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Xbox One: Is a Price Cut Really Happening?

Xbox One sales aren’t struggling, but one retailer decided to cut the system’s price. Could this cut signal the beginning of more price cuts globally?

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Excalibur3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

My understanding is that retailer is going out of business, dunno if it is true or not as I live in the U.S.

Mikelarry3897d ago

they have been " going out of business" for a while now, but down here in the UK only zavvi is offering that deal

donnieboy3897d ago

Id be seriously pissed, I spent $500 straight for this thing...

Mikelarry3897d ago

lol you do know that price cut happen with every product or service, you chose to buy it at that price a gamble you took just enjoy your console.

donnieboy3897d ago

Not a couples months after release tho...

Gekko363896d ago

@donnieboy -

Use the word "Piss't" as in "Piss't Off" or "Pretty Piss't" (as Americans say) because "Pissed" means Drunk! lol

On Topic: I agree with you completely, this reminds me of when the original Xbox came out and I bought it the same day, then a few months later Sony dropped the price of the PS2 by £100 and so Microsoft had to drop the price of the Xbox by the same.

Though I fount out through OXM that If I posted proof that I bought my Xbox before the price drop, then I'd get £150 worth of games and an extra controller, which I did.

If something similar happened with X1, which I seriously doubt mind, then I would expect Microsoft would do the same.

Thought I'm sure the f@ck W!ts on here would spin this into a negative though

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vgcgames3896d ago

Judging by their new marketing plan I'd say one is coming down the pipes.

Jdoki3896d ago

Could be a number of reasons.

Maybe they just want to try and capture sales as we come up to the 1st payday of the new year.

Maybe it's because we are coming up to the end of the financial year. If Zavvi overstocked on the XB1 expecting higher demand, they may be looking to offload some of them to help improve the balance sheet. If I recall Zavvi were in a bit of trouble a few years back when they took over Virgin megastores and had to sell them off. I think Zavvi were then bought by The Hut group, so maybe they need to improve liquidity.

I'm pretty sure this isn't a sign MS are dropping the price any time soon.

deepio3896d ago

Why would they need a price cut? It's selling better than the 360 did and how long did it take for that price of that to drop! Zavvi is dying, it needs sales, that is all this is.

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Top 3 Things Xbox Needs to Regain Lost Ground

The biggest complaint most gamers have had with Xbox, also including times before the Xbox One, was its lack of exclusives in comparison to Nintendo and Sony. This is something that has become more and more of a problem over the continued lifespan of the Xbox One.

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Razzer2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

2017 is the year of new IP on Xbox One? Sea of thieves and what else?

Xbox One is cheaper than PS4? Depends on the region, I guess. Still same $299 base price in the US for both.

Either way, the lost ground is just lost. MS would have to do some extreme stuff to top PS4. None of the stuff mentioned in the piece is enough.

Neonridr2688d ago

pretty sure the article talks about regaining lost ground (ie closing the gap), not surpassing the PS4.

Razzer2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

Equally daunting task that would require Xbox domination for months and months. As I said, it would require extreme measures and nothing mentioned in the article would suffice.

Neonridr2688d ago

pretty sure more exclusives would definitely help. I mean it wouldn't hurt.

Razzer2687d ago

Yeah...definitely would help.

Kingthrash3602687d ago

No way will it ever catch ps4. It's far too late. Gotta wait until next gen, and if they don't start pumping out new ips the next gen is a loss as well

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SegaGamer2687d ago

What is the point of articles like this ? i see them everyday on here. Microsoft can't realistically do anything now to gain ground on Sony, it's just not going to happen no matter how much they try. The Playstation brand is just too big, it's been this way since the PS1.


Do Gamers Really Care About Achievements

The majority of gamers adjust their playstyle with unlocking achievements in mind, however there were some gamers who purely played for the fun of the game and were not too worried about adding to their gamerscore. To some though it is a matter of course, playing a new game involves firstly checking what achievements are available to unlock and then setting the difficulty to the hardest setting

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Community3489d ago
ElementX3489d ago (Edited 3489d ago )

Yet another article? These were old years ago. I like achievements and now that Steam has achievements I find myself avoiding games without them. They are so common that I think games without them have corners being cut. Do I unlock every one? No, not even close. I've also never gotten a platinum on PS3 or PS4. Achievements/trophies are just satisfying to unlock. I don't go hunting for every one. Things I won't do for achievements: find every item, clear out every area, go off every ramp/jump, MP achievements, or anything involving completing every challenge. I am not going to play a game past it's finish just to get achievements however getting them while going through a campaign is a nice bonus.

LonDonE3489d ago

Agreed and dude seriously play through the walking dead season 1 by telltale games and u r garunteed a host of trophies and ur first ever platinum!

Seriously all u gotta do is finish it, no special conditions etc its gotta be the easiest platinum.
That way u will have atleast one lol, i know like me u dont care, but may aswell grab it!

StrayaKNT3489d ago

lol ofcorse people care about achievements who even writes this stuff.

Stiffler3489d ago

Many do care (myself included) but there are always the casual gamers and the regular gamers that only care about playing with their mates online. I think more people do care about them than not but I base that on no facts at all, just assumptions :P

TheNinjaTurkle3489d ago

Not everyone cares. As you will read.
Good to see peoples views on this.

rainslacker3489d ago (Edited 3489d ago )

I take issue with the description where it says "most gamers". I think that's a bit of hyperbole and exagerration. It's impossible to quantify, but I'd wager that the vast majority of gamer's don't care one iota about getting trophies or achievements, and it's usually just for those that want to be able to compete against others in some way...or use it as some sort of status card.

I personally don't really care about them...but my OCD makes me try to get 100% completion for games I enjoy...or am very close to getting 100% on. For initial play through though, I usually just play normally. In the past, once the game was done, I'd move on without doing all that extra stuff. now i'll go through and try and clean to speak. I remember getting a plat for Murdered:Soul Suspects on my first play through without even trying....did it in about 7 hours in one sitting as I recall.:)

i think the only thing that it changed in my playing habits is I now do try to do all that extra stuff in my initial play through, but that's because it just is something that the devs put an effort into to put into their game, so I've come to appreciate them by going through clean up while getting plats.

I will admit I did play The Walking Dead on three different PS platforms for three easy plats...but probably would have played it twice anyways to see how the different decisions played out(mostly inconsequential as it turns out). Otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered, and since I didn't have to pay for 1 of the versions, it worked out good.

jambola3489d ago

You clearly do care about trophies, i think anyone can see that

Metallox3489d ago

"I take issue with the description where it says "most gamers". I think that's a bit of hyperbole and exagerration."

No, that's a mistake. As you say, it's hard to quantify, it's not impossible though. So much opinion for zero references to sustain the whole article.

OT though... I don't care about achievements, Nintendo consoles don't have them, never bothered to get them on 360 and neither now that they are available on Steam.

rainslacker3488d ago (Edited 3488d ago )


I like going for them in games I enjoy, but if I don't, then no biggie. Maybe saying I don't care was the wrong terminology. More like they don't consume my game playing habits.


It's not impossible no. One could go and do surveys or poll user's trophies or whatever. I based my assumption on the fact that in most games I've seen the trophy percentages for trophies that lie outside the main game(all that side stuff that people do to get achievements) all tend to be in the teens percentages unless it's something that just comes naturally with the main game.

I do agree though, I have just as much fun with some Nintendo games on the Wii U or 3DS without thinking about them. also play plenty of retro games without giving them a thought.

EvilWay3489d ago

I love achievements. It adds replay ability to some games because I can go back get the achievements I try to get as many as I can in a game as long as they aren't insanely difficult than I won't even bother

Joda3489d ago

Xbl, and psn yes, steam,origin, or uplay

Fro_xoxo3489d ago

I don't care about it. It feels like a chore..

"go here, do this" .. nawh Why don't you leave it to my imagination? I turned off achievement notification. Best decision I ever made.

Have to keep games in check for what it is, fun.

jambola3489d ago

"go here, do this"
isn't that what games do in general?

Fro_xoxo3489d ago

I could have used a better example ehehe.~

"kill three mutants whilst hanging off tree"..

"complete the intro"


Joda3489d ago

Xbl is better if u don't like hunting because it's numeric, beat the game and that's it whatever points u get is what u get, but on psn on the other hand it's not numeric, if u want that coveted platinum you have to get every single damn bronze, silver, and gold trophy, imagine being at 99% completion of a game and having one stupid impossible bronze trophy standing in your way,

compare trophies with other players and you'll see a lot of them in that situation. Funny, probably why so many of them sony fanboys are so bitter, forced to play a game you're sick go to get a little blue cyber trophy. A flawed system, although infamous 1, mafia 2, and crysis1,2,3 were fun as hell platinuming.

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TaryntheHype Podcast Episode 5: Transition

Hey Everybody, Welcome back for some more fun. This time around we have so much to discuss we don't have time for it all. Taryn is again joined by Tran and Matt to review a Games, Movies, and even a quickfire quaestionaire about some devices at CES like the curved smartphones and tv's. It has been a crazy year and looking to 2014 we have our resolutions, and hype building for new games coming out, new consoles, and new tech. We also made some predictions for the year and things that may or may not happen. Enjoy, and don't forget to read all about the show, reviews, and articles on the website.

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