox bastion of the UK, this is really no surprise. Strange time to be a gamer. This generation will take a deadly toll on one of the three giants, I feel, and its mostly Nintendo and MS on the chopping block atm.

dedicatedtogamers3878d ago

Nintendo will be fine, considering they still have the highest-selling 8th gen platform (the 3DS) and it is selling rather well (though not as well as DS, admittedly).

Microsoft has plenty of money from other divisions (obviously) and so while they CAN keep the Xbox afloat, the question is WILL they?

loulou3878d ago

In a way dedicated, I hope they sell the brand and everything to Samsung.

After what has come to pass since 2010 when Mattrick got the helm, and was allowed to do to the brand, I think that perhaps they should sell. Especially releasing a dearer console that absolutely gets dry humped by its lower priced competitor in every metric, just shows that they lost the plot and trusted that idiot mattrick too much.

But then again Samsung getting the brand would mean the end of everyone else.... And a one console monopoly is not what I want to see.

But, seeing Samsung destroy Sony and seeing the idiotic fanboy trolls like you suffer would be pleasing.

You can't have everything I suupose

GrandTheftZamboni3878d ago


You can continue to jump ships (Sega -> Xbox -> Samsung) or you can join us on the dark side...

ABizzel13878d ago


It doesn't work like that.

For Nintendo you're right, but not on MS. Each division has their own budget for the year. Xbox division can't simply walk over to MS Office division and say we need to borrow some money. ALl the division are under the umbrella of MS, and if one division is underperforming then MS corp. has to either invest more money to that division, or start cutting budget, jobs, or worse the division.

The XBO isn't in that level of danger atm, but as we know some shareholders aren't seeing enough profit coming in to want to keep the division around.

None of the consoles are in a dire situation right now. Well maybe Wii U and Vita, but there's still hope for both of those platforms since the Vita Slim will be launching worldwide soon and hopefully PSV TV will be launching worldwide holiday 2014 with a DualShock 4 controller instead of DS3. Wii U has a good line-up of games, and with a great E3 showing they'll do fine with software sales and console sales.

nukeitall3878d ago

"Microsoft has plenty of money from other divisions (obviously) and so while they CAN keep the Xbox afloat, the question is WILL they?"

Xbox One isn't a sinking ship, and it is still a profitable and thriving platform. It just isn't selling as well as a competitor.

From a financial standpoint:

a) Sony's gaming division is fine. Sony as a whole is in trouble and has been for a decade now. Financially they are pretty bad off.

b) MS gaming division is fine. MS as a whole is fine financially and otherwise although they face threat from somewhat poor Windows 8 sales.

c) Nintendo is "gaming division" is half and half, meaning handheld is fine, but console is imploding. Financially they have plenty of cash in the piggy bank.

So the real concern isn't if Xbox is staying a float, it is self sustaining!

The real question is, can Sony prevent other departments that are poorly performing (i.e. the rest of the company) from affecting the gaming division!

The other real question is, can Nintendo sustain the losses with Wii U, and the decreasing handheld business? Will their new strategy of wearable devices be possible.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3878d ago
cleft53878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

Nintendo isn't going anywhere anytime soon. The Wii success and the DS will see them through their current hardship. Microsoft is an interesting case, they have more than enough money to keep them going in the console market but the real question is whether or not they will choose to continue going this route. The Xbox One as it stands now doesn't make much sense to the direction Microsoft is trying to go in, but the Xbox One with all of the DRM made perfect sense. So either they will leave the market or figure out a new way to implement the policies of the original plan for the Xbox One.

Soplox3878d ago

Games for Windows Live. They need to return to PC. Sell Xbox to Google or someone else.

Automatic793878d ago

MS isn't going anywhere the fact that most assume that MS is losing is due to Sony launching in a lot more territories but for MS to stay right in the hunt they need to launch in more territories. Enough with a 3 month judgment on who will win this generation lets let it play out.

truefan13878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

Lol so, ps4 fans say Sony cutting failing divisions and eliminating thousands of jobs is trimming the fat, but a guy being pushed to resign is a sign the sky is falling. It says XBOX EUROPE boss resigns, not Uk. He has failed to grow the xbox brand in Europe, which is a continent, not a country. I like this move first Matrick now him, I see these as positive moves. When you don;t produce you get replaced. Only on n4g will a failing executive being forced to resign be considered as a person jumping ship lol. Or the xbox having it's most successful launch ever be consider a failure after 2.5 months. Give me Phil and Phil, they will continue to lead xbox gaming in a great direction.

christocolus3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

The guy has been at Ms since 1989, thats a pretty long time. MS needs to find the right person to replace this guy. Phil Harrison would be a great idea but he is currently focused on the studios and game development in that region imo ms needs to find someone from outside the company, new blood with fresh ideas but with years of experience, someone quite vast in the knowledge of the business and dedicated to gamers.

I wouldnt bother too much about his though cos i trust MS will get the right person in there in no time, they have been recruiting alot lately and i feel their uk console business is in need of some change.

Wish Chris all the best though he did a good job with the 360.

Clarence3878d ago

I know it hurts doesn't it. Lol better luck next time. The PS4 is dominating in all the major territories.

Great gaming? Over charging for inferior hardware is great gaming? Very delusional my friend.

maniacmayhem3878d ago

MS's console is selling very well and has even surpassed the 360's successful launch so no MS is not on the chopping block.

Nintendo has billions in the bank, all profit. Yes, their WiiU is not doing well at all but in no way is Nintendo ever going to be on the chopping block.

Nocando3878d ago

Add to that the fact the 360 was launched when there were no other competitors, and the X1 is hobbling out of the gate due to the E3 disaster and going up against the Ps4. I would say the X1 is doing surprisingly well. I know its hard for most of you to believe, but it does not bother me that the Ps4 is ahead, or if it remains ahead for that matter.

maniacmayhem3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )


I am not surprised the PS4 is ahead either. The console is $400 bux. That is the sweetest spot for any consumer. MS was out of their mind to sell theirs 100 more, they should have at least made it $450.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3878d ago
jimjam34423878d ago

man all these executives leaving ms, do they know something we don't?

The Meerkat3878d ago


They have pretty much proved that we know much more than they do.

If they read N4G they could even have found out what they didn't know before they made a big mess of things.

Fireseed3878d ago

Yes. N4G, the bastion of level headed and insightful commentary on the gaming industry.

Ashlen3878d ago

No, there just realizing what people have been saying for months.

pyramidshead3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

I guess that's what you get when the suits rule the roost and bork the vision of a dominating brand. You can tell the original 360 pioneers aren't there anymore.

jimjam34423878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

yeah i totally agree, xbox 360, even though was much less powerful than the ps3, was still a fantastic console, at this point its too early too tell who is the winner of this gen but its not looking good for xbox.

morganfell3878d ago (Edited 3878d ago )

They had some good guys at one time that were inside the community, not looking at it from a glass tower. J. Allard knew exactly what he was doing. In fact he was so good they thought he could rescue other MS hardware. They should never have moved him. If he was still at Xbox you would never have seen the X1 launch the way it did with those out of touch policies.

dedicatedtogamers3878d ago

Best of luck to him. The former leads of the Xbox brand (y'know, the ones who made it a success and who pushed it forward in the gaming space) all seem to be leaving the company.

inb4 "You fool X1 has the best launch Lineup MEtaCritic they are focusing on gaming!"

Um...yeah, I'm talking about long term here. You can't determine long-term commitment by looking at the launch window. Perhaps these XBox bosses see what's coming down the road and they want out.

Automatic793878d ago

Its called restructuring new blood is needed.

tiremfej3878d ago

Sony has the cash issues and is losing each console sold...that all being said, both consoles have sold at a record pace. Granted it isn't iPad sales...however how many gens did it take to get there? Both Sony and MS will have a strong showing. Nintendo? They may go the way of Sega...although they have more liquidity than Sony.

jimjam34423878d ago

actually sony is making like $20 per console (about, i dont know the exact numbers the point is they are making a profit) last gen though the ps3 was selling at a loss until like 2009 i think.

theWB273878d ago


Actually they aren't making money. After a PS+ or game attachment they are.


Microsoft makes a profit or breaks even on the hardware before a game or Live is attached.

tiremfej3878d ago

I'm not sure where disagrees come from...lol...it is all facts! Sony is cash strapped even with PS3 profits...Ninty hasn't had a strong showing. MS is in a good place financially but the the perceived lack of power of the X1 will hurt it and it has via sales...it will be interesting.

pompombrum3878d ago

Sorry but why are you even bringing Sony up in this article? It's about a Microsoft employee resigning, not a Sony one. I swear, I hear more about Sony in Xbox articles than I do on PS ones.

Father__Merrin3878d ago

matrick out now this guy, things are looking very dire indeed,

it says he's retiring? how old is he 60?

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Ubisoft Has Already Recouped the Money it Spent on Activision Cloud Gaming Rights

Ubisoft announced on recent earnings calls that it has already recouped the cost of Activision/Blizzard streaming rights - which were only between €50M and €100M.

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Microsoft Reportedly Spends $1 Billion Annually To Get Third-Party Games On Game Pass

Uncover the spending behind Xbox's Game Pass subscription. Discover how Microsoft invests a billion dollars annually in securing third-party games for the service.

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Obscure_Observer6d ago


Now that you´re releasing games and making big money from every gaming platform, you should double that amount and give us even more day one third party games!

Jin_Sakai6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

You’re delusional beyond belief. Businesses wise it doesn’t make sense and sooner or later they’ll be raising prices again to cover that billion they’re blowing every year.

outsider16245d ago

Lucky for xbox that papa microsoft is rich.

purple1015d ago (Edited 5d ago )

As someone else said earlier today, they are past the growth stage, it’s been stagnent for last 3 years, they are now in the money making stage, prepare to be goosed for as many dollars as possible for the least amount of content. It may not be bad now, (actually it is) but it will be soon (even worse) this year you got hellblade and starfirld and a load of other games that could be bought in bargain bins for about $5-30 and for that you pay them monthly

To add I honestly don’t know how you put up with the barrage of Xbox negativity (which is deserved). I put it down to:

A) you are being paid
B) you may have a problem thinking clearly
C) prefer rooting for the underdog, that’s a legit thing too. English people do it by default

Profchaos5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Yeah Aussies also love an underdog as long as that underdog isn't Xbox as they were too of the game with the 360 then lost their minds

Chevalier5d ago

3 straight years of missing Gamepass targets. Some people are just blinded by their own idiocy. Will be interesting to see if COD does anything this fall

CosmicTurtle5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

He is a troll. Designed to stoke people up on here. We know this.

It’s quite funny.

Popsicle5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Yet people still allow the troll to derail an entire topic. I don’t understand how moderation allows it.

I literally just skip the comment. This may be the best comment obscure ever made. I don’t know because I didn’t read it. I have read to many thread derailing post from this person to ever devote any time to reading another.

I wish everyone would ignore the trolls so we can have a genuine discussion. Stop feeding it and it will go away. Even just hitting the disagree button feeds it. Thats what it wants. This is the last post I will ever post about obscure because I am feeding them now.

Legit question to Mods. After such a long history of being a troll, how has this poster not been banned?

Profchaos5d ago

Is he though or does he just blindly love Xbox in the same way Sega fans loved the Dreamcast even though it was clearly dead they thought it could be redeemed

Ok yeah he's saracstic and does troll but I enjoy seeing what he comes out with it would be boring here if we never had conflicting opinions

Sonic18815d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Are you insane? You want them to double the amount when the Xbox is already struggling and losing money 🤔

Hofstaderman5d ago

Correction....XBOX is already dead.

Obscure_Observer5d ago

"Are you insane? You want them to double the amount when the Xbox is already struggling and losing money"

As long we get the games I couldn´t care less about a trillion dollar company losing money. That´s their business to worry about. I only care about the games.

And "struggling and losing money"? Really?

"Microsoft reports Xbox’s revenue is up 61% in Q4 FY24 thanks to Activision"


61% more revenue and BO6 is not even out yet.

MS will make a sh!t ton of money with that game alone in all platforms. So 2 Billion yearly invested in their *core* business is nothing!

So yeah, I want them to double the investments on Gamepass. Period.

Sonic18815d ago (Edited 5d ago )

"So yeah, I want them to double the investments on Gamepass. Period."

That ain't going to happen. Just because you want it 😂

fr0sty5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

They'll do that, after creating 4 more higher-priced tiers and making the one that currently includes everything only contain games that have been on the market for 4 years.

"Gamepass Ultra to the MAX: Now only $299 per year!"

MrNinosan4d ago

Already $240/year, so we're there within a year, without new tiers.

jznrpg3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

It will be 29.99$ a month eventually 360 a year

Profchaos5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

They are trying to get a return on abk and Bethesda they won't double day one we're lucky we are still getting them now that day one has been removed from base tiers

They want to make money not give it away

OlderGamer175d ago

Sorry O_O, I tought you where loosing it, but i now come to the conclusion that you realy lost it.
The coping from you is not on a stellarr level....

Flakegriffin5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Homie got 77 dislike and his brain rot will still help him think that he’s right.

5d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3d ago
MrDead6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I like how they twist cannibalising game sales into "invests".

No lifetime sales with MS, they'll F-up gaming the same as streaming services have done to the movie industry and it's workforce.

Fishy Fingers5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Out of interest do you think those 3rd parties signing the deal are unhappy with the severence and have a gun to their head?

Bro probably has a PS+ sub and has library full of Epic launcher free games.

TheNamelessOne5d ago


Pretty much. There's a lot of hate on this site for Gamepass, but put games on the different tiers of the PS subscription, and whenever they get that free day one release, it's an entirely different tune. No talk about how this choice is killing devs.

DarXyde5d ago

Do we think they're unhappy?


They literally need to be paid up front to put games on the service. It's become a way to gain a foothold on the platform.

Do you think Atlus would launch on Game Pass otherwise?

MrDead5d ago

"Out of interest do you think those 3rd parties signing the deal are unhappy with the severence and have a gun to their head?"

I think you mean severance... and I've noticed you don't know what it means either, MS aren't firing the third-parties they're purchasing from.

"Bro probably has a PS+ sub and has library full of Epic launcher free games."

I'm not a console gamer, but yes I do have Epic with a library full of free games... but guess what Epic rotating free games every week doesn't do. It doesn't destroy lifetime sales and cut workers out of residuals. Then you bring up PS+ a service that also doesn't destroy lifetime sales as their model allows for new releases to earn.

DivineHand1255d ago

There are pros and cons to everything. Streaming services like Netflix is no different than cable tv except it is on demand. Services like Netflix has made it so that more studios can get a share in the profit where they can reach more consumers worldwide compared to the old days where the masses will only watch a few new titles per month.

The only negative about streaming services is that it no longer makes any sense to sell DVDs and Blu-rays though it can be argued that those persons may have moved on to building digital libraries for the sake of convenience.

The reason Xbox is doing so poorly is because they are not doing enough to be competitive. Their output of AA and AAA exclusive titles are extremely low compared to the competition and they haven't had a game of the year nominee in years.

Releasing their games the same date on PC is also hurting their console and it would have been more strategic for them to delay those releases by a year similar to what Sony does to maximize profits.

Gamepass alone is not to blame for Xbox's current position because it can be argued that if the service didn't exist and they had the same gaming output as they have now, they would be in an even worst spot.

MrDead5d ago

"Streaming services like Netflix is no different than cable tv except it is on demand."

It's nothing like cable. My comment isn't a guess lifetime sale of films has shrunk to a point it's almost gone and so has the revenue it generated, that is money from competing TV networks, cable/satellite and physical media sales.

Lack of revenue transparency with streaming has meant workers job security and pay has massively diminished, earnings from residuals is almost gone for example the writer for Squid Games because of streaming gets no royalties despite series earning $900 million for Netflix, before streaming he would have royalties form lifetime sales.
Or another example Willow the series was pulled and is no longer watchable here's why: “Willow” was one of nearly 50 titles that Disney+ pulled from its streaming library in May. Other titles included the series “The Mysterious Benedict Society” and the feature film “The One and Only Ivan.” Disney CFO Christine McCarthy explained that Disney was expecting to take a write-down in the June quarter of $1.5 billion-$1.8 billion by removing content from its streaming platforms. By writing down the value of the content assets, Disney can remove that from its balance sheet and reduce its tax bill." Also when you pull a show you no longer need to pay residuals to the workers.

Have you also noticed the drop in quality on sfx or thought some older films look so much better then they do now? This is because the industry now relies on cheap labour for sfx outsourcing abroad, more green screen instead of location shooting and a lot less real extras bring life to a scene.

Streaming in gaming is going to be far worse as we've seen with MS consolidating a massive part of the industry to try and make the service sustainable, lifetime sales being cannibalised by gamespass and a work force that has no unions like SAG is already paying the price.

All streaming does is remove income transparency, cuts the workers from the money and sets flat rates and removes consumer ownership... but CEO's and shareholders will still be ok as they benefit from the industry consolidation.

Huey_My_D_Long5d ago

MrDead is absolutely on fire with the post.

Nothing else I have to add other than that.

DivineHand1255d ago

@MrDead like I said pros and cons. Some of those issues can alleviated with alleviated with regulatory intervention to give more transparency to the industry but unlikely anytime soon with all the lobbying going on.

The issue with the squid game's writer can be attributed to the terms and conditions he agreed to. It happens often in business as no one really knows how popular something will be until you catch that lightning in a bottle. I remember reading about how Nintendo hardly made anything off Pokemon Go dispite Niantic making Billions.

I don't blame streaming services for studios finding was to reduce the cost of making films. That stuff would have happened regardless because of the greed of these corporations. We see that same cost reduction happening in every industry from food to Aerospace.

shadowT5d ago ShowReplies(2)
CrimsonGuardVII5d ago

@badz148 its not, it just straight lied.

gold_drake5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

we know this, we have known this since last year.

this is not new or news.

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Report: Microsoft Cutting 650 More Jobs From Gaming Division Per Phil Spencer's Letter to Employees

Phil Spencer has sent a letter out to employees informing them that 650 jobs would be cut from Microsoft's gaming division.

VenomUK14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

‘Good guy Phil’?

The truth likely is that the decision was not his to make and is possibly a direct consequence of cutting costs following the ABK deal.

XiNatsuDragnel14d ago

Lol good guy Phil lmfao crazy

DodoDojo14d ago

Would be nice if he'd mail one of those letters to himself.

RhinoGamer8814d ago

Cut costs -> no bonus, stock options, raises for Phil and his leadership team.

Lightning7714d ago

"Good guy Phil" is comical. You have to bleed green to see that. I'm only a matter of time until MS, that's right MS even in ages themselves from the industry.

Sad, people and even sadder and pathetic company.

fr0sty14d ago

If they keep this up, they won't even be able to go third party anymore after they stop making Xbox hardware.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 14d ago
14d ago Replies(5)
Petebloodyonion14d ago

The original story is from IGN as they are the ones who got the memo.

Still sucks!

badboyz0914d ago

The day we hear that Xbox is no more is vastly approaching.

14d ago Replies(2)
Obscure_Observer14d ago

"The day we hear that Xbox is no more is vastly approaching."

Not sure Sony is doing any better with all that money lost on GaaS and all that worldwide backlash regarding the Pro.

1Victor14d ago

@obscured: “ Not sure Sony is doing any better with all that money lost on GaaS and all that worldwide backlash regarding the Pro.”
Welcome back we missed you said no one 🤣

I don’t remember Sony cutting over 1900 employees then Less than 7 months later get a leak for another 600 to be on the chopping board but hey let’s equate that to a few people not been happy about a mid gen system refresh price 🤦🏿.

14d ago
1Victor14d ago

@obscured: “
They also casually forget that Sony have been laying off thousands of people too”
Yeeesh I got a better help discount code for you

BehindTheRows14d ago

Uh, thr Pro "backlash" is hardly something that's going to tank their business. Unless you've been living under a rock, there's no question that Xbox is in the gutter.

Quit pivoting to Sony because you don't like the subject matter. Their game division isn't in the toilet.

DodoDojo13d ago

Well Sony isn't selling more copies of their games on a rival system yet so they must be doing alright.

13d ago
Mr_cheese13d ago


Saves some straws for the rest of us will you

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 13d ago
343_Guilty_Spark13d ago

Vastly approaching is a weird phrase… vastly is typically used to convey the degree of some size or length or time.

Vastly approaching makes no sense.

You mean rapidly approaching.

MrDead14d ago

A combined $80 billion spent on consolidating a massive part of the industry, thousands fired all to line the pockets of the already wealthy and turn the gaming industry into a rental service.


crazyCoconuts14d ago

MS is a publicly traded company. If you have a 401K you yourself might own MS stocks.
I'm definitely not a MS fan, but CEOs need to keep returns high to keep their jobs if nothing else. They don't get to transfer the salaries to their accounts.
I blame MS for failed strategies, poor execution, lack of vision, etc.
These layoffs are just the result of those things.

MrDead13d ago

That's the weakest excuse for a giant monopoly I've ever seen... also companies like MS are more likely to damage people's 401k through monopolistic practices.

Obscure_Observer14d ago

"FU MS."

I love how you act all enraged and bully when it´s MS firing people.

"It´s all about the workers" at least they´re Sony´s employees, right? If they´re Sony they can go f* themselves right? It´s all justified and the blame lies elsewhere on some widespread industry problem, right? Right?

We been seeing some of Sony recent bs moves and you know what´s coming, right?

I´m expecting you to disappear the same way you do every time Sony layoff hundreds of people or get a whole studio shut down.

You´ll do anything to avoid and hold them accountable. But that's OK. You´are not biased, right?

1Victor13d ago

@obscured: “ "It´s all about the workers" at least they´re Sony´s employees, right? If they´re Sony they can go f* themselves right? It´s all justified and the blame lies elsewhere on some widespread industry problem, right? Right?”

Well Sony didn’t overreached and spend over 80 BILLION$ to acquire mayor 3rd party game developers and one MAYOR publisher the owner of the BIGGEST FPS just hoping to keeping it exclusive to their system and now having to fire thousands of employees to valance their books one more quarter.
Now Microsoft is beginning and going to kiss Sony dark ring and publish their “first party games “ on PlayStation. Regardless of who it is it’s wrong to do an acquisition and then fire people.
I applaud Microsoft for at least giving them a severance package and assistance getting a new job 👍👍.

MrDead13d ago

Chill out kid... also why bring up Sony, have they just spent 80 billion to consolidate a massive part of the industry to the detriment of thousands of workers?

MS lines their pockets whilst firing thousands, such a shame you support this.

Chevalier13d ago

Gee someone here said Xbox would NEVER release 1st party games on Playstation or competing platforms again?! Never tired to see you eat crow again.

13d ago
OlderGamer1713d ago

But but Sony bad...thats the normal damagecontroll from O_O. Dude its time to sing another song, this one is sounding like a broken record......

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 13d ago
LG_Fox_Brazil14d ago

Not sure about the rest of the world, but here in Brazil we have a say that goes like this:

'May the last one to leave please turn off the lights'

What the heck is MS even doing right now?

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