
Xbox One DRM Leaker Adam Orth On Flappy Bird: "Nothing Is Worth Having The Internet Turn On You"

Xbox One DRM Leaker Adam Orth On Flappy Bird: "Nothing Is Worth Having The Internet Turn On You".

ZodTheRipper3877d ago ShowReplies(5)
3877d ago Replies(1)
KonsoruMasuta3877d ago (Edited 3877d ago )

Who cares what Adam Orth says?

SpiralTear3877d ago

Speaking from experience there, Adam?

annus3877d ago

He more than likely is, yes. I don't think people understand the amount of effort people actually put into harassing people. It is far more than just the occasional kid sending a 'fuck you' email to them.

It's really not that hard to find personal information about people if you know where to look. I've read all sorts of things that have happened to people being harassed for no reason. I've read about people's cars purposely being scratched, massive amounts of pizza being sent to their house and expected to pay, people threatening them, their families and their girlfriends, hell I even saw a guy on twitch have the police raid his house due to a fake bomb threat.

I don't think people realise just how much someone can screw up your life if they try.

SpiralTear3877d ago

A wise man once said: "The internet never forgets."

Voozi3877d ago

For a second I thought he said "Nothing Is Worth Having The Internet Turn On Your Xbox One"

CrossingEden3877d ago

Yes, let's make fanboy jokes while a person is defending someone who is dealing with a huge influx of cyberbullies. FFS

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The new Flappy Bird game has a hidden secret; crypto

The new Flappy Bird game might have a very direct relationship to something unexpected. Cryptocurrency.

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rlow16d ago

Hopefully this isn’t the next wave of games coming. The vultures and activists who hover around games are the ones that are ruining it. What am I saying? It’s already been ruined by all these remakes, gas, micro transactions and the like.

Golden era of gaming……..pre current generation


Meet the victims of digital distribution – games you can't buy anymore

When a game released exclusively digitally disappears from distribution, it becomes impossible to play it legally. Actually, quite a few gems have disappeared in this manner, with the legendary P.T. being just the beginning of the story.

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Nyxus1563d ago

I'll support physical for as long as possible.

melons1562d ago

Nice message and physical should always be supported, but I am not supporting this article being set across like nine pages.

CDbiggen1562d ago

GTI Club! Finally someone mentions it. Loved that game

AK911562d ago (Edited 1562d ago )

Ugh multipage article.


New Overwatch Mod Allows Fans to Play Flappy Bird as Pharah

Using Overwatch Workshop, Thriver9 has created an Overwatch rendition of the popular Flappy Bird game.

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