
Flappy Bird - Top 10 Tips, Tricks and Cheats

WP - "Go look in the App Store at how many reviews Flappy Bird has. As of the time of this writing it's approaching 400,000, proof that Flappy Bird is what would happen if drugs were converted into app form. Yes, it's that addicting, because it's insanely frustrating, and it's insanely difficult to get past a score of 5 or even 10, usually. It doesn't have to be, though."

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Alex_Boro3828d ago ShowReplies(2)
Starbucks_Fan3827d ago

WTF?! Why is this article so hot? Didn't this happen the other day?

Shadonic3827d ago

popularity man. All i know is if thi game is whats viewed as one of the best of the ios/mobile gaming gen then I should have no issues becoming a success once I release my game. Even one guy from IGN said crap like the creator deserves money. IGN lost all of their respect as game reviewers from me after that.

Buff10443827d ago

Why doesn't the developer deserve money?

Shadonic3827d ago

@ buff srry about that was getting a bit too heated, The creator deserves some money I guess he got the popularity and his game has become a success and its entertaining people and thats all that matters.

I guess i just got heated from the surprise that something so simple could become such a huge hit even though I've always strived for creating a much more in depth game IDK I'm just extremely surprised that this became the big thing besides the countless other games that would be viewed as having more substance sorry about the outburst.

arranr3826d ago

I think this news story has gone onto google and many people have visited it. Flappy bird is the most popular game so far in 2014! Everyone is addicted to it. I have made a blog about it here - http://www.flappybirdguide....

TopDudeMan3827d ago

To be fair, I looked at the title, wondering the same thing. I came to look, so I reckon most people probably did the same as me. Most people are here to explain why this article shouldn't be hot, but can't see the irony that they're keeping it there.

Moncole3827d ago Show
GentlemenRUs3827d ago ShowReplies(1)
JarqueMcLark3827d ago

I really don't get the appeal of this though to be honest, I much prefer something like Choco Blocks - http://choco-blocks.com/app

Exodecai3827d ago

9) How to stop the game from crashing

There's a problem when THAT is one of the tips...

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Meet the victims of digital distribution – games you can't buy anymore

When a game released exclusively digitally disappears from distribution, it becomes impossible to play it legally. Actually, quite a few gems have disappeared in this manner, with the legendary P.T. being just the beginning of the story.

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Nyxus1505d ago

I'll support physical for as long as possible.

melons1505d ago

Nice message and physical should always be supported, but I am not supporting this article being set across like nine pages.

CDbiggen1505d ago

GTI Club! Finally someone mentions it. Loved that game

AK911504d ago (Edited 1504d ago )

Ugh multipage article.


New Overwatch Mod Allows Fans to Play Flappy Bird as Pharah

Using Overwatch Workshop, Thriver9 has created an Overwatch rendition of the popular Flappy Bird game.

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iPhone Users Can't Play FlappyBird atfer iOS 11 Update

FlappyBird, one of the most infamous games in recent history is still a game that’s being played nowadays. The newest software update to iPhone’s Operative System will be incompatible with Flappybird.

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pressjudge2499d ago

I heard FlappyBird will be only available for the iOS user on the iPhoneX

Fullmetalevolust2499d ago

well, that's just criminal, hehe.

Zjet2499d ago

Its a 32bit app. iOS 11 is only compatible with 64bit apps.

App developers have been informed for the last 2 years that they need to update their apps to avoid this problem.

Customeers have been made aware with every new firmware update but no one reads patch notes.