
5 Features Essential to Halo 2 Anniversary’s Success

Kevin26385 of GoodGameBro writes, "Ever since Halo: Combat Anniversary released on November 15, 2011, fans of the franchise have clamored for a Halo 2 Anniversary. If a rumor on NeoGAF is believed to be true, Xbox One users will be playing Halo 2 Anniversary on November 11, 2014.

Assuming the rumor is true, here are five features after the jump that I think Halo 2 Anniversary needs to be a successful representation of the original game released in 2004."

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aviator1893793d ago

preserve the mp, preserve the mp, preserve the mp.

Honestly, that's the one major thing they need to worry about before moving onto other aspects of the game (if this game indeed exists).

Kevin263853793d ago

Exactly. I just hope they can do a good job of resembling the Halo 2 engine on Xbox One.

That can't be an easy task. Especially since they didn't originally develop Halo 2.

LAWSON723793d ago

They do that and Halo 5s multiplayer will be a ghost town lol

Bodge3793d ago

Does anyone think the Halo Trilogy registries in SteamDB are fake? If they aren't, that would make me very happy......

LAWSON723793d ago

The rumors are getting a little old but I will always have hope.

Software_Lover3793d ago

I liked Halo C.E. anniversary. Switching back and forth really showed the work they put in. Hope this games is just as good if not better.

mhunterjr3793d ago

Man if they preserve halo 2 multiplayer, the reception in would get would guarantee halo 5 returns to glory.

I'm not sure how they went astray between halo 3 and reach, but I'd welcome the hall 2 formula with open arms.


Halo 2: Anniversary PC review - legendary mode | Metro

An excellent port of the Xbox game but the original is now so old it’s becoming difficult to enjoy even for veteran fans.


Halo 2 Original vs Anniversary Remaster 4K Comparison Screenshots

DSOGaming writes: "Halo 2 Anniversary Remaster is now available on the PC and below you can find some 4K comparison screenshots between the vanilla and the remaster versions."

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masterfox1497d ago (Edited 1497d ago )

Would it be awesome to see a facelift like Capcom did with Resident Evil 2 or Sony and its devs did with the Shadow of Colossus, all this time passed and MS did to Halo 2 this upgrade? , seriously a little more respect or little more love MS to your own franchise would it be nice, I mean this franchise was the franchise who literally put the xbox as a recognizable gaming brand.

Fishy Fingers1497d ago

Be nice sure, but 5 games for less than the cost of RE2 or SoC, not really comparable.

Just a nice lead up to Halo Infinite for PC players.

Sciurus_vulgaris1497d ago

Halo 2 anniversary is almost 6 years old and unlike Resident Evil 2(2019), it’s not a remake.

Spurg1497d ago

It already had a facelift and updated soundtrack . Which keeps true to the game without altering it.
Halo's artstyle can't change dramatically because Halo fans won't like it...change the sound and look of a sniper. The whole community goes crazy.


Here are some 4K screenshots from the PC version of Halo 2 Anniversary Remaster

DSOGaming writes: "Microsoft and 343 Industries have invited us to the latest beta phase of the Halo 2 Anniversary Remaster. As such, we've decided to capture some 4K screenshots and share them with you. Thus, these screenshots will give you an idea of what you can expect from this game."

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lellkay1519d ago

I do love me some Halo 2.

1519d ago Replies(1)