
Retail Radar: PS3 F.E.A.R and Oblivion pushed to 2007

[UPDATE] GameStop and EB Games are now listing Bethesda's RPG and Vivendi's FPS as not coming until early next year; latter delay now official.

As it held its Gamers' Day event in San Francisco, Sony announced the launch lineup for the PlayStation 3. The list had 21 games, including the PS3 edition of Bethesda Softworks' critically lauded role-playing game Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Vivendi's acclaimed first-person shooter F.E.A.R. Sony said all the games on the list would be "available through the holidays," which traditionally means the end of the year.
However, now it appears that said timeframe may extend to some 2007 holidays. The product pages at both EBgames.com and Gamestop.com now list Oblivion as shipping January 1, New Year's Day, and F.E.A.R. shipping on February 6, when Jamaicans celebrate Bob Marley Day.

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THAMMER16469d ago

I can not belive it. This blows even more. Once again it is good to be a 360 owner.

Razzy6468d ago

Hooray for all the 360 Fanboys!! If the 360 is so great why aren't you playing it?? Oh wait...you're all waiting for it to come back from the shop for the 3rd time. Now GTFO!!

Marty83706469d ago

It's still in the PS3's launch window.

Daytona6469d ago (Edited 6469d ago )

when you wish upon a star, makes no difference where you are....................blah blah blah blah.......NOT in the launch window. Why is it ps3fan always has some stupid comment. Listen, just go and play your ps3, oh wait sorry, you don't and probably wont have one this year.

Well listen, if you hold your breath and count to a billion I hear santa will bring you one........................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ..........................Decem ber 2010, lol.

Don't worry, you'll get a bottleneck 3 by july of next year.

Deceased6469d ago

The ps3 is really hard to program for, since they can;t get a decent framerate from 2 old pc games. More bad new, first sonic is delayed, no nba live 07, now this. LOL
It is great to be a 360 owner.

2tired2day2hate6469d ago

"things will get better for the PS3"

yeah i'd say they have to. when you screw your loyal customers over and over i'd say eventually you would get the idea to try to do something right

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A great F.E.A.R.

F.E.A.R. leapt out from behind the TV to scare gamers witless and ruin their underpants in 2005. Amalgamating elements of Hong Kong action films like Hard Boiled with the Japanese terror of The Ring, Monolith hit the nail(gun) on the head. Apart from a large number of grey corridors, it was a tremendous game and one that has had many playthroughs.

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25 Things About Me: Point Man of F.E.A.R.

Between battling Replica soldiers and keeping in touch with his family, Point Man took some time to off of F.E.A.R. operations to talk about his life behind the scenes. Although Point Man could not provide any real personal information and didn’t seem to have much of a personality, he did give us some tidbits about his likes, dislikes and opinions about his missions. We had to get the best typist in the industry to keep up as the interview went really, really fast.

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Dead_Cell5116d ago

This has to be the worst article in written existence ever written.


Lamest Video game achievements

The Merriam-Webster'a dictionary website defines an achievement as a "successful result brought about by hard work." However, the following achievements could not be classified as either being considered successful or the result of hard work, mostly since these achievements are boring.

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Murgatroyd75207d ago

Personally, I think most achievements are lame. But for me, nothing is worse than ones that require you to either watch the opening sequence, do the tutorial, or watch the ending credits. I also hate story-based achievements. It's so silly to give an achievement for doing things that have to done in order to advance the storyline. I think the Half-Life 2 achievement is clever. Besides, it's not the points that matter; it's the fact that you did it in the first place. I don't think points should be rewarded for achievements, but maybe that's just me.

zornik5207d ago

Don't forget Quake 2......the full version was a bonus game with Quake 4.You get achievements after every chapter (around 8) with........0 points.

iamgoatman5207d ago

I'd have to say the achievement for watching the credits in Assassins Creed. I just left it running whilst I got something to eat, got back and 50G. Definitely earned that one, that sandwich didn't make itself.

Also any online achievements in general, especially in games with terrible multiplayer.

SPACEBALL 15207d ago

cod waw gave away a 0 point achievement for reaching tenth prestige...

BISHOP-BRASIL5207d ago (Edited 5207d ago )

Where do I sign?

I don't have a 360, and don't know the achievement system deeply, but I'll just assume that what I'll say is reasonable for both.

It's totally bull in an age where I still have to get most games way after they release just because in it's launch there where like 5 other tittles that I wanted more, I barely can complete the trophy list. Take Burnout as and example. Can't get that 8 player meet in baseball stadium simply because it almost never show up and when it does, other player will let the time run out. How cool is that? A trophy you'll be expanding many hours waiting to have the chance to complete and you have no guarantee that you'll get it, even doing the right thing...

Also, since I mentioned Burnout, what's up with that trophy that request the Eye camera? It's pretty dumb to add a trophy, necessary for that platinum, that need a totally optional (and unnecessary) peripheral.

And what happens when everyone left the game? I still having problem trying to get an online match in Brutal Legend (a shame, the strategic batle in the game is GREAT).

Some single player trophies are also dumb as them depend on pure luck. Like that Demon's Souls max bladestone forged weapon... The weapon itself is a piece of crap, the pure bladestone will take you days (or minutes, that's how random it is) to drop and the skill involved, if any, is patience.

Also sucks for gamers that don't play online as they also buy games that have an online part purely for the single player segment. Arguable maybe because trophies are an online comparative feature, but I would argue that some people still like to make 100% of the game for the pure fun of it.

Those were all great games for me, but this online achievements/trophies shouldn't be there or, at least, don't count any point/don't count toward the platinum trophy. That's the reason why the only platinums I got for online games are from Uncharted 2 (which only require you to give the multiplayer a try) and Resident Evil 5 (trophies could be done off or online, probably one of the few good decisions in a Capcom game this gen). All of my other online trophies were got as I was playing with friends, not while trying to get anything done.

I'm no trophy whore, I like the system because it adds some replay value to a good single player not capable of saving a bad one) since you can trace some usually simple objectives that will move you to another one or two playthroughs. Really, except for online-only games (Crackdown, Socom, etc), devs should think a thousand times before attaching games to trophies or achievements that require you to go online, some online trophies are ok, most are just boring and require time much more than skill.

Redempteur5207d ago

do we NEED a article like this every 6 week ??

do we really need that ?

"the most easy/lame achievement/trophies "


clembo5207d ago

My Beatles Rockband only came with 3 instruments but I have played it with friends and all 4 of tapping and singing along. But who is this guy to tell us how many people should be playing a game to make it fun? Screw that guy.

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