
Divinity: Original Sin Looks to Topple the Competition | Hardcore Gamer

Hardcore Gamer: I had never really followed the Divinity series or was even aware of Larian Studios, and yet when I heard about their Kickstarter campaign, I couldn’t help but be intrigued. There were promises of an epic RPG with cooperative multiplayer, significant choices and consequences, and an emphasis on exploration and experimentation through a comprehensive crafting system and unique character development. It was everything I could hope for in an RPG and more, and these lofty promises made on Kickstarter have started to manifest themselves into an actual playable experience. The alpha for Divinity: Original Sin was released recently, and we here at Hardcore Gamer were lucky enough to get our hands on it. It is obviously not complete yet and is still a bit rough around the edges, but there is a lot to be excited about even now.

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ChaosKnight3778d ago (Edited 3778d ago )

On what planet is a kickstarter game better than Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns?

Snookies123778d ago

From what I played of Lightning Returns, it isn't anything special... This coming from someone who got the platinum on XIII-2.

Summons753778d ago

not what reviews and fan reactions say...

Seafort3778d ago

Planet Earth. What planet are you on? :)

I'd rather play any of the kickstarter games than the lacklustre Final Fantasy games.

Final Fantasy died when Squaresoft merged with Enix.

vishmarx3778d ago

how many kickstarter games have played so far?

JsonHenry3778d ago

Early Access on Steam. This game is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, one of the best RPGs since Baldurs Gate 2!!!!!

ScubbaSteve3778d ago (Edited 3778d ago )

But will it be able to beat the competition of all those other upcoming isometric rpgs like....... and....... don't forget......

JsonHenry3778d ago

It doesn't have to "beat" anything. It just has to be good. And it is.

AnEwGuY3778d ago (Edited 3778d ago )

This really sucks...I loved Ego Draconis, and it looks like they've completely abandoned the openworld 3rd person format now.

anticlimax3777d ago

This certainly isn't anything like Ego Draconis. I'm guessing they're going to try that again as well though. If there is anything that dragon commander proves, it is that they're not scared to go different directions within the Divinity world.

AnEwGuY3777d ago

Oh,I know...I'm just venting. Hell, they're actually going back to their roots, so I can't really be made at them...but I hate this type of game. My wife and I played through DII:EC twice, because it was so different, and there just aren't that many (good) open world fantasy RPGs out there (that aren't MMOs).

anticlimax3777d ago

You'll have to wait for the Witcher en Kingdom comes for your third person itch. Still, not bad games to wait for...


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psychosmurf1011465d ago

The Witcher 3 is the pinncle example of how to do engaging side quests.

medman1464d ago

I love ME2's Lair of the Shadow Broker.