
Save me: The symbolism of Silent Hill’s save points

Jody Macgregor via GamesBeat: Silent Hill: Downpour — the eighth game in the horror series that defines “brown trouser time” — had no save points. Instead, it autosaved for you. I’m normally not a fan of save points in horror games, where artificial, mood-breaking reminders that you’re playing a game are especially out of place. But when they were gone in Silent Hill, I missed them. The save points in this series aren’t just places to breathe easy and decide whether you’re too scared to go to sleep yet. Each of them says something about the themes of that particular game or gives insight into its protagonist.

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Sadie21003823d ago

This was so well-written. The writer knows what he's talking about with Silent Hill.

wita3823d ago

I kinda miss save points. Kinda.

Tolkoto3823d ago

I've always liked the JRPG approach; having save points in dungeons but letting you save anywhere in the overworld.

SteamPowered3823d ago

I miss the old Resident Evil games where you couldnt save unless you had ink for your typewriter. That alone kept me in constant fear. "should I save, I only got 1 spool left, Oh my god, what should I do?!!" And thats IF you found a typewriter.

NarooN3823d ago

Trying to trek half-way across Raccoon City with hardly any health items left, a handful of handgun rounds and one ink ribbon left, constantly worrying whether or not Nemesis would do a backflip out of nowhere and start firing rockets at you...

Never forget.

PersonMan3822d ago

There are so many memorable parts to SH3. Also, it's surprising how well that game has aged. It still looks and plays great TODAY, and that's pretty amazing.

I still get really creeped out by it. The artwork is also fantastic.

It's too bad they butchered the HD remake... ugh. I'd rather play it on PS2 any day.


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TGG_overlord4d ago

I agree, I like SH3 the most though.

Cacabunga2d ago

Auto Modellista will always be one of my favorite racers of all time..

gold_drake4d ago

id throw haunting ground into the mix. it still looks fantastic.

but i still dont quite understand why we never got a dragon quest 8 remaster for ps4. even the damn 3ds got one.

OtterX2d ago

I'd add Rogue Galaxy, Shadow of the Colossus.

Scissorman2d ago

Silent Hill 3 was straight up sorcery. It has better hair animation than most modern games, which is wild to me.

Venoxn4g1d 7h ago

I would throw in MGS3 as well


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Silent Hill 2 Different Editions, Pre-Order Bonuses Confirm PlayStation-Exclusive Item

The Silent Hill 2 different editions, pre-order bonuses have been revealed, and yes, there is exclusive PlayStation content.

repsahj54d ago

Can't wait for this game!! But I'll just get the standard edition with pre order bonus.